Sec. 171.327 - Operational records.
The owner of the MLS facility or his
maintenance representative must submit the following operational records
at the indicated time to the appropriate FAA regional office where the
facility is located.
(a) Facility Equipment Performance &
Adjustment Data (FAA Form 198). The FAA Form 198 shall be filled out
by the owner or his maintenance representative with the equipment
adjustments and meter readings as of the time of facility commissioning.
One copy must be kept in the permanent records of the facility and two
copies must be sent to the appropriate FAA regional office. The owner or
his maintenance representative must revise the FAA Form 198 data after any
major repair, modernization, or retuning to reflect an accurate record of
facility operation and adjustment.
(b) Facility Maintenance Log (FAA
Form 6030-1). FAA Form 6030-1 is permanent record of all the
activities required to maintain the MLS facility. The entries must include
all malfunctions met in maintaining the facility including information on
the kind of work and adjustments made, equipment failures, causes (if
determined) and corrective action taken. In addition, the entries must
include completion of periodic maintenance required to maintain the
facility. The owner or his maintenance representative must keep the
original of each form at the facility and send a copy to the appropriate
FAA regional office at the end of each month in which it is prepared.
However, where an FAA approved remote monitoring system is installed which
precludes the need for periodic maintenance visits to the facility,
monthly reports from the remote monitoring system control point must be
forwarded to the appropriate FAA regional office, and a hard copy retained
at the control point.
(c) Technical Performance Record (FAA
Form 6830 (formerly FAA Form 418)). This form contains a record of
system parameters as specified in the manufacturer's equipment manual.
This data will be recorded on each scheduled visit to the facility. The
owner or his maintenance representative shall keep the original of each
record at the facility and send a copy of the form to the appropriate FAA
regional office.