Section 5. Aircraft Rescue and
Fire Fighting Communications
Discrete Emergency Frequency
Direct contact between an emergency
aircraft flight crew, Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting
Incident Commander (ARFF IC), and the Airport Traffic
Control Tower (ATCT), is possible on an aeronautical radio
frequency (Discrete Emergency Frequency [DEF]), designated
by Air Traffic Control (ATC) from the operational
frequencies assigned to that facility.
Emergency aircraft at airports without an
ATCT, (or when the ATCT is closed), may contact the ARFF
IC (if ARFF service is provided), on the Common Traffic
Advisory Frequency (CTAF) published for the airport
or the civil emergency frequency 121.5 MHz.
Radio Call Signs
Preferred radio call sign for
the ARFF IC is "(location/facility) Command" when
communicating with the flight crew and the FAA ATCT.
LAX Command.
Washington Command.
ARFF Emergency Hand Signals
In the event that electronic
communications cannot be maintained between the ARFF IC and
the flight crew, standard emergency hand signals as depicted
in FIG 6-5-1 through FIG 6-5-3 should
be used. These hand signals should be known and understood
by all cockpit and cabin aircrew, and all ARFF firefighters.
FIG 6-5-1
Recommend Evacuation
FIG 6-5-2
Recommend Stop
FIG 6-5-3
Emergency Contained