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Operating Hrs Mon-Sun 0545-2100 (Summer)
Mon-Fri 0645-2200 Sat 0645-1915 Sun 0815-2200 (Winter) & by
Circuits Nil
Landing Fee £11.15 ACFT under 3MT VFR cash/cheque on day if
PPR obtained
Maintenance Ni
AVGAS 100LL Mon-Fri 0800-1900 Sat-Sun 0800-1830 (L) Tel: 01667
JET A1 Mon-Fri 0800-190 Sat-Sun 0800-1830 (L) Fuel available
out of Hrs on payment of surcharge
Operator HIAL Inverness,
Inverness Aerodrome, Inverneshire, IV1 2JB
Tel: 01667 464000/464293 (ATC) Fax: 01667 462041 (Admin) Fax:
01667 462586 (ATC) www.highlands-and-islands-airporis.uk.com
Restaurants Refreshments & Bar
Taxis Available at the terminal Car Hire
AVIS Tel: 01667 462787
Hertz Tel: 01667 462652
Weather Info M T9 Fax 298 VSc GWC Tel: 01667 464255 (ATIS)
Visual Reference Points (VRP)
Invergordon N5741.53 W00410.05 .
Lochindorb N5724.17 W00342.95
Tornatin N5720.03 W00359.50
Dores N5722.92 W00419.92
Dingwall N5735.97 W00425.88 |