Sec. 25.253 - High-speed characteristics.
(a) Speed increase and recovery characteristics. The following speed increase and recovery characteristics must be met: (1) Operating conditions and
characteristics likely to cause inadvertent speed increases (including
upsets in pitch and roll) must be simulated with the airplane trimmed at
any likely cruise speed up to V (2) Allowing for pilot reaction time
after effective inherent or artificial speed warning occurs, it must be
shown that the airplane can be recovered to a normal attitude and its
speed reduced to V (i) Exceptional piloting strength or skill; (ii) Exceeding V (iii) Buffeting that would impair the pilot's ability to read the instruments or control the airplane for recovery. (3) With the airplane trimmed at any
speed up to V (b) Maximum speed for stability
characteristics, V [Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 25-23, 35 FR 5671, Apr. 8, 1970; Amdt. 25-54, 45 FR
60172, Sept. 11, 1980; Amdt. 25-72, 55 FR 29775, July 20, 1990; Amdt.
25-84, 60 FR 30750, June 9, 1995] |