recovering alcoholic airmen and medical certification
By Jon Jordan, MD
Almost 7% of the 344
general aviation pilot fatalities in 1994 were found at postmortem to have
tissue levels of alcohol at 0.04% or higher. We in the Office of Aviation
Medicine are concerned that many of these fatalities may have been pilots
who had known alcohol problems, but did not seek help for their problem
because of the fear of losing their pilot privileges, either permanently
or for a very long period of time. This is the same concern that we had
several years ago regarding air carrier pilots: We frequently did not know
that they were alcoholics until they had a withdrawal seizure at the
controls of an aircraft.
Through an innovative and
cooperative program established in the mid-70s with air carrier pilot
groups and managers of air carrier companies, the Office of Aviation
Medicine played a key role in the establishment of a highly effective
mechanism for the identification, rehabilitation, and return-to-duty of
alcoholic airmen. This program, which includes a comprehensive evaluation
and monitoring system, has permitted the Federal Aviation Administration
to return thousands of air carrier pilots to airman duties shortly after
initiation of rehabilitation. Currently, 851 airmen who have a history of
alcoholism hold First-Class medical certificates.
Most of these airmen are
air carrier pilots. Without such a progressive approach to the
certification of alcoholic air carrier pilots, it is likely that many of
these airmen would never have been identified and could have been driven
"underground" by an inflexible certification system. With our current
system, however, these airman have been identified, properly treated, and
returned to gainful employment without compromising the safety of the
passengers that they carry or the other pilots with whom they share the
skies. Now, with twenty years of experience in the certification of
alcoholic commercial airmen, and in view of the excellent safety record
that we have maintained, we are preparing to change the way that we
certify private pilots who have a history of alcoholism. Currently, the
regulations call for two years of sustained total abstinence before
certification can be considered. We will now consider shortening that
required minimum period to one year, under the following conditions:
- favourable psychiatric and
psychological testing,
- successful completion of an inpatient
or intensive outpatient program with a documented commitment to
- participation in an acceptable
aftercare program consisting of individual and group counselling
sessions for at least 12 months,
- establishment of a monitoring system
that includes a physician with expertise in substance abuse disorders,
- additional monitoring reports from
employers, family physicians, or others, as well as alcohol testing when
We are hopeful that this plan for
alcoholic general aviation pilots will stimulate early self- or
peer-identification and rehabilitation. We view this change in policy as
the first step toward establishing for private pilots a program similar to
one that has been very successful for air carrier pilots.