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Operating Hrs Mon-Fri 0630-1845 Sat 0630-1745 Sun 0800-1845
(Summer) + 1 Hr (Winter) & by arr
Circuits Nil
Landing Fee ACFT up to 3MT £11.79 Payable on Arr
Maintenance Ltd engineering facilities
available from Loganair on request Fuel AVGAS 100LL AVTUR JET
A1 Oil
Tel: 01856 872415
Operator HIAL Kirkwall Airport,
Orkney, KW15 1TH Tel: 01856 872421
Tel: 01856 886205 (ATC) Fax: 01856 875051
Restaurants Light refreshments at AD
Taxis Available at taxi rank outside terminal Car Hire
W R Tullock Tel: 01856 875500
Weather Info M T9 Fax 328 GWC
Tel: 01856 878476 (ATIS) |