Sec. 25.1517 - Rough air speed, VRA.
A rough air speed, VRA, for
use as the recommended turbulence penetration airspeed in §25.1585(a)(8),
must be established, which --
(1) Is not greater than the design
airspeed for maximum gust intensity, selected for VB; and
(2) Is not less than the minimum value
of VB specified in §25.335(d); and
(3) Is sufficiently less than VMO
to ensure that likely speed variation during rough air encounters will not
cause the overspeed warning to operate too frequently. In the absence of a
rational investigation substantiating the use of other values, VRA
must be less than VMO -- 35 knots (TAS).
[Doc. No. 27902, 61 FR 5222, Feb. 9, 1996]