Farway Common N5044.15 W00311.46
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All pilots must call Exeter 128.975 inbound and ASAP outbound
Non radio aircraft to arrive from the South or East and depart to
the south or east. Please avoid crossing the Exeter localiser centre
line above 1500 ft QNH
Telephone: 01395 597 535
Mobile : 077-795-8991
Email: Terry Case
Radio Frequency: 119.425 (Blind calls please if get no response)
50.44.151 N
003.11.460 W
Elevation : 771 ft
Runways: 010/190 & 180/360
Grass, slight uphill slope 10 and 360.
Maintenance Nil
Fuel Nil
Operator Terry Case
Moorlands Farm
Sidbury Sidmouth
Devon EX1O 00W
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