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Operating Hrs H24
Circuits Variable as advised by ATC
Landing Fee ACFT <2 tonnes £29.38
M3 GA Terminal Tel: 0191 214 4111
Fuel Check availability with fuelling companies
Samson Av Tel: 0191 214 4111/4114
Air BP Tel: 0191 286 0966 Ex 4290
Conoco Tel: 0191 286 2252
Operator Newcastle Int Airport Ltd, Newcastle Airport,
Woolsington, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE13 88Z Tel: 0870 122488
(Switchboard) Tel: 0191 214 3400/3401 (ATIS) Fax: 0191 214
3254 (ATC) www.newcastleairport.com
Handling Tel: 0191 214 4111 (Samson Aviation) Fax: 0191 214
4112 (Samson Aviation)
Restaurant & Club facilities available at AD
Taxis Available at Main & GA Terminals Metro link to Newcastle
GA Terminal has courtesy coach
Car Hire
Hertz Tel: 0870 1221488 Ex 4281 Budget Tel: 0870 1221488 Ex
4393 Europcar Tel: 0870 1221488 Ex 4382 Avis Tel: 0191 286
Weather Info M T9 T18 Fax 376 A VN MWC |