Sec. 151.27 - Procedures: Application, plans,
specifications, and appraisals.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b)
of this section, each sponsor shall incorporate by reference in its
project application the final plans and specifications, describing the
items of airport development for which it requests United States aid. It
must submit the plans and specifications with the application unless they
were previously submitted or are submitted with that of another sponsor of
the project.
(b) In special cases, the Administrator
authorizes the postponement of the submission of final plans and
specifications until a later date to be specified in the grant agreement,
if the sponsor has submitted --
(1) An airport layout plan approved by
the Administrator; and
(2) Preliminary plans and specifications
in enough detail to identify all items of development included in the
project, and prepared so as to provide for accomplishing the project in
accordance with the master plan layout, the rules in subparts B and C and
applicable local laws and regulations.
(c) If the project involves acquiring a
property interest in land by donation, or at a cost that (as represented
by the sponsor) is not the actual cost or the amount of an award in
eminent domain proceedings, the Administrator, before passing on the
eligibility of the project makes or obtains an appraisal of the interest.
If the appraised value is less than the value placed on the interest by
the sponsor (§151.23),
the Administrator notifies the sponsor that he may within a stated time,
ask in writing for reconsideration of the appraisal and submit statements
of pertinent facts and opinion.
[Doc. No. 1329, 27 FR 12351, Dec. 13, 1962 as
amended by Amdt. 151-8, 30 FR 8039, June 23, 1965; Amdt. 151-17, 31 FR
16524, Dec. 28, 1966]