
Lake Renegade
pilot report
Simon Broek
I have said it many times before. I just have a
weakness for things and machines that breathe
utility, be it a paper clip, a Landrover or an
aircraft. Great sky bound examples of the
‘form follows function’ philosophy are the Pilatus
PC-6 Porter, the De-Havilland DHC-2 Beaver and
DHC-6 Twin-Otter, The 180 and 185 from Cessna and
the Helio Courier. All of them are aircraft found
in the most remote regions of the world where they
are used as workhorses on a variety of missions.
Unless extensively modified however all these
aircraft rely on some kind of firm runway for
take-offs and landings. In today’s market there is
one marked exception, the Renegade family of
aircraft from Lake.
Lake Aircraft with bases in Laconia New Hampshire,
Kissimmee Florida and Stanford Maine, is currently
the world’s only manufacturer of certified single
engine flying boats. Although largely unknown by
the public, the people at Lake Aircraft have been
building flying boats for over half a century. It
all began in 1946 when David B. Thurston and
Herbert P Lindbad founded the Colonial Aircraft
Corporation. Previously the two talented engineers
had been working for the Grumman Aircraft Company
on the successful Grumman Goose and Widgeon
amphibian twins. They also worked on a
lesser-known aircraft, the G-65 tadpole, that flew
for the first time in 1944.

Tadpole was a single engine two-seater flying boat
that was geared towards the private and business
market. Before proving it’s self to the top
executives at Grumman the Tadpole program got
scrapped, much to the dismay of Thurston and
Herbert. They were both a firm believer of a
marker for such an aircraft and driven by this
belief they left Grumman and set up shop for

first aircraft was the three-seater Colonial
Skimmer. This aircraft with a now characteristic
pylon mounted engine on top of the fuselage, first
flew in the summer of 1948. Colonial eventually
built 42 Skimmers of which 18 were Skimmer two’s
which had four seats.
Because of slow sales, Colonial had to close their
doors in 1959, but haunted by his dream Herbert
Lindbad soon after founded a new company under the
name Lake Aircraft Corporation.
Lindbad almost redesigned the Skimmer from the
ground up, before re-introducing it as the LA-4 in
1959. Three years later, Lake was bought by
Consolidated Aeronautics Inc. who split Lake up in
two divisions. On one side was Aerofab Inc, that
was to built the aircraft in Stanford, Maine and
on the other side was the Lake Aircraft Division
that was to take care of the sale and service of
the aircraft.
In 1979, Armand Rivard bought both divisions and
has been building Lakes of various shapes and
sizes ever since.
As said, Lake started building the LA-4 back in
the 60’s. This was a four-seater aircraft powered
by a 180 HP pylon mounted engine. A decent
performer on land and in the air, the LA-4 was
somewhat of a disappointment on the water.
When operated off water, the LA-4 was downgraded
to a two seat aircraft. The 180 ponies on the roof
just could not lift anything more then that.

prompted Lake to install a 200 HP Lycoming
instead, turning the LA-4 into the LA-4-200. From
this moment the designation was complemented by
the name ‘Buccaneer’. During the early eighties
the buccaneer was replaced by the LA-200EP (Extra
Power). To claim the extra power the EP received a
lengthened propeller shaft and a much-improved
cowling, resulting in less drag and more thrust.
Some EP’s also received a reversible propeller,
greatly improving the slow speed handling on
water. These now rare aircraft, received the
designation LA-200EPR.
In 1982 Lake took a huge step forward with the
introduction of the greatly improved LA-250
Renegade. The Renegade still bares the family
features of the earlier models but is enlarged to
accommodate 6 adults quite comfortably. Up in the
pylon the Four Cylinder IO-360 made way for a six
Cylinder IO-540 that produces 250 HP. Besides a
jump in useful load, the Renegade offers much
improved water handling, through it’s
substantially longer deep V hull. To feed the
thirstier Lycoming, the fuel capacity was
increased to a maximum of 90 gallons. Besides
these obvious modifications, many more detail
improvements found their way into the new

In 1987
a Turbo charged variant of the Renegade, the
LA-270T Turbo Renegade was introduced to
accommodate altitude hungry aviators.
Although the Renegade is universally accepted as a
very capable aircraft, Lake hasn’t been sitting
still in recent years. The Renegades are slowly
being replaced on the production line by Seafuries.
As the name implies, the Seafury is especially
geared to salt water operations. The biggest
difference between it and the Renegade is the
generous use of space age ceramic corrosion
proofing techniques to protect the Seafury’s
construction in the harshest of environments. The
Seafury comes in both the 250 normally aspirated
and the 270 HP turbocharged versions.
Military brethren

Last but not least there are the two military
versions of the Renegade family. The most potent
is the Seawolfe. Blessed with a higher gross
weight, a 290 HP turbocharged engine, and six
standard Nato hard points under the wing, the
Seawolf can be adapted for a multitude of
missions. The most frequent use of this wolf in
sheep’s clothes, is that of Marine Patrol and
Search and Rescue With it’s capacity to carry
rockets, guns, night vision equipment, radar and
infra red and visible spectrum camera’s however,
the sky is the limit.

those who want the higher gross weight but don’t
need all the bells and whistles of the Seawolfe,
there is the Ranger. This is basically a beefed up
Seafury with a 290 HP engine.
On one beautiful late summer day, I drive my
rental car into Laconia, New Hampshire. On a
corner, next to the local high school that looks
like the set of a Hollywood saga on small-town
USA, I drop a quarter in a payphone and call Bruce
Rivard, son of Armand and Vice-President of the
Lake Aircraft Company. He gives me directions to
the airport and will meet me there in 20 minutes.
Arriving at the airport, the Lake Aircraft hangar
would be a rather obscure building was it not for
a ring of ‘experienced’ Buccaneers and Renegades
that surround it. It’s an other 10 minutes before
Bruce arrives in a just as ‘mature’ Volkswagen
Rabbit, sporting shorts a t-shirt and loafers.
Like the aircraft they build, the Revards are
practical people. He greets me with a warm
“Welcome to the flying boat capital of the world”
and a firm handshake. We spend about fifteen
minutes walking around the premises and chatting
about Lake’s history, the aircraft they build now
and what the future holds for this last outpost of
‘wet feet’ aviation.

aircraft outside, that all look the part of hard
working and hard playing machines, are contrasted
by a brand new Seawolf and a totally restored EP
inside that both look and smell brand new. Bruce
knows that these two beautiful aircraft will look
just as ‘used’ as the ones outside before the year
is over. “Lake aircraft are built for a serious
pounding and that is exactly what the new owners
of these aircraft will do with them. They are
built for the rough and soon will look the part.”
Bruce says. He doesn’t mind though, because a
great deal of his business is the maintenance and
repair of used Lakes form all over the country and
in fact the world. Owners love coming back to the
birthplace of their aircraft as well. Because the
technicians have been around forever, and all
necessary parts are only footsteps from the work
floor, the cost is kept down and the turn around
times for repairs and inspections are minimised.

The impressive Seawolfe is going through its last
checks before being delivered to an anonymous
client in the Far East. Anonymous? My querying
look is answered with a smile from Bruce and a
cheerful, “Don’t worry, we only sell Seawolfes to
the ‘good guys’. The bad guys only get the Ranger,
that can’t take rockets and guns.”
To my question; why they stopped building the four
seater, Bruce answers; “ It costs about as much to
build a Renegade as it does a Buccaneer and for
the same money you get much more aircraft. There
just was no demand for the Buccaneer anymore.”
Lake is now seeing the same thing happening with
the Seafury. Despite the $40,000 higher price tag
for all the fancy corrosion proofing, most people
now want to get a Seafury instead of a Renegade.
Out to fly and float

To the side of the hangar, towards the runway,
awaits my magic carpet for the afternoon. N8435A
is a customer’s LA-270T that the Rivards lease
back for the occasional demonstration and training
flight. With around 600 hours total time she is an
average example of a turbocharged Renegade. Her
exterior shows a few scuffmarks from
overenthusiastic encounters with docks and ramps
but in all she looks pretty clean. It is soon
apparent that the aircraft is pretty low slung and
that eye level for the pilot is about waist high
for an average standing person. This makes for an
interesting perspective for the novice Lake
driver, both on land and on water. Everything on
the aircraft breathes functionality. No frills
bells and whistles can be found anywhere, just
straight utility. Ingress to the aircraft’s
interior is made quite easy by the generous
folding canopies up front and the huge ‘cargo
door’ to the right hand side. Opening both the
right hand canopy and door reveals a huge entry
for long and bulky items such as stretchers golf
bags or ski’s. Behind the pilot seats, a 10 feet
flat floor area can be revealed by simply removing
the passenger seats.

front row passengers have ample room and a grand
unobstructed view through the large windows. That
is contrasted by the ‘cheap seats’ in the back of
the cabin that lack legroom and windows. Although
there is a side window modification available for
the Renegade, Bruce admits that most people use
the aft seating area for extra baggage space and
therefore don’t bother with it.
Just as we are completing the pre-flight of three
five Alpha, a minibus stops and a handsome young
man and pretty girl get out. It is Bruce’s son Ian
and one of his classmates he seems eager to
impress. A few moments later the two teens clime
over the transom into the back seats, while I take
a seat next to Bruce up front. The cargo door is
closed, but we keep one of the canopies wide open.
Since the aft facing propeller does not generate
any slipstream in the cockpit we can enjoy the
fresh air while taxiing to the active for take
off. The nose gear is free turning so we steer on
the ground by occasionally tapping the brakes.
This is easy enough in the calm afternoon air, but
can be a challenge when facing a stiff crosswind.
Thanks to the aft mounted wing, and the sloped
nose the view from the pilot seat is absolutely
unique. It is therefore not surprising that Lake’s
are slowly starting to dominate the market of
marine and law enforcement observation aircraft.
As an
aerial photographer, I can certainly appreciate
that side of the Lake’s inner beauty.
For a novice, the overhead engine controls are a
bit of a novelty for small aircraft. Having flown
the De Havilland Twin-Otter however, I feel right
at home. After some last checks and the careful
latching of the canopy we are free to push the
throttle all the way forward. The Turbocharged
Lycoming is fitted with an automatic waist gate to
control the maximum manifold pressure, so we don’t
have to tweak the throttle until we reduce the
power for the climb. Noise is typical for a light
aircraft, but perhaps a little less intrusive in
the cockpit because of the engine’s aft position.
The take-off run took no more then 6 or 700 feet
and after tucking the wheels into the wings and
nose the climb rate settles on a hefty 1100 feet.
Not bad for a 20 feet cabin cruiser… The gears,
like the flaps and elevator trim are hydraulically
controlled. Pressure is generated by an electrical
pump and is stabilized by an accumulator. In case
of a failure of the electrical pump, a hand pump
is available to charge the accumulator.

Once airborne and trimmed for straight and level
flight, the flight controls feel firm and
surprisingly well coordinated. As expected, the
Renegade is not a ballerina, but still
surprisingly nimble when coached firmly. In the
smooth air above lake Winnipesaukee, the Renegade
holds her course admirably when the yoke is
As in any amphibian aircraft, landings are to be
well-rehearsed exercises in procedures. Whereas a
wheel up landing on firm ground will do little
more to a Lake then scratch the paint off the
keel, a wheel down landing on water could spell
instant disaster. The main gears are easily
monitored from the cockpit, while the nose wheel
can be checked in a little mirror mounted to the
left hand pontoon. As experienced as he is, Bruce
says the amphibian pilot chant out loud; “Water
landing, gear is up”, while visually checking the
gear handle, all three gears, and last but not
least the blue light on the console. Bruce retards
the power to bleed off some speed and selects the
flaps to down. This is a ‘no brainer’, since the
flaps have only two positions. Up for flight and
down for take-off and landing. We can now see how
much drag the Lake can generate. Even without the
gear down the waters below fill both canopies
while the speed is nice and stabilized.
steep approach can sure come in handy when
operating from small bodies of water in
mountainous terrain. Just above the water Bruce
pulls straight to bleed off the speed before
touching the wave tops in a level attitude. Once
in the water an ungodly noise erupts from metal
pounding on rock hard water. This is why Lakes
must be built like a brick (you know what) house.
The wild ride only lasts a few seconds though as
the Lake settles trough the waves and continues
leisurely to the shore. We head for a ramp at what
use to be Armand Rivard’s house, a beautiful
contemporary wooden building with large decks
overlooking the shore.
Before reaching the ramp, Bruce lowers the gear
and when convinced he is over firm ground he
hammers the throttle forward to keep his momentum
up the steep ramp. The roar of the engine brings
people from surrounding houses to their decks to
watch the spectacle. To my relief their raised
hands are not bald in fists but are waiving
friendly. This kind of tolerance can be an example
for tight-butted Europeans who mow their lawns
every Saturday with annoying power mowers, but
frown at every light aircraft that comes overhead.
The girl is gallantly helped out of the back and
continues to walk up the road to her house on the
hill. The smile and the friendly wave back tells
me that Ian’s mission is a success. It’s hard not
to be impressed by a ride home and a drop-off on
the lakefront by a Lake Renegade…
I stay on shore to make a couple of pictures as
Bruce and Ian take to the water for a couple of
low fly by’s and ‘splash and goes’. Ten minutes
later they are back to pick me up and we head
trough the air for a small beach around the corner
from Bruce’s waterfront home. His wife Katy and
younger son Brandon are awaiting us with a small
speedboat for some more pictures. Without lowering
the gear Bruce runs the Lake op on the beach just
like a boat and allows us to get out without
getting our feet wet. After introductions, I take
to the water in the speedboat with Katie and Ian,
while Bruce and Brandon get back in the Renegade.
Out on the water Bruce plays with the Renegade as
if it is a dragon fly dashing over the surface. My
Gyro Stabilizer is zooming happily and my motor
drive is running hot shooting roll after roll of
film in the beautiful sunset.
When the film is all shot, we return to the
Rivard’s family jetty at the bottom of the garden.
Before getting my gear packed and up the stairs,
Bruce and Brandon are back from the airport.
After one of the most incredible days in my flying
career, my luck is still not over. Armand, who
lives in Florida most of the year, is in town and
he and Bruce invite me to dinner at the local hot
spot. There the evening fades with good food and
great conversation. What did we talk about? What
do you think. Lake aircraft and the incredible
adventures they open up.
The Lake Renegade is in a league of it’s own and
therefore hard to measure against other aircraft.
What surprised me most of all was that as a flying
machine it hold it’s own in the company of
landlocked machines such as Cessna’s 206 and Piper
Cherokee Six.
As a boat, well having seen the Renegade in action
at the hands of a master, leads me to believe that
Bayliners are toys for kids. Combining the two
worlds in just one machine makes it simply
irresistible to adventure seeking aeronautical
buffs like me. The only thing missing for me to
get a Renegade of my own is a bank account to mach
my desire. One day though, one day…