Sec. 25.779 - Motion and effect of cockpit
Cockpit controls must be designed so
that they operate in accordance with the following movement and actuation:
(a) Aerodynamic controls:
(1) Primary.
Controls Motion and effect
Aileron.................................. Right (clockwise) for right
wing down.
Elevator................................. Rearward for nose up.
Rudder................................... Right pedal forward for nose
(2) Secondary.
Controls Motion and effect
Flaps (or auxiliary lift devices)........ Forward for flaps up;
rearward for flaps down.
Trim tabs (or equivalent)................ Rotate to produce similar
rotation of the airplane
about an axis parallel to
the axis of the control.
(b) Powerplant and auxiliary controls:
(1) Powerplant.
Controls Motion and effect
Power or thrust.......................... Forward to increase forward
thrust and rearward to
increase rearward thrust.
Propellers............................... Forward to increase rpm.
Mixture.................................. Forward or upward for rich.
Carburetor air heat...................... Forward or upward for cold.
Supercharger............................. Forward or upward for low
blower. For
turbosuperchargers, forward,
upward, or clockwise, to
increase pressure.
(2) Auxiliary.
Controls Motion and effect
Landing gear............................. Down to extend.
[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as amended by Amdt.
25-72, 55 FR 29778, July 20, 1990]