
Kitfox Classic IV

Kitfox Model 4-1200, currently marketed under the name of the Kitfox
Classic 4, is the final evolution of the original Denney Aerocraft
Kitfox design that began in 1984. One of the most successful kits
on the market today, the Classic 4 kit has been sold continuously
since late 1991. The Classic 4 has heavier lift struts and gear
legs, as well as beefed up carry through tubes in the fuselage, to
allow for a higher gross weight than the earlier Model 4 kits. The
height of the vertical stabilizer and rudder was increased by 10
inches, and the rudder depth was increased by 2 inches to allow for
improved handling. The Classic 4 is also available in a short wing
Speedster configuration for those wishing more speed and a higher
roll rate.
1994, a light weight version of the Classic 4 was introduced with a
Rotax 503 as the standard power plant. This airplane, known as the
Kitfox XL, qualified as an ultralight trainer, but did not gain
market popularity. In 2001, an upgraded version of the Kitfox XL
was introduced as the Kitfox Lite Squared and met with instantaneous
market success. The Kitfox Classic 4 remains suitable for both the
two-stroke and four-stroke Rotax 912 engine series. Many other
engines have been adapted to the Kitfox Classic 4.

only is the Kitfox Model 4 (Classic 4, Speedster, Lite Squared) the
final evolution of the original Denney Aerocraft concept in terms of
structure and engineering, but it is the best flying of all the
previous versions. The vertical surfaces were increased
significantly, resulting in excellent, positive, yaw stability. The
Speedster version of the Model 4 added aerodynamic enhancements to
the empennage, including an electric trim tab. Speedster
modifications can be used on any Model 4 variant. Handling is
smooth and crisp. While rudder coordination is needed, it is much
closer to what most pilots encounter in today’s modern training
The higher gross weight and larger wing fuel tanks
cause one to pay attention on landing rollout, but the much larger
vertical tail surface gives you all the control power needed, and
then some. The available electric pitch trim allows the Model 4 (in
all its variations) to be trimmed for hands off flight in almost all
normally anticipated flight attitudes. Many Model 4 aircraft were
equipped with the 4-cylinder, 4-stroke, Rotax 912 that produces 80
HP. Model 4 variants are now turning up with the 100 HP Rotax 912S,
resulting in power loadings that are better than the original, light
weight, Model 1. Be prepared for an airplane that is ready to fly
before you are. In 2001, the Classic 4 was packaged as the Lite
Squared and introduced into the ultra light community as a two
place, ultra light trainer. This packaging resulted in the Classic
4/Lite Squared being adapted to tri-gear in addition to the familiar
tail wheel configuration. The Light Squared has been discontinued,
but the convertible Classic 4 lives on. The Classic 4 can still
accommodate two-place ultra light training and is ideal for
operation by Sport Pilots
wing span
wing area
empty weight
useful load
gross weight
fuel capacity
range |
Rotax 503 or 582
18' 5"
29' or 32'
120 or 132 ft²
500 lbs. (503)
600 lbs (582)
1200 / 1050
x |
takeoff distance,
ground roll
rate of climb
max speed
cruise speed
landing distance, ground roll
service ceiling |
x |
limiting and recommended speeds
design manoeuvring speed (Va)
never exceed speed (Vne)
stall, power off (Vsl)
landing approach speed |
x |
All specifications are based on manufacturer's