Fitness For Flight
a. Medical
All pilots except those flying
gliders and free air balloons must possess valid
medical certificates in order to exercise the
privileges of their airman certificates. The
periodic medical examinations required for medical
certification are conducted by designated Aviation
Medical Examiners, who are physicians with a special
interest in aviation safety and training in aviation
The standards for medical
certification are contained in 14 CFR Part 67.
Pilots who have a history of certain medical
conditions described in these standards are
mandatorily disqualified from flying. These medical
conditions include a personality disorder manifested
by overt acts, a psychosis, alcoholism, drug
dependence, epilepsy, an unexplained disturbance of
consciousness, myocardial infarction, angina
pectoris and diabetes requiring medication for its
control. Other medical conditions may be temporarily
disqualifying, such as acute infections, anemia, and
peptic ulcer. Pilots who do not meet medical
standards may still be qualified under special
issuance provisions or the exemption process. This
may require that either additional medical
information be provided or practical flight tests be
Student pilots should visit an
Aviation Medical Examiner as soon as possible in
their flight training in order to avoid unnecessary
training expenses should they not meet the medical
standards. For the same reason, the student pilot
who plans to enter commercial aviation should apply
for the highest class of medical certificate that
might be necessary in the pilot's career.
The CFR's prohibit a pilot who possesses a current
medical certificate from performing crewmember
duties while the pilot has a known medical condition
or increase of a known medical condition that would
make the pilot unable to meet the standards for the
medical certificate.
b. Illness.
Even a minor illness suffered in
day-to-day living can seriously degrade performance
of many piloting tasks vital to safe flight. Illness
can produce fever and distracting symptoms that can
impair judgment, memory, alertness, and the ability
to make calculations. Although symptoms from an
illness may be under adequate control with a
medication, the medication itself may decrease pilot
The safest rule is not to fly while
suffering from any illness. If this rule is
considered too stringent for a particular illness,
the pilot should contact an Aviation Medical
Examiner for advice.
c. Medication.
Pilot performance can be seriously
degraded by both prescribed and over-the-counter
medications, as well as by the medical conditions
for which they are taken. Many medications, such as
tranquilizers, sedatives, strong pain relievers, and
cough-suppressant preparations, have primary effects
that may impair judgment, memory, alertness,
coordination, vision, and the ability to make
calculations. Others, such as antihistamines, blood
pressure drugs, muscle relaxants, and agents to
control diarrhea and motion sickness, have side
effects that may impair the same critical functions.
Any medication that depresses the nervous system,
such as a sedative, tranquilizer or antihistamine,
can make a pilot much more susceptible to hypoxia.
The CFR's prohibit pilots from
performing crewmember duties while using any
medication that affects the faculties in any way
contrary to safety. The safest rule is not to fly as
a crewmember while taking any medication, unless
approved to do so by the FAA.
d. Alcohol.
Extensive research has provided a
number of facts about the hazards of alcohol
consumption and flying. As little as one ounce of
liquor, one bottle of beer or four ounces of wine
can impair flying skills, with the alcohol consumed
in these drinks being detectable in the breath and
blood for at least 3 hours. Even after the body
completely destroys a moderate amount of alcohol, a
pilot can still be severely impaired for many hours
by hangover. There is simply no way of increasing
the destruction of alcohol or alleviating a
hangover. Alcohol also renders a pilot much more
susceptible to disorientation and hypoxia.
A consistently high alcohol related
fatal aircraft accident rate serves to emphasize
that alcohol and flying are a potentially lethal
combination. The CFR's prohibit pilots from
performing crewmember duties within 8 hours after
drinking any alcoholic beverage or while under the
influence of alcohol. However, due to the slow
destruction of alcohol, a pilot may still be under
influence 8 hours after drinking a moderate amount
of alcohol. Therefore, an excellent rule is to allow
at least 12 to 24 hours between "bottle and
throttle," depending on the amount of alcoholic
beverage consumed.
e. Fatigue.
Fatigue continues to be one of the
most treacherous hazards to flight safety, as it may
not be apparent to a pilot until serious errors are
made. Fatigue is best described as either acute
(short-term) or chronic (long-term).
A normal occurrence of everyday
living, acute fatigue is the tiredness felt after
long periods of physical and mental strain,
including strenuous muscular effort, immobility,
heavy mental workload, strong emotional pressure,
monotony, and lack of sleep. Consequently,
coordination and alertness, so vital to safe pilot
performance, can be reduced. Acute fatigue is
prevented by adequate rest and sleep, as well as by
regular exercise and proper nutrition.
Chronic fatigue occurs when there is
not enough time for full recovery between episodes
of acute fatigue. Performance continues to fall off,
and judgment becomes impaired so that unwarranted
risks may be taken. Recovery from chronic fatigue
requires a prolonged period of rest.
f. Stress.
Stress from the pressures of everyday
living can impair pilot performance, often in very
subtle ways. Difficulties, particularly at work, can
occupy thought processes enough to markedly decrease
alertness. Distraction can so interfere with
judgment that unwarranted risks are taken, such as
flying into deteriorating weather conditions to keep
on schedule. Stress and fatigue (see above) can be
an extremely hazardous combination.
Most pilots do not leave stress "on
the ground." Therefore, when more than usual
difficulties are being experienced, a pilot should
consider delaying flight until these difficulties
are satisfactorily resolved.
g. Emotion.
Certain emotionally
upsetting events, including a serious argument, death
of a family member, separation or divorce, loss of
job, and financial catastrophe, can render a pilot
unable to fly an aircraft safely. The emotions of
anger, depression, and anxiety from such events not
only decrease alertness but also may lead to taking
risks that border on self-destruction. Any pilot who
experiences an emotionally upsetting event should not
fly until satisfactorily recovered from it.
h. Personal
Checklist. Aircraft accident
statistics show that pilots should be conducting
preflight checklists on themselves as well as their
aircraft for pilot impairment contributes to many more
accidents than failures of aircraft systems. A
personal checklist, which includes all of the
categories of pilot impairment as discussed in this
section, that can be easily committed to memory is
being distributed by the FAA in the form of a
wallet-sized card.
CHECKLIST. I'm physically and mentally safe to fly;
not being impaired by:

Effects of Altitude
a. Hypoxia.
Hypoxia is a state of oxygen
deficiency in the body sufficient to impair
functions of the brain and other organs. Hypoxia
from exposure to altitude is due only to the reduced
barometric pressures encountered at altitude, for
the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere
remains about 21 percent from the ground out to
Although a deterioration in night
vision occurs at a cabin pressure altitude as low as
5,000 feet, other significant effects of altitude
hypoxia usually do not occur in the normal healthy
pilot below 12,000 feet. From 12,000 to 15,000 feet
of altitude, judgment, memory, alertness,
coordination and ability to make calculations are
impaired, and headache, drowsiness, dizziness and
either a sense of well-being (euphoria) or
belligerence occur. The effects appear following
increasingly shorter periods of exposure to
increasing altitude. In fact, pilot performance can
seriously deteriorate within 15 minutes at 15,000
At cabin pressure altitudes above
15,000 feet, the periphery of the visual field grays
out to a point where only central vision remains
(tunnel vision). A blue coloration (cyanosis) of the
fingernails and lips develops. The ability to take
corrective and protective action is lost in 20 to 30
minutes at 18,000 feet and 5 to 12 minutes at 20,000
feet, followed soon thereafter by unconsciousness.
The altitude at which significant
effects of hypoxia occur can be lowered by a number
of factors. Carbon monoxide inhaled in smoking or
from exhaust fumes, lowered hemoglobin (anemia), and
certain medications can reduce the oxygen-carrying
capacity of the blood to the degree that the amount
of oxygen provided to body tissues will already be
equivalent to the oxygen provided to the tissues
when exposed to a cabin pressure altitude of several
thousand feet. Small amounts of alcohol and low
doses of certain drugs, such as antihistamines,
tranquilizers, sedatives and analgesics can, through
their depressant action, render the brain much more
susceptible to hypoxia. Extreme heat and cold,
fever, and anxiety increase the body's demand for
oxygen, and hence its susceptibility to hypoxia.
The effects of hypoxia are usually
quite difficult to recognize, especially when they
occur gradually. Since symptoms of hypoxia do not
vary in an individual, the ability to recognize
hypoxia can be greatly improved by experiencing and
witnessing the effects of hypoxia during an altitude
chamber "flight." The FAA provides this opportunity
through aviation physiology training, which is
conducted at the FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute and
at many military facilities across the U.S. To
attend the Physiological Training Program at the
Civil Aeromedical Institute, Mike Monroney
Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City, OK, contact by
telephone (405) 954-6212, or by writing Airmen
Education Program Branch, AAM-420, CAMI, Mike
Monroney Aeronautical Center, P.O. Box 25082,
Oklahoma City, OK 73125.
To attend the physiological training program at one
of the military installations having the training
capability, an application form and a fee must be
submitted. Full particulars about location, fees,
scheduling procedures, course content, individual
requirements, etc., are contained in the
Physiological Training Application, Form Number AC
3150-7, which is obtained by contacting the accident
prevention specialist or the office forms manager in
the nearest FAA office.
Hypoxia is prevented by heeding
factors that reduce tolerance to altitude, by
enriching the inspired air with oxygen from an
appropriate oxygen system, and by maintaining a
comfortable, safe cabin pressure altitude. For
optimum protection, pilots are encouraged to use
supplemental oxygen above 10,000 feet during the
day, and above 5,000 feet at night. The CFR's
require that at the minimum, flight crew be provided
with and use supplemental oxygen after 30 minutes of
exposure to cabin pressure altitudes between 12,500
and 14,000 feet and immediately on exposure to cabin
pressure altitudes above 14,000 feet. Every occupant
of the aircraft must be provided with supplemental
oxygen at cabin pressure altitudes above 15,000
b. Ear Block.
As the aircraft cabin pressure
decreases during ascent, the expanding air in the
middle ear pushes the eustachian tube open, and by
escaping down it to the nasal passages, equalizes in
pressure with the cabin pressure. But during
descent, the pilot must periodically open the
eustachian tube to equalize pressure. This can be
accomplished by swallowing, yawning, tensing muscles
in the throat, or if these do not work, by a
combination of closing the mouth, pinching the nose
closed, and attempting to blow through the nostrils
(Valsalva maneuver).
Either an upper respiratory
infection, such as a cold or sore throat, or a nasal
allergic condition can produce enough congestion
around the eustachian tube to make equalization
difficult. Consequently, the difference in pressure
between the middle ear and aircraft cabin can build
up to a level that will hold the eustachian tube
closed, making equalization difficult if not
impossible. The problem is commonly referred to as
an "ear block."
An ear block produces severe ear pain
and loss of hearing that can last from several hours
to several days. Rupture of the ear drum can occur
in flight or after landing. Fluid can accumulate in
the middle ear and become infected.
An ear block is prevented by not
flying with an upper respiratory infection or nasal
allergic condition. Adequate protection is usually
not provided by decongestant sprays or drops to
reduce congestion around the eustachian tubes. Oral
decongestants have side effects that can
significantly impair pilot performance.
If an ear block does not clear
shortly after landing, a physician should be
c. Sinus Block.
During ascent and descent, air
pressure in the sinuses equalizes with the aircraft
cabin pressure through small openings that connect
the sinuses to the nasal passages. Either an upper
respiratory infection, such as a cold or sinusitis,
or a nasal allergic condition can produce enough
congestion around an opening to slow equalization,
and as the difference in pressure between the sinus
and cabin mounts, eventually plug the opening. This
"sinus block" occurs most frequently during descent.
A sinus block can occur in the
frontal sinuses, located above each eyebrow, or in
the maxillary sinuses, located in each upper cheek.
It will usually produce excruciating pain over the
sinus area. A maxillary sinus block can also make
the upper teeth ache. Bloody mucus may discharge
from the nasal passages.
A sinus block is prevented by not
flying with an upper respiratory infection or nasal
allergic condition. Adequate protection is usually
not provided by decongestant sprays or drops to
reduce congestion around the sinus openings. Oral
decongestants have side effects that can impair
pilot performance.
If a sinus block does not clear
shortly after landing, a physician should be
d. Decompression
Sickness After Scuba Diving.
A pilot or passenger who intends to
fly after scuba diving should allow the body
sufficient time to rid itself of excess nitrogen
absorbed during diving. If not, decompression
sickness due to evolved gas can occur during
exposure to low altitude and create a serious
inflight emergency.
The recommended waiting time before
going to flight altitudes of up to 8,000 feet is at
least 12 hours after diving which has not required
controlled ascent (nondecompression stop diving),
and at least 24 hours after diving which has
required controlled ascent (decompression stop
diving). The waiting time before going to flight
altitudes above 8,000 feet should be at least 24
hours after any SCUBA dive. These recommended
altitudes are actual flight altitudes above mean sea
level (AMSL) and not pressurized cabin altitudes.
This takes into consideration the risk of
decompression of the aircraft during flight.

Hyperventilation in Flight
Hyperventilation, or an abnormal
increase in the volume of air breathed in and out of
the lungs, can occur subconsciously when a stressful
situation is encountered in flight. As
hyperventilation "blows off" excessive carbon dioxide
from the body, a pilot can experience symptoms of
lightheadedness, suffocation, drowsiness, tingling in
the extremities, and coolness and react to them with
even greater hyperventilation. Incapacitation can
eventually result from incoordination, disorientation,
and painful muscle spasms. Finally, unconsciousness
can occur.
The symptoms of hyperventilation
subside within a few minutes after the rate and depth
of breathing are consciously brought back under
control. The buildup of carbon dioxide in the body can
be hastened by controlled breathing in and out of a
paper bag held over the nose and mouth.
Early symptoms of hyperventilation and
hypoxia are similar. Moreover, hyperventilation and
hypoxia can occur at the same time. Therefore, if a
pilot is using an oxygen system when symptoms are
experienced, the oxygen regulator should immediately
be set to deliver 100 percent oxygen, and then the
system checked to assure that it has been functioning
effectively before giving attention to rate and depth
of breathing.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Flight
Carbon monoxide is a colorless,
odorless, and tasteless gas contained in exhaust
fumes. When breathed even in minute quantities over a
period of time, it can significantly reduce the
ability of the blood to carry oxygen. Consequently,
effects of hypoxia occur.
Most heaters in light aircraft work by
air flowing over the manifold. Use of these heaters
while exhaust fumes are escaping through manifold
cracks and seals is responsible every year for several
nonfatal and fatal aircraft accidents from carbon
monoxide poisoning.
A pilot who detects the odor of exhaust
or experiences symptoms of headache, drowsiness, or
dizziness while using the heater should suspect carbon
monoxide poisoning, and immediately shut off the
heater and open air vents. If symptoms are severe or
continue after landing, medical treatment should be

Illusions in Flight
a. Introduction.
Many different illusions can
be experienced in flight. Some can lead to spatial
disorientation. Others can lead to landing errors.
Illusions rank among the most common factors cited as
contributing to fatal aircraft accidents.
b. Illusions Leading
to Spatial Disorientation.
Various complex motions and forces
and certain visual scenes encountered in flight can
create illusions of motion and position. Spatial
disorientation from these illusions can be prevented
only by visual reference to reliable, fixed points
on the ground or to flight instruments.
2. The leans.
An abrupt correction of a
banked attitude, which has been entered too slowly
to stimulate the motion sensing system in the inner
ear, can create the illusion of banking in the
opposite direction. The disoriented pilot will roll
the aircraft back into its original dangerous
attitude, or if level flight is maintained, will
feel compelled to lean in the perceived vertical
plane until this illusion subsides.
(a) Coriolis
illusion. An abrupt head
movement in a prolonged constant-rate turn that
has ceased stimulating the motion sensing system
can create the illusion of rotation or movement in
an entirely different axis. The disoriented pilot
will maneuver the aircraft into a dangerous
attitude in an attempt to stop rotation. This most
overwhelming of all illusions in flight may be
prevented by not making sudden, extreme head
movements, particularly while making prolonged
constant-rate turns under IFR conditions.
(b) Graveyard
spin. A proper recovery
from a spin that has ceased stimulating the motion
sensing system can create the illusion of spinning
in the opposite direction. The disoriented pilot
will return the aircraft to its original spin.
(c) Graveyard
spiral. An observed loss
of altitude during a coordinated constant-rate
turn that has ceased stimulating the motion
sensing system can create the illusion of being in
a descent with the wings level. The disoriented
pilot will pull back on the controls, tightening
the spiral and increasing the loss of altitude.
(d) Somatogravic
illusion. A rapid
acceleration during takeoff can create the
illusion of being in a nose up attitude. The
disoriented pilot will push the aircraft into a
nose low, or dive attitude. A rapid deceleration
by a quick reduction of the throttles can have the
opposite effect, with the disoriented pilot
pulling the aircraft into a nose up, or stall
(e) Inversion
illusion. An abrupt
change from climb to straight and level flight can
create the illusion of tumbling backwards. The
disoriented pilot will push the aircraft abruptly
into a nose low attitude, possibly intensifying
this illusion.
(f) Elevator
illusion. An abrupt
upward vertical acceleration, usually by an
updraft, can create the illusion of being in a
climb. The disoriented pilot will push the
aircraft into a nose low attitude. An abrupt
downward vertical acceleration, usually by a
downdraft, has the opposite effect, with the
disoriented pilot pulling the aircraft into a nose
up attitude.
(g) False
horizon. Sloping cloud
formations, an obscured horizon, a dark scene
spread with ground lights and stars, and certain
geometric patterns of ground light can create
illusions of not being aligned correctly with the
actual horizon. The disoriented pilot will place
the aircraft in a dangerous attitude.
(h) Autokinesis.
In the dark, a static
light will appear to move about when stared at for
many seconds. The disoriented pilot will lose
control of the aircraft in attempting to align it
with the light.
3. Illusions
Leading to Landing Errors.
Various surface features and
atmospheric conditions encountered in landing can
create illusions of incorrect height above and
distance from the runway threshold. Landing errors
from these illusions can be prevented by
anticipating them during approaches, aerial visual
inspection of unfamiliar airports before landing,
using electronic glide slope or VASI systems when
available, and maintaining optimum proficiency in
landing procedures.
(b) Runway width
illusion. A narrower-
than-usual runway can create the illusion that the
aircraft is at a higher altitude than it actually
is. The pilot who does not recognize this illusion
will fly a lower approach, with the risk of
striking objects along the approach path or
landing short. A wider-than-usual runway can have
the opposite effect, with the risk of leveling out
high and landing hard or overshooting the runway.
(c) Runway and
terrain slopes illusion.
An upsloping runway, upsloping
terrain, or both, can create the illusion that the
aircraft is at a higher altitude than it actually
is. The pilot who does not recognize this illusion
will fly a lower approach. A downsloping runway,
downsloping approach terrain, or both, can have
the opposite effect.
(d) Featureless
terrain illusion.
absence of ground features, as when landing over
water, darkened areas, and terrain made
featureless by snow, can create the illusion that
the aircraft is at a higher altitude than it
actually is. The pilot who does not recognize this
illusion will fly a lower approach
(e) Atmospheric
Rain on the
windscreen can create the illusion of greater
height, and atmospheric haze the illusion of being
at a greater distance from the runway. The pilot
who does not recognize these illusions will fly a
lower approach. Penetration of fog can create the
illusion of pitching up. The pilot who does not
recognize this illusion will steepen the approach,
often quite abruptly.
(f) Ground
lighting illusions.
Lights along a straight path, such as a road, and
even lights on moving trains can be mistaken for
runway and approach lights. Bright runway and
approach lighting systems, especially where few
lights illuminate the surrounding terrain, may
create the illusion of less distance to the
runway. The pilot who does not recognize this
illusion will fly a higher approach. Conversely,
the pilot overflying terrain which has few lights
to provide height cues may make a lower than
normal approach.

8-1-6. Vision
in Flight
a. Introduction.
Of the body senses, vision
is the most important for safe flight. Major factors
that determine how effectively vision can be used are
the level of illumination and the technique of
scanning the sky for other aircraft.
b. Vision Under Dim
and Bright Illumination.
Under conditions of dim illumination,
small print and colors on aeronautical charts and
aircraft instruments become unreadable unless
adequate cockpit lighting is available. Moreover,
another aircraft must be much closer to be seen
unless its navigation lights are on.
In darkness, vision becomes more
sensitive to light, a process called dark
adaptation. Although exposure to total darkness for
at least 30 minutes is required for complete dark
adaptation, a pilot can achieve a moderate degree of
dark adaptation within 20 minutes under dim red
cockpit lighting. Since red light severely distorts
colors, especially on aeronautical charts, and can
cause serious difficulty in focusing the eyes on
objects inside the aircraft, its use is advisable
only where optimum outside night vision capability
is necessary. Even so, white cockpit lighting must
be available when needed for map and instrument
reading, especially under IFR conditions. Dark
adaptation is impaired by exposure to cabin pressure
altitudes above 5,000 feet, carbon monoxide inhaled
in smoking and from exhaust fumes, deficiency of
Vitamin A in the diet, and by prolonged exposure to
bright sunlight. Since any degree of dark adaptation
is lost within a few seconds of viewing a bright
light, a pilot should close one eye when using a
light to preserve some degree of night vision.
Excessive illumination, especially
from light reflected off the canopy, surfaces inside
the aircraft, clouds, water, snow, and desert
terrain, can produce glare, with uncomfortable
squinting, watering of the eyes, and even temporary
blindness. Sunglasses for protection from glare
should absorb at least 85 percent of visible light
(15 percent transmittance) and all colors equally
(neutral transmittance), with negligible image
distortion from refractive and prismatic errors.
c. Scanning for
Other Aircraft.
Scanning the sky for other aircraft
is a key factor in collision avoidance. It should be
used continuously by the pilot and copilot (or right
seat passenger) to cover all areas of the sky
visible from the cockpit. Although pilots must meet
specific visual acuity requirements, the ability to
read an eye chart does not ensure that one will be
able to efficiently spot other aircraft. Pilots must
develop an effective scanning technique which
maximizes one's visual capabilities. The probability
of spotting a potential collision threat obviously
increases with the time spent looking outside the
cockpit. Thus, one must use timesharing techniques
to efficiently scan the surrounding airspace while
monitoring instruments as well.
While the eyes can observe an
approximate 200 degree arc of the horizon at one
glance, only a very small center area called the
fovea, in the rear of the eye, has the ability to
send clear, sharply focused messages to the brain.
All other visual information that is not processed
directly through the fovea will be of less detail.
An aircraft at a distance of 7 miles which appears
in sharp focus within the foveal center of vision
would have to be as close as 7/10
of a mile in order to be recognized if it were
outside of foveal vision. Because the eyes can focus
only on this narrow viewing area, effective scanning
is accomplished with a series of short, regularly
spaced eye movements that bring successive areas of
the sky into the central visual field. Each movement
should not exceed 10 degrees, and each area should
be observed for at least 1 second to enable
detection. Although horizontal back-and-forth eye
movements seem preferred by most pilots, each pilot
should develop a scanning pattern that is most
comfortable and then adhere to it to assure optimum
Studies show that the time a pilot
spends on visual tasks inside the cabin should
represent no more that 1/4 to
1/3 of the scan time outside,
or no more than 4 to 5 seconds on the instrument
panel for every 16 seconds outside. Since the brain
is already trained to process sight information that
is presented from left to right, one may find it
easier to start scanning over the left shoulder and
proceed across the windshield to the right.
Pilots should realize that their eyes
may require several seconds to refocus when
switching views between items in the cockpit and
distant objects. The eyes will also tire more
quickly when forced to adjust to distances
immediately after close-up focus, as required for
scanning the instrument panel. Eye fatigue can be
reduced by looking from the instrument panel to the
left wing past the wing tip to the center of the
first scan quadrant when beginning the exterior
scan. After having scanned from left to right, allow
the eyes to return to the cabin along the right wing
from its tip inward. Once back inside, one should
automatically commence the panel scan.
Effective scanning also helps avoid
"empty- field myopia." This condition usually occurs
when flying above the clouds or in a haze layer that
provides nothing specific to focus on outside the
aircraft. This causes the eyes to relax and seek a
comfortable focal distance which may range from 10
to 30 feet. For the pilot, this means looking
without seeing, which is dangerous.

Aerobatic Flight
Pilots planning to engage in aerobatics
should be aware of the physiological stresses
associated with accelerative forces during aerobatic
maneuvers. Many prospective aerobatic trainees
enthusiastically enter aerobatic instruction but find
their first experiences with G forces to be
unanticipated and very uncomfortable. To minimize or
avoid potential adverse effects, the aerobatic
instructor and trainee must have a basic understanding
of the physiology of G force adaptation.
Forces experienced with a rapid
push-over maneuver result in the blood and body organs
being displaced toward the head. Depending on forces
involved and individual tolerance, a pilot may
experience discomfort, headache, "red-out," and even
Forces experienced with a rapid pull-up
maneuver result in the blood and body organ
displacement toward the lower part of the body away
from the head. Since the brain requires continuous
blood circulation for an adequate oxygen supply, there
is a physiologic limit to the time the pilot can
tolerate higher forces before losing consciousness. As
the blood circulation to the brain decreases as a
result of forces involved, a pilot will experience
"narrowing" of visual fields, "gray-out," "black-
out," and unconsciousness. Even a brief loss of
consciousness in a maneuver can lead to improper
control movement causing structural failure of the
aircraft or collision with another object or terrain.
In steep turns, the centrifugal forces
tend to push the pilot into the seat, thereby
resulting in blood and body organ displacement toward
the lower part of the body as in the case of rapid
pull-up maneuvers and with the same physiologic
effects and symptoms.
Physiologically, humans progressively
adapt to imposed strains and stress, and with
practice, any maneuver will have decreasing effect.
Tolerance to G forces is dependent on human physiology
and the individual pilot. These factors include the
skeletal anatomy, the cardiovascular architecture, the
nervous system, the quality of the blood, the general
physical state, and experience and recency of
exposure. The pilot should consult an Aviation Medical
Examiner prior to aerobatic training and be aware that
poor physical condition can reduce tolerance to
accelerative forces.
The above information provides pilots
with a brief summary of the physiologic effects of G
forces. It does not address methods of "counteracting"
these effects. There are numerous references on the
subject of G forces during aerobatics available to
pilots. Among these are "G Effects on the Pilot During
Aerobatics," FAA-AM-72-28, and "G Incapacitation in
Aerobatic Pilots: A Flight Hazard" FAA-AM-82-13. These
are available from the National Technical Information
Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
FAA AC 91-61, A Hazard in Aerobatics: Effects of
G-forces on Pilots.

Judgment Aspects of Collision Avoidance
a. Introduction.
The most important aspects
of vision and the techniques to scan for other
aircraft are described in paragraph 8-1-6, Vision in
Flight. Pilots should also be familiar with the
following information to reduce the possibility of
mid-air collisions.
b. Determining
Relative Altitude.
Use the
horizon as a reference point. If the other aircraft is
above the horizon, it is probably on a higher flight
path. If the aircraft appears to be below the horizon,
it is probably flying at a lower altitude.
c. Taking
Appropriate Action.
should be familiar with rules on right-of-way, so if
an aircraft is on an obvious collision course, one can
take immediate evasive action, preferably in
compliance with applicable Federal Aviation
d. Consider Multiple
Threats. The decision to
climb, descend, or turn is a matter of personal
judgment, but one should anticipate that the other
pilot may also be making a quick maneuver. Watch the
other aircraft during the maneuver and begin your
scanning again immediately since there may be other
aircraft in the area.
e. Collision Course
Targets. Any aircraft that
appears to have no relative motion and stays in one
scan quadrant is likely to be on a collision course.
Also, if a target shows no lateral or vertical motion,
but increases in size, take evasive action.
f. Recognize High
Hazard Areas.
Airways, especially near VOR's, and
Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E surface areas
are places where aircraft tend to cluster.
Remember, most collisions occur
during days when the weather is good. Being in a
"radar environment" still requires vigilance to
avoid collisions.
g. Cockpit
Management. Studying maps,
checklists, and manuals before flight, with other
proper preflight planning; e.g., noting necessary
radio frequencies and organizing cockpit materials,
can reduce the amount of time required to look at
these items during flight, permitting more scan time.
h. Windshield
Conditions. Dirty or bug-
smeared windshields can greatly reduce the ability of
pilots to see other aircraft. Keep a clean windshield.
i. Visibility
Conditions. Smoke, haze,
dust, rain, and flying towards the sun can also
greatly reduce the ability to detect targets.
j. Visual
Obstructions in the Cockpit.
Pilots need to move their heads to
see around blind spots caused by fixed aircraft
structures, such as door posts, wings, etc. It will
be necessary at times to maneuver the aircraft;
e.g., lift a wing, to facilitate seeing.
Pilots must insure curtains and other
cockpit objects; e.g., maps on glare shield, are
removed and stowed during flight.
k. Lights On.
Day or night, use of exterior lights
can greatly increase the conspicuity of any
Keep interior lights low at night.
l. ATC Support.
ATC facilities often provide
radar traffic advisories on a workload-permitting
basis. Flight through Class C and Class D airspace
requires communication with ATC. Use this support
whenever possible or when required.
