(a) At the discretion of the Federal Air Surgeon, an Authorization for
Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate (Authorization), valid for a
specified period, may be granted to a person who does not meet the
provisions of subparts B, C, or D of this part if the person shows to the
satisfaction of the Federal Air Surgeon that the duties authorized by the
class of medical certificate applied for can be performed without
endangering public safety during the period in which the Authorization
would be in force. The Federal Air Surgeon may authorize a special medical
flight test, practical test, or medical evaluation for this purpose. A
medical certificate of the appropriate class may be issued to a person who
does not meet the provisions of subparts B, C, or D of this part if that
person possesses a valid Authorization and is otherwise eligible. An
airman medical certificate issued in accordance with this section shall
expire no later than the end of the validity period or upon the withdrawal
of the Authorization upon which it is based. At the end of its specified
validity period, for grant of a new Authorization, the person must again
show to the satisfaction of the Federal Air Surgeon that the duties
authorized by the class of medical certificate applied for can be
performed without endangering public safety during the period in which the
Authorization would be in force.
(b) At the discretion of the Federal Air Surgeon, a Statement of
Demonstrated Ability (SODA) may be granted, instead of an Authorization,
to a person whose disqualifying condition is static or nonprogressive and
who has been found capable of performing airman duties without endangering
public safety. A SODA does not expire and authorizes a designated aviation
medical examiner to issue a medical certificate of a specified class if
the examiner finds that the condition described on its face has not
adversely changed.
(c) In granting an Authorization or SODA, the Federal Air Surgeon may
consider the person's operational experience and any medical facts that
may affect the ability of the person to perform airman duties including --
(1) The combined effect on the person of failure to meet more than one
requirement of this part; and
(2) The prognosis derived from professional consideration of all
available information regarding the person.
(d) In granting an Authorization or SODA under this section, the
Federal Air Surgeon specifies the class of medical certificate authorized
to be issued and may do any or all of the following:
(1) Limit the duration of an Authorization;
(2) Condition the granting of a new Authorization on the results of
subsequent medical tests, examinations, or evaluations;
(3) State on the Authorization or SODA, and any medical certificate
based upon it, any operational limitation needed for safety; or
(4) Condition the continued effect of an Authorization or SODA, and any
second- or third-class medical certificate based upon it, on compliance
with a statement of functional limitations issued to the person in
coordination with the Director of Flight Standards or the Director's
(e) In determining whether an Authorization or SODA should be granted
to an applicant for a third-class medical certificate, the Federal Air
Surgeon considers the freedom of an airman, exercising the privileges of a
private pilot certificate, to accept reasonable risks to his or her person
and property that are not acceptable in the exercise of commercial or
airline transport pilot privileges, and, at the same time, considers the
need to protect the safety of persons and property in other aircraft and
on the ground.
(f) An Authorization or SODA granted under the provisions of this
section to a person who does not meet the applicable provisions of
subparts B, C, or D of this part may be withdrawn, at the discretion of
the Federal Air Surgeon, at any time if --
(1) There is adverse change in the holder's medical condition;
(2) The holder fails to comply with a statement of functional
limitations or operational limitations issued as a condition of
certification under this section;
(3) Public safety would be endangered by the holder's exercise of
airman privileges;
(4) The holder fails to provide medical information reasonably needed
by the Federal Air Surgeon for certification under this section; or
(5) The holder makes or causes to be made a statement or entry that is
the basis for withdrawal of an Authorization or SODA under §67.403.
(g) A person who has been granted an Authorization or SODA under this
section based on a special medical flight or practical test need not take
the test again during later physical examinations unless the Federal Air
Surgeon determines or has reason to believe that the physical deficiency
has or may have degraded to a degree to require another special medical
flight test or practical test.
(h) The authority of the Federal Air Surgeon under this section is also
exercised by the Manager, Aeromedical Certification Division, and each
Regional Flight Surgeon.
(i) If an Authorization or SODA is withdrawn under paragraph (f) of
this section the following procedures apply:
(1) The holder of the Authorization or SODA will be served a letter of
withdrawal, stating the reason for the action;
(2) By not later than 60 days after the service of the letter of
withdrawal, the holder of the Authorization or SODA may request, in
writing, that the Federal Air Surgeon provide for review of the decision
to withdraw. The request for review may be accompanied by supporting
medical evidence;
(3) Within 60 days of receipt of a request for review, a written final
decision either affirming or reversing the decision to withdraw will be
issued; and
(4) A medical certificate rendered invalid pursuant to a withdrawal, in
accordance with paragraph (a) of this section, shall be surrendered to the
Administrator upon request.
(j) No grant of a special issuance made prior to September 16, 1996,
may be used to obtain a medical certificate after the earlier of the
following dates:
(1) September 16, 1997; or
(2) The date on which the holder of such special issuance is required
to provide additional information to the FAA as a condition for continued
medical certification.