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Operating Hrs
Mon-Fri 0645-1730 Sat 0745-0930 1000-1345 (Summer) +1 Hr
(Winter) & by arr
Circuits Nil
Landing Fee £11.78 ACFT under 3MT VFR cash/cheque on day
Maintenance By arr with Far North Aviation
Fuel AVGAS 100LL AVTUR JET Al Refuelling Hrs during AD Hrs
with Far North outside AD Hrs by arr Tel: 01955 602201 (H24)
Operator HIAL, Wick Aerodrome,
Wick, Caithness, KW1 4QP Tel: 01955 602215 (HIAL) Tel: 01955
607596 (ATIS) Fax: 01955 607597 (ATC) wicksatco@hial.co.uk
Handling Tel: 01955 602201 (Far North Aviation) Fax: 01955
602203 (Far North Aviation) www.farnorthaviation.co.uk
Restaurant Buffet facilities available at AD
Taxis Via Far North
Car Hire Via Far North or Practical Car Hire Tel: 01955 604125
Weather Info M T9 Fax 452 GWC ATIS Tel: 01955 607596 |