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Operating Hrs 0930-1730 (L) Mon-Fri
No change throughout the year
Circuits 11 LH, 29 RH, 1500ft QFE No circuits to S of AD
Landing Fee £12 up to 3MT
VFR cash or Cheque on day
Maintenance Nil
Fuel JET Al by arr
by arr or within 30 mins of request Tel: 01586 553797 Fax:
01586 552620
Operator HIAL Campbeltown
Argyll PA28 6NU
Tel: 01586 553797 (ATC) Fax: 01586 552620
Restaurant Tea & coffee in terminal
McKerrals Tel: 01586 553131 Car Hire
Campbeltown Tel: 01586 552772
Weather Info M T Fax 366 GWC |