Bellanca 14-13 Cruisair

Bellanca 14-13-2 Cruisair
Senior The Bellanca Cruisair Senior was a post-World War II general
aviation aircraft with outstanding performance on relatively low engine
power and a very modest price that appealed to private pilots. The
performance and strength of the aircraft also made it attractive for
utility work. Although only about 600 were produced, because of the
post-war depression in private aircraft sales, the aircraft remains
popular today with the private pilots looking for a classic cabin
The Cruisair Senior had a good solid reputation of aeronautical excellence
already established by Giuseppi Bellanca. It began in 1922 with the
Bellanca C.F., a closed cabin monoplane that won several races but found
no market. In 1927 Clarence Chamberlain, Charles Levine and Bert Acost few
the Bellanca monoplane Columbia non-stop from New York to Germany in June
1927, one month after Lindbergh's solo flight. Establishing a world's
non-refuelled, endurance record of 51 ˝ hours. The subsequent Pacemaker
and Skyrocket series were great successes and were followed by a series of
custom-built airplanes and military designs in the 1930s.
In 1936, Bellanca decided to turn his attention to smaller aircraft for
the personal travel. He wanted to design a three-place cabin airplane that
had a relatively fast cruise speed, benign stall characteristics, good
low-speed control, and was capable of short-field take-off and landing.
This design effort resulted in the low-wing Bellanca 14-9 Junior which
later became the Cruisair Junior. The prototype 14-7, first flown in
December 1937, had a 140 sq. ft wing area and a 70 hp engine and was
therefore designated the 14-7. The 1939 production models were offered in
both fixed and retractable landing gear versions and were powered with a
90 hp Ken Royce radial engine. This series of airplanes was perhaps one of
Bellanca's most successful pre-war production airplanes and was the direct
ancestor of NASM's Bellanca 14-13 airplane. With the demise of the small
radial engine around 1940, Bellanca decided to install the flat 6-cylinder
engine being developed by Franklin Motors. The cabin was enlarged to
became a four-place airplane and the addition of wing flaps and minor
improvements in cockpit interiors resulted in the 1941 14-12 version of
the airplane.
Bellanca developed the model 14-12 in 1941, just before U.S. entry into
World War II, but was delayed the design while performing military
sub-contract work during the war for Fairchild and several other firms.
The model 14-12 was redesignated the model 14-13 in 1945 and ultimately
included the newly developed 150 hp Franklin 6A4-150-B3 engine that gave
the Cruisair Sr. a remarkable cruise speed of 150 mph. It first flew in
late 1945 and was officially shown in the fall of 1946 at the National
Aircraft Show in Cleveland, Ohio, where it was enthusiastically received.
Bellanca booked quite a few orders and also built a large number of
Cruisairs on speculation to meet the perceived post-war boom, and although
yearly sales did not meet expectations, Bellanca continued in the market
until 1951.
The Bellanca 14-13-2, which was an updated 14-13, first flew in 1948. It
was a four-place low-wing cabin monoplane with a conventional tail wheel
landing gear and retractable main gear. The tail configuration had fixed
vertical fins at the tips of the horizontal stabilizer in addition to the
conventional centreline mounted fin and rudder combination, a
distinguishing characteristic for this class of airplane in that era. The
fuselage and tail units were constructed of welded steel tubing and were
fabric covered. The wings, famous for their structural rigidity, were of
wood construction, covered with mahogany plywood, and finally covered with
plastic-impregnated fabric. The ailerons and flaps were fabric covered.
The cabin interior was plush with overhead radio speaker, map and glove
compartments, ashtrays, assist ropes, landing lights etc. It had a moulded
Plexiglas windshield, the cabin walls were lined with thin Fiberglas
sheet, and the upholstery was mohair fabric trimmed in leather. The
instrument panel was conventional with dual-wheel yokes and rudder pedals.
The landing gear was manually retracted with 32 to 38 turns of what was
jokingly called the "armstrong type" floor-mounted crank, although an
optional electric drive was available for $325. It had toe operated
hydraulic brakes and a full-swivelling, steerable tail wheel. The 150 hp
Franklin engine installation included a 12-volt generator and battery
system, an electric engine starter and an exhaust gas cabin heater system.
The airplane came equipped with a fixed pitch Sensenich wood propeller or,
as an extra cost option, a controllable pitch Aeromatic propeller could be
substituted. The Cruisair's immediate successor, delivered in 1949, was
the 190 hp Bellanca 14-19 Cruisemaster.
Production ceased in 1951 but the type certificate passed to Northern
Aircraft Inc. in 1956. Northern and subsequent companies, some using the
Bellanca name, continued to build various Bellanca aircraft into the