No person may conduct a parachute operation, and no pilot in command of
an aircraft may allow a parachute operation to be conducted from that
aircraft, over or onto any airport unless --
(a) For airports with an operating control tower:
(1) Prior approval has been obtained from the management of the airport
to conduct parachute operations over or on that airport.
(2) Approval has been obtained from the control tower to conduct
parachute operations over or onto that airport.
(3) Two-way radio communications are maintained between the pilot of
the aircraft involved in the parachute operation and the control tower of
the airport over or onto which the parachute operation is being conducted.
(b) For airports without an operating control tower, prior approval has
been obtained from the management of the airport to conduct parachute
operations over or on that airport.
(c) A parachutist may drift over that airport with a fully deployed and
properly functioning parachute if the parachutist is at least 2,000 feet
above that airport's traffic pattern, and avoids creating a hazard to air
traffic or to persons and property on the ground.