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Operating Hrs H24
All flights subject to approval
Circuits Nil
Landing Fee BAA rates
Maintenance Avail
Fuel AVGAS 100LL AVTUR JET A1 arr by mandatory handling agent
Operator Glasgow Airport Ltd,
Paisley, Strathclyde, PA3 2ST Tel: 0141 887 1111 (AD) Tel:
0141 840 8000 (NATS) Tel: 0141 840 8029 (ATC) Tel: 0141887
9319 (AIS) Tel: 0141 887 7449 (ATIS) Fax: 0141 848 4354 (AD)
Handling Tel: 0141 887 8348 (Execair)
Restaurant Restaurant buffet & bars in Terminal
Taxis Available at Terminal Car Hire
Avis Tel: 0141 887 2261
Hertz Tel: 0141 887 2541
Weather Info M T9 T18 Fax 286 A VSc GWC ATIS Tel: 0141 877
Helicopter Operations
Helicopters are not to move out of the alighting and parking
area with out obtaining taxi instructions from ATC.
Glasgow-based helicopters will park on the old Loganair Twy.
Visiting helicopters will normally be allocated a stand on the
W apron (Stands 3134). Helicopters, inbound and outbound, are
to avoid over flying AD buildings whenever possible. Inbound
hells (other than large) will be routed to the helicopter app
point - Rwy28 Thr. CASEVAC helicopters will be directed by ATC
to alight on the main apron Twy, then to GND taxi to an ACFT
stand |