If a fuel jettisoning system is installed, the following apply:
(a) Fuel jettisoning must be safe during all flight regimes for which
jettisoning is to be authorized.
(b) In showing compliance with paragraph (a) of this section, it must
be shown that --
(1) The fuel jettisoning system and its operation are free from fire
(2) No hazard results from fuel or fuel vapors which impinge on any
part of the rotorcraft during fuel jettisoning; and
(3) Controllability of the rotorcraft remains satisfactory throughout
the fuel jettisoning operation.
(c) Means must be provided to automatically prevent jettisoning fuel
below the level required for an all-engine climb at maximum continuous
power from sea level to 5,000 feet altitude and cruise thereafter for 30
minutes at maximum range engine power.
(d) The controls for any fuel jettisoning system must be designed to
allow flight personnel (minimum crew) to safely interrupt fuel jettisoning
during any part of the jettisoning operation.
(e) The fuel jettisoning system must be designed to comply with the
powerplant installation requirements of §29.901(c).
(f) An auxiliary fuel jettisoning system which meets the requirements
of paragraphs (a), (b), (d), and (e) of this section may be installed to
jettison additional fuel provided it has separate and independent