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Operating Hrs
Mon-Sat 0900-2000 Sun 1000-2000 (Summer) Mon-Sat 0900-SS Sun
1000-SS (Winter)
Circuits See joining procedures
Landing Fee Single £2 Twin £5
No charge if on BPS business
Maintenance Nil
Fuel Jet Al only
Operator British Parachute SchoDJs ) Tel/Fax: 01949 860878
Restaurants Cafe open weekends
Bingham Tel: 01949 839000
Car Hire Nil
Weather Info AirCen MWC
Langar Joining Proceedures
ACFT MUST NOT over fly AD.
Arr ACFT should call Langar Para Base at least 5-8nm from AD.
Straight APP or base leg join will be given Holding Patterns
If joining from N:
LH orbit on GAM 182°/20nm 1500ft QNH (3.5nm N of Langar) If
joining from S:
LH orbit inbound to TNT 328°/33nm (116°R) 2000ft QNH (3.5nm SE
of Langar) |