(a) The FAA acknowledges in writing the receipt of each notice
submitted under §77.13(a).
(b) If the construction or alteration proposed in a notice is one for
which lighting or marking standards are prescribed in the FAA Advisory
Circular AC 70/7460-1, entitled "Obstruction Marking and Lighting," the
acknowledgment contains a statement to that effect and information on how
the structure should be marked and lighted in accordance with the manual.
(c) The acknowledgment states that an aeronautical study of the
proposed construction or alteration has resulted in a determination that
the construction or alteration:
(1) Would not exceed any standard of subpart C and would not be a
hazard to air navigation;
(2) Would exceed a standard of subpart C but would not be a hazard to
air navigation; or
(3) Would exceed a standard of subpart C and further aeronautical study
is necessary to determine whether it would be a hazard to air navigation,
that the sponsor may request within 30 days that further study, and that,
pending completion of any further study, it is presumed the construction
or alteration would be a hazard to air navigation.