
Rans S-7S

The S-7S Courier has evolved from
the classic S-7 Courier produced since 1985. The constant progress
of the Courier kit has produced the S-7S. Along with the tremendous
value added from building a certified aircraft in kit form, come
refinements in aerodynamics, interior, panel, fibreglass wing tips,
larger flaps, radiator inside cowling, and a fibreglass cowl boot.
Options such as cabin heater, welded jury struts, wing fabric rivet
kit, airspeed indicator, voltage meter, fuel pressure gauge, station
3 close out, control stick cover-ups, throttle guard, and bubble
doors now come standard on the S-7S.
The S-7S
Courier is a classic in the true sense of the word. From the
tasteful lines to the touch, smell and feel, it beckons of an era
when flying was a grass roots experience. When flying was a personal
enjoyment without the pressure to make it pay or need to be
justified in the eyes of ”accounting.” The S-7S is flying for the
sake of flying. It is quality airtime. Time well spent getting in
touch once again with why you earned your ticket.
Flying the Courier develops a profound respect for the evolution of
a classic. No doubt about it, the Courier has been influenced by
great planes – like the Cubs and Champs – except evolved to an
advantage. At first introduction you will welcome some more obvious
changes. Two five-foot wide doors allow easy entry to either the
solo position front seat or rear.
Equipped with the Rotax 100 HP 912S engine, the Courier can leap
into the air in less than 325 feet. Lifting off short means little
if you can’t haul a load. 532 pounds of useful load puts the Courier
in the ”do something, go somewhere” class. Tough spring steel gear
and effective Cleveland brakes let you do
that something in places previously passed by. The gentle nature of
this taildragger will encourage the newcomer and compliment the
seasoned. Developed in the land of daily crosswinds (Kansas), the
Courier is good for 20 KTS. at 90 degrees –
more if you know a few tricks!
In the air, the Courier parts company with some of the classic
element, leaving behind the pronounced adverse yaw and rudder
tending. Instead, the handling reveals the fine tuning of
differential ailerons, spades, balanced controls, and smooth ball
bearing bellcranks and push rods.
A gentle buffet announces the stall followed by a definitive break.
A slight release of back pressure and the Courier is flying again.
Even at the bottom of the white arc, the Courier retains confident,
friendly handling. This is the outcome of just the right airfoil,
span and wing loading. Enjoyable handling that lets you fly to the
extremes of your personal envelope.
A healthy supply of fuel (18 gallons) yields at least 3.1 hours
aloft with 1/2 hour in reserve. Another pleasant surprise is the
cruise speed. Here’s where that narrow Rotax 912S really pays off.
Cruise at 118 MPH, now that really puts some ”refinement” into the
old cub numbers!
Get used to seeing. The view out of the Courier is amazingly void of
blind spots. Another break from tradition is over- the-nose
visibility during taxi, which turns exceptional in the air. Five
foot long side windows pan the horizon. For over-the-wing
visibility, the cabin roof is clear glazing. That comes in real
handy in the pattern or winding along a riverbed.
Fun to toss around the sky, but yet stable. Tap the Courier’s
electric trim on top of the control stick to set up hands off
cruise. Drop the flaps and re-trim. The big tail and long moment
provide good feel with proper feed back.
wing span
wing area
empty weight
useful load
gross weight
fuel capacity
range |
Rotax 912S
100 hp
72 in
23 ft. 3in.
6 ft 3 in
29 ft 3 in
147.1 sq ft
700 lbs
500 lbs
1200 lbs
18 gal US
341 miles |
distance, ground roll
rate of climb
max speed
cruise speed
landing distance, ground roll
service ceiling |
325 ft
1000 fpm
110 mph
375 ft
14,500 ft |
limiting and recommended speeds
manoeuvring speed (Va)
never exceed speed (Vne)
stall, power off (Vsl)
landing approach speed |
130 mph
46 mph
x |
All specifications are based on
manufacturer's calculations