
Mooney M20 performance and specifications

Mooney has
changed ownership several times over the
years. It even became a French owned company
for a while. The design of the M20 is one of
the most outstanding aviation achievements.
The tail is to say the least unusual.
However, it remains in the airflow at
extreme attitudes and does not slow the
thing down at all. What is even more unusual
is that the entire tail hinges to enable
trim changes. Unlike most modern aircraft,
the fuselage has a moly steel space frame
around the passenger compartment and this
give vastly improved occupant survivability
in the unfortunate event of an accident.
Many feel that the cockpit is cramped. This
is an optical illusion, as the internal
dimensions are very similar to a Bonanza.
Control harmony takes an hour to get used
to, and after that, most pilots fall in
love. After closing the doors a short time
ago, Mooney is back again making these fine
airplanes and the business seems to be going
from strength to strength. The aircraft is a
perfect long distance cruiser and is not all
that bad air racing either! If all of this
seems a tad biased, perhaps it is. I owned a
Mooney for some time and love them to this
day! (ed.)

first Mk20
The first M20
was built in 1955 and was Al Mooney’s
twentieth aircraft design. Dubbed the M20A,
this all-wooden wing aircraft was in
production until 1961 when the all-metal
M20B was introduced. This was superseded by
the M20C Mk 21 in 1962. In 1964 an
additional model became available — the M20E
Super 21 with a 200-hp injected Lycoming
giving a maximum cruise of 187 mph. Mooney’s
competition at this time was Piper’s 250-hp
Back then, Air
Facts magazine set up a race between the two
rivals. Conducted at low-level with
throttles wide open, the Mooney outran the
Comanche. By 1965, sales at Mooney were
booming, selling almost 700 aircraft that
year, with theM20F Executive with stretched
fuselage offered a year later in 1966. The
last of theM20Cs was built in 1978, a year
after the popular 200-hp M20J was introduced
— known as the 201 because the cruise speed
was 201 mph. The M20K 231/252 first appeared
in 1979 and differed from the 201 in that it
had a Continental 210-hp.
In 1988 Mooney
teamed up with Porsche and produced
forty-one 217-hpPorsche engined aircraft,
the M20L — two of which are flying in
Australia. The incredibly quick, big-block
Mooneys began rolling off the line in 1988
with the 220-knot, 270-hpM20M Bravo,
followed by the 280-hp M20ROvation in 1994.
Mooney’s newest model is the 244-hp M20S
Eagle. While the latest M20 Mooneys feature
more power, speed, state-of-the-art avionics
and luxuriously appointed interiors, the
entire M20series have an almost identical
airframe and many other features not found
on other light aircraft. Without a doubt,
the most distinguishing feature is the
unique Mooney tail design with its forward
sloping trailing-edge and vertical
The theory is
that the tail design positions the rudder
directly in-line with the airflow when at
slow speeds and high nose attitudes. This
makes the rudder more effective just when
you really need it, such as when landing or
approaching a stall. Probably a lesser known
fact is that the Mooney pitch trim control
moves the entire empennage rather than using
drag inducing trim tabs.
The flush
riveted laminar flow Mooney wing is also a
unique design in that it is very strong,
one-piece and has a single spar from wingtip
to wingtip. Apparently the fuselage can be
removed and the wing rolled around on the
wheels. The flaps stretch out over nearly
two-thirds of the wing, while the ailerons
are short and wide and run right to the tip
of the wing — a combination designed to give
better control at slow speeds.
Attached to the
wing is an equally strong fuselage. Rather
than being the typical monocoque
construction, Mooneys feature a welded steel
tubular frame wrapped with non-structural
aluminium as the foundation for the forward
fuselage. The steel frame also acts as a
roll cage around the occupants. Not
surprisingly, there has never been a
structural AD on a metal Mooney airframe and
only one mid-air break up — that unfortunate
person entered a tornado-ridden

All M20 series
Mooneys share the same load limitations of
+3.8g and -1.5g.The trailing link tricycle
gear has a rudder-pedal-operated steerable
nose wheel and toe-operated brakes. Rather
than conventional oleo legs, Mooneys utilise
low maintenance rubber discs to absorb shock
from taxiing and landing. Anyone who has
woken up in the morning at a remote strip to
find a collapsed oleo leg will appreciate
this system.
Al Mooney was
so intent on reducing drag that even the
step on the M20C is retractable. Getting
into the low, left seat of a Mooney does
require some mild gymnastics compared with
the high chair of a Cessna. Once seated with
legs stretched outwards, the Mooney is
comfortable and the cabin width, contrary to
popular opinion, is almost exactly the same
as a Beech, Piper or Cessna. Mooney has
reduced the fuselage cross sectional area
and therefore reduced drag by lowering the
area above the pilot’s head and curving in
the side windows above the shoulder.
The Mooney is
the ultimate cross-country machine. The M20C
burns around 35 litres per hour at 75
percent power, giving it a maximum endurance
of 5 hours. Don’t forget that at Mooney
speeds, that equates to a long way on a tank
of gas.
Normal take-off
speed is 60 knots and a climb rate of 800
ft/min can be expected at 105 knots. With a
constant speed propeller, the tightly
enclosed O-360 A1D Lycoming develops 180hp
at 2,700 rpm and requires the use of cowl
flaps during the climb.
failure in earlier models presents no major
dramas. Up until 1968, all Mooneys had a
bullet-proof manual gear retraction system.
Hinged from the floor, the long gear handle,
or Johnson Bar, locks forward into the
bottom of the instrument panel for the down
position. To retract, the thumb button is
depressed while sliding the locking
mechanism downwards and the handle is pulled
to floor between the seats.
The entire
retraction of all three wheels seems almost
instantaneous and is effortless if done
before too much speed is gained. Flaps are
extended hydraulically through a manual
handle located next to the gear. Full flap
is obtained with four complete pumps, and
the flaps will retract automatically. Mooney
introduced electrically operated landing
gear and flaps as standard in 1969, however,
the manual gear is so popular there is no
price difference between electric and manual
gear when purchasing an early Mooney. The
dual flight controls feel heavier than other
similar aircraft due to having push-pull
tubes rather than cables, and serve as a
stable cross-country and instrument
The rudder is
the lightest control of all three axes and
is also the least powerful, although 15-knot
cross wind landings are possible.
Anticipation and generous use of trim and
rudder is required when applying full power
in a go-around or missed approach situation
as the pitch up is significant.
Until 1977,
standard Mooney equipment included an
automatic wing leveller known as the
Positive Control or PC system. Pneumatically
operated, the PC system senses both roll and
yaw in the turn coordinator, which meters
vacuum to cylinders attached to the control
tubes. Slowing the slippery Mooney down
re-quires forward planning.
The M20C has a
maximum gear retraction speed of 105 knots
and flap speed of 89 knots, so it requires
some thought when descending at 160 knots.
Late model Mooneys with cruise speeds of
over200 knots are equipped with pop-up speed
brakes on the wings, a modification fitted
to many earlier models. The manual gear
system is easily extended if the maximum
extension speed is adhered to. It seems hard
to imagine how one could ever forget to
lower the wheels on a Mooney as it is such a
vital drag inducing ingredient to getting
the speed under control. The Mooney has a
mild stalling behaviour typical of many
light aircraft types, however, if out of
balance it will readily drop a wing. If
severely aggravated, using full elevator and
rudder together at slow speeds, the aircraft
will stall, roll over and settle into the
initial stages of a spin which is easily

Mooney Eagle
Landing is no
different from landing a Cherokee so long as
you get the final approach speed down. The
majority of Mooney accidents have been the
result of the pilot not slowing enough in
the circuit and ending up with a fast final
approach speed. The recommended normal final
approach speed is 71 knots — any higher and
the aircraft will float down the entire
strip in ground effect and, if forced on,
will bounce. With a short field approach
speed of 62 knots and a stall speed in
landing configuration of 50 knots at MAUW,
the M20C is able to drop in and out of
fairly short strips. The Mooney is an
aircraft with so much capability.
It goes fast —
real fast — it’ll take four people away,
land on the local farm strip, and doesn’t
require a trust fund to run. For all its
systems, the Mooney is remarkably simple and
easy to maintain. In return for these
features, all a Mooney asks for is a pilot
who respects and knows how to handle its
high performance characteristics.
1955 |
M20 Mark 20 |
1001 to
1010 |
0-320 (150HP). Wood wing. Four place. |
10 |
$12,500 |
1956 |
M20 Mark 20 |
1011 to
1061 |
0-320 (150HP). Wood wing. Four place. |
51 |
$15,590A |
1957 |
M20 Mark 20 |
1062 to
1166 |
0-320 (150HP). Wood wing. Four place. |
105 |
$15,950A |
1958 |
M20 Mark 20 |
1167 to
1200 |
O-320 (150HP). Wood wing. Four place. |
34 |
1958 |
M20A Mark 20A |
1201 to
1303 |
0-360-A1A (180 HP). Wood wing. Four
place. |
103 |
$14,750 -
$17,656A |
1959 |
M20A Mark 20A |
1304 to
1534 |
0-360-A1A (180 HP). Wood wing. Four
place. |
231 |
$15,450 |
M20A Mark 20A |
1535 to
1700 |
0-360-A1A (180 HP). Wood wing. Four
place. |
165 |
All aircraft
manufactured to this point were of wood and
fabric construction. Aircraft after S/N 1701
were metal.
* Master
models in the following table were fixed
landing gears.
Year |
Model |
Serial # |
Description |
No. built |
Factory price |
1961 |
Mark 21 |
1701 to 1924 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1A (180
HP) or -A1D (impulse coupled mags). Four
place. |
223 |
$15,995 - $18,000A |
Mark 21 |
1940 to 2276 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). |
336 |
$15,995 - $19,000A |
1963 |
Mark 21 |
2297 to 2622 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Four place. |
328 |
$20,000A |
1963 |
Master |
101 to 200* |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Four place. |
100 |
$13,995 |
Mark 21 |
2623 to 2806 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Four place. |
183 |
$21,000A |
Master |
201 to 251* |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Four place. |
51 |
$15,814 |
1964 |
Super 21 |
101 to 469 |
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Four place. |
366 |
$18,450 - $22,000A |
1965 |
Mark 21 |
2807 to 3184 |
Lycoming O-360-AlD(180
HP). Positive Control (PC). Four place. |
379 |
$22,000A |
Master |
252 to 259* |
Lycoming 0-36O-AlD(180
HP). Four place. |
8 |
$ |
Super 21 |
470 to 831 |
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Positive Control (PC). Four
place. |
363 |
$23,000A |
Mark 21 |
3185 to 3466 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Positive Control (PC). Four place. |
280 |
$23,000A |
Master |
260 only |
Lycoming 0-360-AlD(180
HP). Four place. |
1 |
$ |
Super 21 |
832 to 1301 |
Lycoming IO-360-A1A(200
HP). Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Positive Control (PC). Four
place. |
473 |
$24,000A |
Executive |
660001 to 660003
Lycoming IO-360-A1A(200
HP). Fuselage extended by 1', cabin by
10". Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Positive Control (PC). Four
place. |
3 |
$21,995 |
Mustang |
660004 to 66006 |
Lycoming TI0-541-A1A(310
HP). Turbosupercharged, fuel injection,
pressurized. PC, power quadrant. Five
place. |
3 |
$33,950 |
1967 |
Mark 21 |
670001 to 670149 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). PC. Four place. |
149 |
$24,000 |
1967 |
Super 21 |
670001 to 670062
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Positive Control (PC). Four
place. |
62 |
$25,000A |
Executive |
670001 to 670539
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Positive Control (PC). Four
place. |
536 |
$21,995 - $26,000A |
Mustang |
670001 to 670004 |
Lycoming TI0-541-A1A(310
HP). Turbosupercharged, fuel injection,
pressurized. PC, power quadrant. Five
place. |
4 |
$42,437A |
Ranger |
680001 to 680198
Lycoming 0-360A1D(180
HP). Replaces Mark 21. Cowl flaps fixed,
dorsal fin removed, entrance step fixed,
1-piece windshield. PC. Four place. |
198 |
$25,000A |
1968 |
Executive |
680001 to 680206
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Positive Control (PC).
1-piece windshield. Four place. |
206 |
$25,294A |
1968 |
Statesman |
680001 to 680164
Lycoming 0-360A1D(180
HP). Long (F model) fuselage, fuel 52
gallons, PC, 1-piece windshield. Four
place. |
164 |
$18,790 - $26,000A |
1968 |
Mustang |
68001 to 68015 |
Lycoming TI0-541-A1A(310
HP). Turbosupercharged, fuel injection,
pressurized. PC, power quadrant. Five
place. |
15 |
$55,584A |
Ranger |
690001 to 690098
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Electric gear, flaps. New power
quadrant. Dorsal fin removed, entrance
step fixed, 1-piece windshield. PC. Four
place. |
98 |
$26,000 |
Chaparral |
690001 to 690073 |
Lycoming I0-360A1A(200
HP). Shortened (by 10" F model) with
electric gear, flaps, PC, 1-piece
windshield, 1969 power quadrant. Fuel:
52 gals. Four place. |
73 |
$27,000A |
Executive |
690003 to 690092
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Bendix fuel injection. Altitude
power boost. Positive Control (PC).
1-piece windshield. Four place.
90 |
$28,000A |
Statesman |
690001 to 690020
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Long (F model) fuselage, fuel 52
gallons, PC, 1-piece windshield. Four
place. |
20 |
$26,500A |
Ranger |
700001 to 700091
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). 1-piece windshield, PC, electric
gear, flaps. Four place. |
91 |
$18,995 - $27,000A |
1970 |
Chaparral |
700001 to 700061 |
Lycoming IO-360-A1A(200
HP). 1-piece windshield, PC, electric
gear, flaps. Four place. |
61 |
$28,000A |
1970 |
Executive |
700001 to 700072
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). 1' longer cabin, 1-piece
windshield, PC, electric gear, flaps, 64
gal. fuel. Four place. |
72 |
$29,000A |
Statesman |
700001 to 700006 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1A (180
HP). 1-piece windshield, PC, electric
gear, flaps, 52 gal. fuel. Four place. |
6 |
$27,500A |
Ranger |
20-0001 to 20-0009
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Aerostar markings, new air venting
for cabin. Four place. |
9 |
$19,995 - $28,000A |
Chaparral |
21-0001 to 21-0023 |
Lycoming I0-360-AlA(200
HP). Aerostar markings. New cooling for
engine. Four place. |
23 |
$21,995 - $29,000A |
M20F Executive |
22-0001 to 22-0012 |
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Only long cabin in 1971, sold as
Aerostar 220 Executive. Four place. |
12 |
$23,995 - $30,000A |
Republic Steel
Corp. purchased Mooney Aircraft from Butler
Aviation on Oct. 4, 1974 and officially
reopened the production line on Jan. 1,
Year |
Model |
Serial # |
Description |
No. built |
Factory price |
1974 |
M20C Ranger |
20-0010 to 20-0046 |
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Electric gear & flaps, cowl flaps
fixed, no dorsal fin, fixed step, PC.
Four place. |
36 |
$30,000A |
1974 |
M20E Chaparral
21-0024 to 21-0060 |
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Electric gear & flaps, PC, 1-piece
windshield. Four place. |
37 |
$31,000A |
1974 |
M20F Executive
22-0013 to 22-0078
Lycoming I0-360-AlA(200
HP). 1' longer fuselage. Electric gear &
flaps, PC, 1-piece windshield. Four
place. |
66 |
$32,500A |
1975 |
M20C Ranger |
20-1147 to 20-1185
Lycoming 0-360-AlD(180
HP). Electric gear & flaps, cowl flaps
fixed, no dorsal fin, fixed step, PC.
Four place. |
39 |
$31,000A |
1975 |
M20E Chaparral
21-1161 to 21-1180
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). Electric gear & flaps, PC, 1-piece
windshield. Four place. |
20 |
$32,500A |
1975 |
M20F Executive |
22-1179 to 22-1305
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). 1' longer fuselage. Electric gear &
flaps, PC, 1-piece windshield. Four
place. |
127 |
$34,500A |
1976 |
M20C Ranger |
20-1186 to 20-1218
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Electric gear & flaps, cowl flaps
fixed, no dorsal fin, fixed step, PC.
Four place. |
33 |
$33,000A |
1976 |
M20F Executive
22-1306 to 22-1432
Lycoming I0-360-A1A(200
HP). 1' longer fuselage. Electric gear &
flaps, PC, 1-piece windshield. Four
place. |
127 |
$36,500A |
1977 |
M20C Ranger |
20-1219 to 20-1243
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). Electric gear & flaps, cowl flaps
fixed, no dorsal fin, fixed step, PC.
Four place. |
25 |
$35,000A |
1977 |
M20F Executive
22-1433 to 22-1439
Lycoming I0-360-A1A (200
HP). 1' longer fuselage. Electric gear &
flaps, PC, 1-piece windshield. Four
place. |
7 |
$38,500A |
1977 |
M20J 201 |
24-0001 to 24-0377 |
Introduction of J model.
Lycoming I0-360-A1B6D(200 HP). Drag
reduction to F model by Roy LoPresti
increases speed by 21 knots. Prop is
squared-off; original gear-down 120 mph.
Four place. |
377 |
$41,200 - $45,500A |
1978 |
M20C Ranger |
20-1244 to 20-1258
Lycoming 0-360-A1D(180
HP). End of short-cabin era. Four place. |
15 |
$37,500 |
1978 |
M20J 201 |
24-0378 to 24-0757 |
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Long fuselage (24'8" or 7.6m) now
standard. Push-pull power controls.
Changes from '77 J model: engine model,
fuel selector; panel; landing light
mounting; landing gear motor; landing
gear speed now 150 mph; prop rounded.
Four place. |
380 |
$43,500 - $86,675 |
1979 |
M20J 201 |
24-0764 to 24-0900
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). New 1978 configuration. Strengthens
cowl flap mounting. Four place. |
137 |
$53,500A |
1979 |
M20K 231 |
25-0001 to 25-0246 |
TSI0-360-GB(210 HP). First 6-cylinder
engine. Turbocharged with Rajay fixed
wastegate. Fuel increased to 75 gallons.
Dorsal fin airscoop. Curved wingtips,
enclosed lighting. Four place. |
246 |
$51,975 |
1980 |
M20J 201 |
24-0901 to 24-1037 |
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). New 1978 configuration. Four place. |
137 |
$58,500A |
1980 |
M20K 231 |
25-0247 to 25-0446 |
TSI0-360-GB(210 HP). Same configuration
as 1979. Four place. |
200 |
$63,500A |
1981 |
M20J 201 |
24-1038 to 24-1213
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Sculpted wingtips added, 201 number
now on tail fin. Four place. |
176 |
$63,500A |
1981 |
M20K 231 |
25-0447 to 25-0612
TS10-360-GB(210 HP). Soundproofing
improved, 231 number on tail fin. Four
place. |
166 |
$69,000A |
1982 |
M20J 201 |
24-1214 to 24-1326
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Double plane door window, sound
insulation added. Four place. |
113 |
$68,000A |
1982 |
M20K 231 |
25-0613 to 25-0717
TS10-360-GB(210 HP). Pressurized mags
added, improved exhaust resonator. Four
place. |
105 |
$76,000A |
1983 |
M20J 201 |
24-1327 to 24-1417 |
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Only change to 1982 was paint
design change. Model numbers dropped
from tail fin. Four place. |
91 |
$76,000A |
1983 |
M20K 231 |
25-0718 to 25-0780
TSI0-360-GB(210 HP). Same paint design
changes as made to 201. Four place. |
63 |
$85,000A |
1984 |
M20J 201 |
24-1418 to 24-1499
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Composite 1-piece belly, 2" power
gauges, internally lit instruments. Four
place. |
82 |
$123,795A |
1984 |
M20K 231 |
25-0781 to 25-0841
TSI0-360-LB1(210 HP). Same changes as
1984 201, plus new engine with redsigned
fuel distribution, nitrited cylinders,
steel belted pistons, new rod design.
Four place. |
61 |
$139,915A |
1985 |
M20J 201 |
24-1500 to 24-1550
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). First wing-mounted speed brakes
(Precise Flight). Special Edition
introduces upgraded interiors. Four
place. |
51 |
$145,640A |
1985 |
M20K 231 |
25-0842 to 25-0889
TSI0-360-LB1(210 HP). Same changes as
1985 J models. Four place. |
48 |
$169,925A |
1986 |
M20J 201 |
24-1551 to 24-1588
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Lean Machine and Special Edition
marketed. Four place. |
38 |
$145,640 |
1986 |
M20K 252 |
25-1000 to 25-1066
TSI0-360-MB(1) (210 HP). Replaces 231
with intercooled engine, Garrett
variable wastegate. First model with
curved side window. Also, enclosed
landing gear; 28V electrical. Four
place. |
67 |
$123,400 - $154,000A |
1987 |
M20J 205 |
24-3000 to 24-3056
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Features from 252 added to 201:
enclosed landing gear; 28V electrical
and rounded side windows. Four place. |
57 |
$149,440A |
1987 |
M20J 201 (LM)
24-1589 to 24-1641
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Unchanged from 1986. Four place. |
53 |
$ |
1987 |
M20K 252 |
25-1067 to 25-1157 |
TSIO-360-MB(1) (210HP). Same as 1986.
Four place. |
91 |
$177,500A |
1988 |
M20J 205 |
24-3057 to 24-3078
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Uses Special Edition interior of
252 -- new seats, centre armrests. Four
place |
22 |
$134,330A |
1988 |
M20J 201 |
24-1642 to 24-1685
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Last of square-cornered windows.
Four place. |
44 |
$102,970A |
1988 |
M20K 252 |
25-1158 T0 25-1198
TSI0-360-MB(1) (210 HP). FlightSafety
training offered. Four place. |
41 |
$179,845A |
1988 |
M20L PFM |
26-0001 to 26-0040
Porsche PFM 3200 N03 (217
HP). Porsche 911 derivative engine.
Fuselage length adds 20" and cabin 12".
First of long body aircraft -- that
becomes standard body in 1999. |
40 |
$142,900 |
M20J 201 |
24-3079 to 24-3143
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Curved window corners; 28V
electrical, new interior. Four place.
65 |
$129,735A |
M20K 252 |
25-1199 to 25-1220
TSI0-360-MB(1) (210 HP). Same as 1988
model. Four place. |
22 |
$185,825A |
M20J 201AT |
24-1686 |
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Trainer with dual brakes; aux power
plug; stanby vac; more durable interior.
14V electrical. Four place. |
1 |
$119,900 |
26-0041 |
Porsche PFM 3200 N03 (217
HP). Last ad for PFM ran in March, 1990.
Extra long body. |
1 |
$193,375 |
M20M TLS |
27-0001to 27-0035
Lycoming Tl0-540-AFIA
(270 HP). 26'4" body, rear seats 4" aft
(extra long body introduced in PFM
mode). |
35 |
$177,500 |
M20J 201AT |
24-1687 to 24-1706
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Advanced trainer, unchanged from
1989. Four place. |
20 |
$119,900A |
M20J 201 |
24-3144 to 24-3207
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Sold as MSE. New paint design. Four
place. |
64 |
$138,000A |
M20K 252 |
25-1221 to 25-1230
TSI0-360-MB(1) (210 HP). Unchanged from
1989. Four place. |
10 |
$203,165A |
M20L PFM |
26-0042 |
Porsche PFM 3200N03 (217
HP). Extra long body. Four place. |
1 |
$ |
M20M TLS |
27-0036 to 27-0084
LycomingTI0-540-AFIA (270
HP). Extra long body. Mid-year paint
change. Four place. |
49 |
$251,650A |
M20J 201 |
24-3208 to 24-3245
Lycoming I0-360-A3B6D(200
HP). Sold as MSE and MSE Limited. Four
place. |
38 |
$173,460A |
M20M TLS |
27-0085 to27-0125 |
Lycoming Tl0-540-AFIA
(270 HP). Paint scheme adds 1 extra
pinstripe. Extra long body. Four place. |
41 |
$261,720A |
1992 |
M20J MSE |
24-3246 to 24-3286
Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D
(200 HP). MSE, MSE Limited and AT
(Advanced Trainer). |
41 |
$185,000A |
1992 |
M20M TLS |
27-0126 to 27-00146 |
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIA
(270 HP). Unchanged from 1991. Extra
long cabin |
21 |
$302,090A |
1993 |
M20J MSE |
24-3287 to 24-3320
Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D
(200 HP). Unchanged from 1992, though AT
model disappears. |
34 |
$196,750A |
1993 |
M20M TLS |
27-0147 to 27-0173
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIA
(270 HP). Same as 1992. Extra long
cabin. |
27 |
$241,000 - $334,420 |
1994 |
M20J MSE |
24-3321 to 24-3354
Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D
(200 HP). Same as 1993. |
34 |
$208,915A |
1994 |
M20M TLS |
27-0174 to 27-0193
Lycoming TIO540-AFIA
(opt. AFIB) -- (270 HP). Unchanged from
1993. |
19 |
$340,345A |
1994 |
M20R Ovation |
29-0001 to 29-0021
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
Normally aspirated with large 6-cylinder
engine. Flying Magazine's single-engine
plane of the year for 1994. Extra long
body. |
21 |
$205,750 |
1995 |
M20J MSE |
24-3355 to 24-3373
Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D
(200 HP). Unchanged from 1994. |
19 |
$211,295 |
1995 |
M20M TLS |
27-0194 to 27-0208
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIA
(opt. AFIB) -- (270 HP). Unchanged from
1994. Extra long body. |
15 |
$297,970A |
1995 |
M20R Ovation |
29-0022 to 29-0075
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
Unchanged from 1994. Extra long body.
54 |
$297,970A |
1996 |
M20J MSE |
24-3374 to 24-3393
Lycoming IO-360-A3B6D
(200 HP). Unchanged from 1995. |
20 |
$245,705A |
1996 |
M20M TLS |
27-0209 to 27-0220
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIB
(AFIA for s/n 209, 210). TKS option
available. TLS Bravo added. Extra long
body. |
12 |
$395,155A |
1996 |
M20R Ovation |
29-0076 to 29-0095
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
TKS also becomes available. Extra long
body. |
20 |
$332,915A |
1997 |
M20K 252 |
25-2001 to 25-2008
TCM TIO-360MB1 (210 HP).
Reintroduces 252 with improved engine,
230 pound gross weight increase.
8 |
$381,900A |
1997 |
M20K Encore |
25-2009 to 25-2017 |
TCM TIO-360-SB2 (220 HP).
Encore model re-introduces 252 10HP+ in
engine, 230 pound gross weight increase.
9 |
$391,900A |
1997 |
M20M Bravo TLS |
27-0221 to 27-0240
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIB
(270 HP). Unchanged from 1996. Extra
long body. |
20 |
$446,900A |
1997 |
M20R Ovation |
29-0096 to 29-0131
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
Unchanged from 1996. Extra long body. |
36 |
$368,900A |
1997 |
M20J MSE |
24-3394 to 24-3412 |
Lycoming IO-360-A3B6 (200
HP). Unchanged from 1996. |
19 |
$276,550A |
1998 |
M20J Allegro |
24-3413 to 24-3431 |
Lycoming IO-360-A3B6 (200
HP). Renamed J model; last year of
production for J body. |
19 |
$286,500A |
1998 |
M20R Ovation |
29-0132 to 29-0172 |
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
Long body (standard after 1998). |
41 |
$378,900A |
1998 |
M20K Encore |
25-2018 to 25-2035 |
TCM TIO-360-SB2 (220 HP).
Uses same body as J model -- both
discontinued at year-end. |
18 |
$386,900A |
1998 |
M20M TLS Bravo |
27-0240 to 27-0257 |
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIB
(270 HP). Long body. |
17 |
$364,950 - $436,700 |
1999 |
M20R Ovation |
29-0173 to 29-0199 |
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
Long body. |
27 |
$ |
1999 |
M20M TLS Bravo |
27-0258 to 27-0281 |
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIB
(270 HP). Long body. |
25 |
$ |
1999 |
M20S Eagle |
30-0001 to 30-0039 |
TCM-IO-550-G (244 HP).
Moritz gauges; 2-axis STEC autopilot; 75
gal. tanks. Long body. |
39 |
$ |
2000 |
M20R Ovation2 |
29-0200 to 29-0269,
excluding 29-0260 and 29-0268 |
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
2-blade McCauley and 190-knot cruise.
Dual Garmin 430s, KFC-225 autopilot,
leather interior. Long body. |
55 |
$399,000 - $498,400
2000 |
M20M TLS Bravo |
27-0282 to 27-0310,
excluding 27-0304 |
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIB
(270 HP). Dual Garmin 430s; KFC-225
autopilot, leather interior. Long body. |
26 |
$459,000 - $530,800
2000 |
M20S Eagle |
30-0040 to 30-0055 +
30-0057 |
TCM-IO-550-G (244 HP).
Moritz gauges; 2-axis STEC autopilot; 75
gal. tanks. Long body. |
19 |
$299,000 - $437,700
2001 |
M20R Ovation2 |
29-0260, -0268 and
29-0270 to 29-0279 |
TCM IO-550-G (280 HP).
2-blade McCauley and 190-knot cruise.
Dual Garmin (530/430) nav/com/GPS,
KFC-225 autopilot, leather interior.
Long body. |
12 |
$445,000B |
2001 |
M20M TLS Bravo |
27-0304, 27-0311 to
27-0316 |
Lycoming TIO-540-AFIB
(270 HP). Dual Garmin (530/430)
nav/com/GPS, KFC-225 autopilot, leather
interior. Long body. |
7 |
$505,000B |
2001 |
M20S Eagle2 |
30-0056, 30-0058 to
30-0062 |
Upgrades in 2001 include
3-bladed prop (and 100 lb. gross weight
increase); single Garmin GNS430
GPS/Nav/Com; leather interior; rudder
trim, ground power plug. Still uses
TCM-IO-550-G (244 HP). |
6 |
$360,000 |