Below are a selection of the many comments we have received back from Corporate Flying Day clients.

"We had a fantastic day.  Everyone is saying it was seamless with no one bored at all. Thanks to all your team for such good organisation -  we really had a super day. You have the most amazing collection of pilots who are a joy to fly with. I can't think about anything else this morning - let's hope we can do it again next year.

Adrian said it was the best day of his life! All the others said there was no corporate day that ever came close to what we did and that includes the Super Yacht trips to the Monaco GP, so I think that's saying something."
Large City financial institution (wished to remain nameless)

"Thursday was a fabulous day both as corporate entertainment and for pure enjoyment.  We have never had feedback for a corporate event like the letters of thanks we have had following Ultimate High.  It was a special day for special clients and as a corporate event it was a huge success.
Client feedback includes:
  • "An absolutely brilliant day.  It exceeded all my expectations.... It is hard to describe it to someone who hasn't experienced it.......Thank you so much for the experience and the day.  It is one that I will not forget and also one which will be hard to match."
  • "Aerobatics could very easily become an addiction for me and I am already trying to organise an event for next year.  I am very hopeful we will get approval but whether or not we do I have every intention of flying with you again either with, or without, clients."
  • "I have decided that it was the daftest, most irresponsible thing (married, two kids, 40 years old and own business) I have ever done yet the most exhilarating and exciting!  When are we going up again?"
Shoosmiths Solicitors

"The whole day was awesome.  I didn't know you could do anything like this."
Ernst & Julio Gallo Wines

"The whole day exceeded expectations - I thought the briefing and instruction were excellent and most entertaining.  The best flying I have experienced."
Bendix King/ Honeywell

"All in all a great time was had by all and lots of compliments about your operation.  We will be back for more next year."
Holman's (Lloyds Brokers)