night takeoffs and the “false climb” illusion
Dr Dougal WatsonAircraft have been destroyed
and many aviators, and their passengers, have died as a result of the
“false climb” illusion. Unlike the approach and landing illusions (See
‘Illusions during the approach and landing’) that rarely result in more
misery than a hard landing or a missed approach, this one is a killer.
Understanding the mechanisms behind the “false climb” illusion is quite
difficult, but is an important first step in avoiding becoming one of its
The false climb illusion is a classic example of the limitations of our
senses, especially sight, balance, and touch, during flight. This illusion
occurs when our otolith balance organs (See ‘Senses during flight’)
provide misleading information to the brain and there isn’t enough
information from the eyes to correct the error.
How could a healthy, command instrument rated, type experienced pilot fly
a perfectly sound Beech King Air into the ground only seconds after taking
off into a clear, unlit night sky? He did at Wondai, QLD, several years
ago resulting in his own death and that of four of his five passengers.
This accident and many, many others like it have the common features of
night time departure, dark sky with no visible horizon, and unlit terrain
under the take-off path.

Figure 1: The otolith organ in a ‘neutral’ position.
To understand the false
climb illusion, which is also known as the somatogravic illusion, we will
need first to review the workings of our ear’s balance mechanisms - the
otolith organs. There are two otolith organs in each ear - one vertical
and one horizontal. Their main function is to provide the brain with
information about the position of the head. Each otolith contains small
crystals attached to the free ends of tiny sensory hairs which are, in
turn, connected to special nerve cells (Figure 1).
When the head is tilted gravity acts on the crystals and causes the
sensory hairs to bend. This bending of the sensory hairs stimulates the
nerve cells which then send signals to the brain (Figure 2). The brain
uses the signals from all four otoliths to compute the position of the
head. This process occurs very rapidly, very frequently, and without any
conscious effort.
It is this resultant force that the otolith organs actually sense. The
confusion, and the source of the “false climb” illusion, arises because
man has evolved in an environment where gravity is the main force that
influences our otolith organs. We are used to interpreting signals from
the otoliths as indicating the position of our head.

Figure 2: An otolith organ when the head is tilted.
Our brain is not designed
to consider whether there may be other straight line accelerations acting
on our body. When forces other than gravity act on our body, usually for
short duration (as when you run or jump), our brain doesn’t have to rely
only on signals from the otoliths. In the majority of day-to-day
situations our brain gets most of its balance and orientation information
from our eyes.

Figure 4: The combined effect of gravity and straight line acceleration on
the otolith organs.
Usually information from
our eyes overrides that from the other balance organs including the
otoliths (See ‘Senses during flight’).
In the absence of sufficient information from the eyes the presence of
additional straight line accelerations can cause the brain to make
incorrect head position calculations. A straight line acceleration can
cause the direction in which the resultant force acts to move in a
rearward direction. This causes the otolith organs to send the brain
exactly the same signal as they would when the head is tilted backwards
(Figure 3).

Figure 3: Straight line acceleration acting on an otolith organ (No
This is the basic
mechanism behind the false climb illusion. Straight line forward
acceleration causing the brain to incorrectly conclude that the head is
being tilted backwards.
Now let’s look at the dark night take-off. When you’re lined up, waiting
to apply power for takeoff, gravity is the only force acting on the
otoliths (Figure 5).

Figure 5: The resultant force during ‘line up’. The otoliths and the eyes
correctly sense the position of the head. (No straight line acceleration
is acting)
They correctly signal to
the brain that the head is in an essentially straight up-and-down, or
erect, position. This is supported by visual information such as the
positioning and perspective of runway lights and lit buildings adjacent to
the runway. The otolith information to the brain is correct and is
supported by visual information. No conflict exists.
Once the throttle(s) is (are) advanced straight line acceleration begins
to act on the otoliths in conjunction with gravity. The direction of the
resultant force moves towards the rear and the otoliths incorrectly signal
to the brain that the head is in a backward tilted position (figure 6).

Figure 6: The resultant force during the take-off ground roll (gravity and
straight line acceleration). Visual information overrides the incorrect
otolith signals.
However, during the
take-off roll you are still able to see the runway lights as well as those
of any adjacent buildings. This correct visual information overrides the
incorrect otolith signals. Although a conflict exists between otolith and
visual information no illusion results because the brain takes more notice
of the visual information.
Once the aircraft is rotated and starts to climb the situation changes
dramatically because the pilot is no longer able to see the runway lights.
Gravity is still acting in its downward direction and the straight line
acceleration may have increased a little as the aircraft leaves the ground
and is “tidied up”. The resultant force acting on the otoliths will signal
to the brain that the head is tilted backward even further. The brain
knows from sensors in the neck muscles that the neck hasn’t bent and
therefore deduces that the head tilt must be due to the aircraft having a
higher nose attitude. In the absence of correct visual information the
forward straight line acceleration during take-off results in the illusion
of a higher nose attitude - a false climb illusion (Figure 7. Compare with
Figure 4).

Figure 7: The resultant force acting on the otoliths during the climb-out,
in the absence of correct visual information, causes a false climb
Because there is no
horizon or ground lights to be seen and override the otolith signals the
pilot experiences a powerful pitch-up illusion. Consciously or
subconsciously the pilot applies judicious forward stick to “correct” his
perceived nose high attitude. This compounds the problem by allowing the
aircraft to accelerate even more causing a worsening of the illusion. Very
rapidly a vicious cycle is set up with “corrections” leading to worsening
of the illusion which in turn leads to further, stick forward,
If the illusion is not recognized, and no correct visual cue is seen, the
pilot rapidly “corrects” his way into the ground. The aircraft impacts
with wings level, in a nose low attitude, under full climb power, usually
killing all on board.
Most people find it hard to believe that an experienced pilot could so
easily fly a perfectly functioning aircraft into the ground with such dire
consequences. This is because most people don’t realize how insidious and
overwhelming the false climb illusion can be. It is possible, in rapidly
accelerating jet aircraft for the “false climb” to continue to such an
extreme that the pilot believes his aircraft is nose high vertical or even
inverted when in fact it is rapidly accelerating back to earth in a
progressively steeper dive.
The false climb illusion is very real and very dangerous. The best way to
avoid becoming a victim of this illusion is to understand it, recognize
potentially dangerous situations, and to maintain a disciplined instrument
flight profile.
The otoliths convey misleading information to the brain during each and
every take-off. It is, however, unusual for there to be no visual cues to
override and correct the otolith misinformation. The false climb illusion
only becomes a threat when there is inadequate correct visual information
available - hence the term dark night take-off which is so often used when
discussing this illusion.
The King Air at Wondai took off (RWY36) over unlit terrain, on a very dark
moonless night. Once the pilot had rotated he would have lost all outside
visual cues. Had he switched immediately and effectively to instruments
and ignored his body’s sensations he may have continued an uneventful and
uninterrupted climb-out. He was probably either distracted, didn’t
immediately transfer to instruments, or was unable to believe his
instruments. The straight line acceleration would have caused his otoliths
to convey incorrect information to his brain and his subsequent
“corrective” action resulted in the aircraft impacting the ground 600
metres from the end of the runway only slightly to the left of centreline.
A similar series of events has claimed many aircraft throughout the world
despite the illusion being recognized and well documented over forty years
The other classic scenario for the false climb illusion is an overshoot
flown over unlit terrain on a dark night. In a similar manner to the
takeoff illusion the straight line acceleration that results from the
application of full power causes the otoliths to falsely sense a nose up
pitch change.
A false climb illusion will also occur with power application and
acceleration during straight and level flight in Instrument Meteorological
Conditions. Acceleration after unexpected entry into cloud - inadvertent
Instrument Meteorological Conditions - will lead to a false climb illusion
with potentially disastrous consequences for a non-instrument rated pilot.
The first step in avoiding disastrous consequences from the false climb
illusion is to be especially wary of dark night departures, or overshoots,
over unlit terrain (or water). It is wise to consider this illusion
whenever you are using an unfamiliar runway or airfield at night.
The second step in avoiding this danger is a timely and effective transfer
to instruments.
The Air Speed Indicator is the single most useful instrument during the
early stages of a dark night takeoff. If VX (airspeed for the best angle
of climb) is maintained with wings level you can be confident of climbing.
Any speed increase above VX may indicate descent, while a lower speed will
result in degraded climb performance and may put you at risk of stalling.
During instrument flight most pitch information is derived from the
Attitude Indicator (Artificial Horizon) supported by the Altimeter and the
Vertical Speed Indicator.
These instruments may be misleading during the early stages of a
climb-out. A gyroscope driven Artificial Horizon can be subject to errors
of precession when exposed to straight line acceleration. During take-off
acceleration this gyroscopic precession can result in the horizon bar
moving down a small distance, indicating an attitude slightly more nose
high than it really is. During the initial stages of a climb-out the
Altimeter and the Vertical Speed Indicator may not have had enough time to
fully stabilize and could be giving unreliable readings (Less of a problem
if an Inertial lead Vertical Speed Indicator is fitted).
During a take-off into a dark night it is paramount to switch to
instruments as you rotate and stay During instrument flight most pitch
information is derived from the Attitude Indicator (Artificial Horizon)
supported by the Altimeter and the Vertical Speed Indicator.
These instruments may be misleading during the early stages of a
climb-out. A gyroscope driven Artificial Horizon can be subject to errors
of precession when exposed to straight line acceleration. During take-off
acceleration this gyroscopic precession can result in the horizon bar
moving down a small distance, indicating an attitude slightly more nose
high than it really is. During the initial stages of a climb-out the
Altimeter and the Vertical Speed Indicator may not have had enough time to
fully stabilize and could be giving unreliable readings (Less of a problem
if an Inertial lead Vertical Speed Indicator is fitted).
During a take-off into a dark night it is paramount to switch to
instruments as you rotate and stay “on the dials”, maintaining VX, until
you’ve reached a safe altitude. No attempt should be made to look back at
the runway lights or any other ground lighting. This is extremely
dangerous, especially in a low wing aircraft, because a wing may drop
unnoticed as you turn your head. There is no hurry to retract flaps or
undercarriage and neither a turn nor any radio procedures should be
undertaken until at least 500 feet.
Remember, Night Visual Flight Rules flight is, in fact, instrument flight
and the only valid reason for breaking your instrument scan is to gain
navigational information from your charts or the world outside your
In summary the false climb illusion occurs when an aircraft either
takes-off or overshoots above unlit, featureless terrain into a dark,
horizon less sky. The false climb illusion causes the pilot to apply stick
forward “corrections” which result in a worsening of the illusion as the
aircraft continues to accelerate. If the illusion -“correction” cycle is
not broken the aircraft is flown into the ground.
Tragic consequences of the false climb illusion can be avoided by an
effective instrument scan, maintaining Vx, and being especially careful
when flying from, or into, unfamiliar runways on dark nights.