Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd
A descendant of the Nakajima Aircraft Company (est. 1917),
Fuji Heavy Industries (FHI) was established on July 15, 1953 when five
Japanese companies joined to form one of Japan's largest manufacturers of
transportation equipment. Currently, FHI employs more than 15,000 people
worldwide, operates nine manufacturing plants and sells products in 100
FHI has four main divisions. The automobile division, Subaru, has been
manufacturing and selling automobiles since 1958 and now has 1,970 dealers
in 100 countries. The aerospace division is a contractor for the Defense
Agency of Japan and markets and sells both commercial and defence-related
aircraft, helicopters and target drones. The industrial products division
manufsactures and sells equipment under the Robin brand. Finally, the
transportation equipment division builds several types of buses, garbage
trucks, and prefabricated housing.
The company's four divisions all share their technological advancements
with one another, which has made FHI a leader in innovation. In
particular, they apply a great deal of their aircraft technology to their
automotive division, the most notable example being the
horizontally-opposed Boxer engines used in all modern Subaru automobiles.