
Fournier RF-6B/RFB 180 Sportsman performance
and specifications
Fournier RF-6B/RFB 180 Sportsman

Designed by Rene Fournier, the four-seat RS
180 Sportsman first flew in 1973, powered by a
125hp Lycoming engine. Early production
aircraft were designated RF6-180 and had the
tailplane positioned on the top of the
fuselage; in early 1978 the designation was
changed to RS-180 and the tailplane was
repositioned mid way up the fin. The Fournier
RF-6B a generally similar but smaller two-seat
version, first flew in 1974. intended
primarily for aerobatics and training, it has
a one-piece transparent canopy and is powered
by a 100hp roll's-Royce Continental engine.
Cruising speed of the RS-180 is about 145mph
(235km/hr) and that of the RF-6B about 120mph
(190km/hr). Load factors for the RF-6B are +9g
and 4.5g. production was suspended in 1981.
country of origin: France/west Germany.