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Operating Hrs Mon-Fri 0600-2100 Sat-Sun & PH 0700-1900
(Summer) +1 Hr (Winter)
ACFT >2730Kg not below 1700ft QNH before turning base leg ACFT
G2730Kg not below 1200ft QNH before turning base leg Avoid
congested area 2nm W of AD unless ATC authorise. 06 11 RH, 24
29 LH
Landing Fee
Minimum charge including Nav &
handling £50
Maintenance Farnborough Aviation Services
Tel: 01252 524440
Fuel AVGAS t00LL AVTUR JET Al by arr
with TAG Aviation
Operator TAG Aviation,
Farnborough Airport, Hampshire, GU14 6XA
Tel: 01252 526015 (ATC RAD) Tel: 01252 526017 (ATC VIS)
Tel: 01252 524440 (TAG Aviation PPR) Tel: 01252 524440 (FBA)
Fax: 01252 518771 (TAG Aviation)
Restaurants Many pubs within walking distance
Taxis/Car Hire Can be arranged on Arr at AD
Weather Info M T9 Fax 282 MOEx |