The P2002 is a twin seat,
single engine light aircraft with a cantilever low wing
and tricycle landing gear. Type Certificated according to
JAR-VLA Regula-tions, as well as Ultralight/Microlight.
The main uses of the P2002 in both the versions are in the
recreational and educational field, in the sport, tourist and aerial work
The wing presents a tapered, no sweep, plan form, with NACA
63A- wing sections. The slotted flaps extend on 45% of the
wing span. The ailerons are Frise type.
The RH and LH wings join together by means of the
carry-through beam integrated in the fuselage truss
The wing structure is made up of a conventional single spar
torque box. Two bolts connect each wing to the carry-through
beam. Two other fittings, in the leading edge area and
connected with the secondary spar, serve mainly to carry the
torsion loads.
All structural parts are made of aluminium light alloy
(2024-T3 and 6061-T6), except for tips and fairings which
are in fibreglass.
The fuselage structure consists of a steel truss framework
in the cabin area, capable of providing satisfactory
protection in case of crash-landing, and a light alloy semi-monocoque
cone for the aft section.
The engine mount and nose wheel fittings are directly
connected to the steel truss framework through the fireproof
bulkhead. The empennage fittings are installed in the last
two frames of the tail cone.
The wide cabin features two side by side seats, which can be
adjusted via sliding rail stops. A baggage compartment is
located behind the seats.
Cabin access is through a sliding canopy that opens toward
the rear, overlapping the aft cabin fairing.
A large panel allows the space for the standard flight
instrumentation and for a wide variety of Com-Nav
equipments. Flight controls are of conventional dual stick
and dual rudder pedals design. Flap and longitudinal trim
controls are electrically operated with position indicators
on the instrument panel.
The horizontal trimmable tail plane is all-moving type,
which allows a high control authority and a better stick
free stability.
The vertical tail is conventional fin and rudder type.
Both horizontal and vertical tail plane structures are
aluminium light alloy (2024-T3 and 6061-T6), except tips
which are in fibreglass.
The main landing gear is realized with simple steel
spring-leaves, 5.00x5 wheel and tires, disc brakes, renowned
for their operational record of effectiveness and safety.
The nose gear features a steerable wheel with a rubber
doughnut shock absorber.
The engine is the last FAR 33 FAA Type certified version of
the 73,5 kW ROTAX 912S2, 4 stroke, 4 cylinders horizontally
opposed, driving a certified two blade fixed pitch Hoffmann
propeller, or the Ultralight version of the same motor.
The fuel is stored in two integral fuel tanks, one in each
wing leading edge (total ca-pacity 90 lt.). Fuel supply is
via an engine-driven mechanical pump and an emergency
electrical fuel pump.
The electrical system draws power from a 280 W engine-driven
alternator, equipped with an electronic rectifier/regulator
and a 12 V, 18 Ah battery.