7. What about the Weather?
All flying is subject to weather, aircraft serviceability, pilot rosters and airfield availability.  It is ESSENTIAL that you call us on the day itself any time from 8.00am onwards (before you set out) on our weather line 01666 577727 or 01243 576137 to check that the weather is suitable for flying and that appropriate aircraft and pilots are available.  If you are traveling down the day before to stay locally, again we strongly recommend that you call us before you set out.  We will try and ensure you do not have a wasted journey if at all possible, so please call us in advance!  We accept no liability for any costs incurred when flying has to be cancelled.  We try very hard not to rearrange trips as we have an extremely high level of bookings and it can be difficult to reschedule cancelled trips.

During the winter months (November-March), there is a greater than 50% chance that you may not be able to fly due to weather.  This decreases to around 10-20% during the peak summer months. The presence of low cloud and/or high winds may mean that we will have to reschedule.  Additionally, as we occasionally transit our aircraft between locations on the morning of the flying day itself, occasionally we may be unable to fly in the planned location, due to poor weather where the aircraft are situated.