Aeronca 7 AC Champ

Aeronca 7AC Champ
The 7AC
Champ was Aeronca's most popular aircraft. Certificated
on October 18, 1945, the Champ was produced in greater
numbers than any other Aeronca design. The original
Champ sold for $2,295 in 1946 and 7,190 were produced
before production ceased in 1951.
The first
Champs had a Continental 65-hp engine and no electrical
system. Hand propping the engine to get it started was
standard procedure for these planes, like most other
simple two-seat airplanes of that time. Aeronca added
design improvements to the 7AC series, mostly engine
horsepower increases and changes to enlarge the dorsal
fin. With increased horsepower to 85, the Champ became
the 7BCM and the 90-hp 7CCM. Aeronca also produced the
7DC and 7EC models with larger dorsal fins and 85-hp and
90-hp engines, respectively.
In all,
more than 10,000 Champs of various model designations
were produced. Today more than 1,800 of the original 7AC
Champs are still flying, providing hours of cheap, fun
flying for their owners.