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Operating Hrs 0900-1800 & by arr
Circuits Powered ACFT to W Gliders to E
Landing Fee Single £10 Twin £15 Public transport £5.75 per
500kgs AUW
Maintenance Nil
Fuel AVGAS t00LL JET A1 H24 7 days Tel: 01631 710384 (AD) Tel:
01631 710888 Tel: 07770 620988 (Mobile) Tel: 07796 473670
Operator Total Logistics Concepts, Oban Airport, Oban, Argyll,
Scotland, PA37 1 SX
Tel/Fax: 01631 710384 (PPR) Tel/Fax: 01631 710888 Tel: 07770
620988 (Mobile) Tel: 07796 473670 (Mobile) tlc@obanairport.co.uk
Restaurants Light refreshments at AD
Lochnell Arms Tel: 01631 710408
Falls of Lora Tel: 01631 710483
The Ferryman Tel: 01631 710666
Taxis Tel: 01631710100 Tel: 01631 562834 Tel: 01631 563784
Car Hire Tel: 01631 566553 Tel: 01631 566476
Weather Info AirSc GWC
Also observed actuals from AD Tel: 01631 710384/710888 |