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Operating Hrs Mon-Sat 0515-1945
Sun 0600-1945 (Summer) +1 Hr (Winter) & by arr
Circuits By arr with ATC
Landing Fee £13.15 <1999kgs
£26.32 2000-3000kgs 3000kgs on application (cash on day)
Maintenance Woodgate Aviation Hangerage by arr with local
companies Fuel
AVGAS 100LL AVTUR JET A1 W100 W80 Available 0630-2030 (L) & by
arr with Manx Petroleums Tel: 01624 821681
Operator The Isle of Man
Dept of Transport-Airports Division Isle of Man Airport,
Isle of Man, IM9 2AS Tel: 01624 821600 (AD)
Tel: 01624 439098 (Customs)
Tel: 01624 822926 (Manx Flyers FC) Fax: 01624 821611 (AD) Fax:
01624 821627
(ATC) Fax: 01624 821650 (Customs)
Handling Tel: 01624 824300 (Island Aviation) Fax: 01624 824946
(Island Aviation)
Tel: 01624 822926 (Light ACFT - Manx Flyers)
Restaurants Buffet & bar at terminal
Club facilities @ Manx Flyers
Taxis Available at terminal Car Hire
Athol Car Hire Tel: 01624 822481
Mylchreests Tel: 01624 823533
Weather Info M T9 Fax 322 VN IOM |