GT 500

The GT 500 introduced in 1990 is a high
wing, tandem seating two place, trigear, in a pusher configuration.
Control is dual control yokes and rudder pedals. The craft uses bolt
together aluminium tube covered in Dacron sailcloth. Building times
are in the 250 to 350 hour range. The quality and finish of this kit
is one of the best in the industry. To date this is the first and
only aircraft to meet, by proof of compliance, our Advance
ultralight standards TP 10141. It did this by proving proof of
compliance to the U.S. Sport Aeroplane category. The GT 500 comes
standard with the 503 Rotax engine. This is a lot like putting a 4
cylinder engine in a full size truck. The GT 500 really comes to
life and shows is able to show her stuff when you power her up with
a 582 or 912.
With the 582 climb at gross is a comfortable 1000 per minute, cruise
at 5800 will push the needle on your airspeed to 80 m.p.h.. Stall
using flaps a comfortable 35 m.p.h.
wing span
wing area
empty weight
useful load
gross weight
fuel capacity
range |
582/40 Dual CDI 65 hp
3 Blade, Carbon Fibre
72 inches
17 to 19 degrees-LH
20' 5"
6' 6"
30' 0"
155 sq.
575 lbs.
425 lbs.
1000 lbs.
16 U.S. gal.
x |
takeoff distance,
ground roll
rate of climb
max speed
cruise speed
landing distance, ground roll
service ceiling |
220 ft.
650 fpm.
81 mph.
79 mph.
260 ft
x |
limiting and recommended speeds
design manoeuvring speed (Va)
never exceed speed (Vne)
stall, power off (Vsl)
landing approach speed |
90 mph.
103 mph
45 mph.
51 mph |
All specifications are based on manufacturer's