1994, SkyStar aircraft was faced with an increasing demand to
produce a significantly larger version of the Kitfox that would be
able to utilize contemporary certified engines (Continental and
Lycoming) in addition to the Rotax 912 engines. The answerer to
this demand was the entirely new Kitfox Series 5. While appearing
very similar to the Kitfox Classic 4, it is, in fact, a completely
new design. The Kitfox Series 5 introduced a new marketing approach
in which different variations of the Series 5 were given names. The
tailwheel version became known as the Safari, and the tri-gear
version (the first production tri-gear airplane based on the Kitfox
design) was named the Vixen. The Vixen utilized a swept tail, a
cosmetic change that did not affect performance.
Originally introduced with a gross weight of 1400 pounds, the gross
weight was increased to 1550 pounds in mid-1995. The handling
characteristics became much more like those of contemporary
certified aircraft, but lost none of the agility that had become a
Kitfox trademark. As with all Kitfox aircraft, the folding wing
feature was retained. In 1998, the name of the Safari was changed
to the Outback, and the Vixen became the Voyager, but the basic
features remained the same. A short wing version of the Series 5
was also sold, and it was known as the Series 5 Speedster. Although
heavier and larger, the Series 5 is an aerodynamically cleaner
design than the Classic 4 and cruises at a higher speed.
The Series 5, and variations thereof, are a
delight to fly. Refinements to the vertical tail surfaces and a
new, trimable, horizontal stabilizer enhanced the pitch feel. The
Series 5 has a “smoother” feel than the quick reacting Model 4, but
retains the overall agility. Yaw stability is positive and good.
The greater weight of the 1550 pound airplanes, coupled with the
greater mass of Continental and Lycoming engines, causes the Series
5 to feel very much like a larger, heavier, certified airplane.
This is not a surprise, as the Series 5, along with its tooling, was
specifically designed to meet Primary Aircraft certifications
standards. The tri-gear version of the Series 5 (Vixen/Voyager) is
a contemporary nose gear airplane in all respects. The use of
differential braking to steer the tri-gear airplane may take some
practice, but offers unparalleled ground manoeuvrability. The
larger engine choices result in a larger cowling and limited forward
visibility during ground operation of the tailwheel version of the
Series 5. Good tailwheel proficiency is suggested before your first
flight of the “limited view” Series 5. Cruise flight in the Series
5 is nose low, resulting in very good in-flight visibility.