TWO SEATER plane, built
with the latest technology in materials and aerospace technique. Made of
composite construction, which allows shapes, curves and strength
unfeasible with other kinds of material, resulting in an exceedingly
strong structure.
ITS LIGHT weight,
laminar profiles, and aerodynamic lines gives the Toxo greater performance
and lower operating costs than planes with other types of construction in
general aviation.
is an ideal plane for both business and holiday trips, with
characteristics such as ease of manoeuvring, long range, short-field
capability, comfort, enhanced cockpit visibility, and superior cockpit
arch. Powered with engines from 80 to 180 HP.
TO ENSURE a safe and easy flight, the Toxo
undergoes an exhaustive program of static, dynamic, load, fatigue, and
flight tests.
CONTROLS: Two control
sticks, with smooth and positive push-pull rod control system. Nose
steering wheel. Centre console houses throttle, mixture and fuel control
MATERIALS: Aeronautical
quality aluminium, steel, screws and hardware throughout.
and accessible instrument panel, with three differentiated areas to
include ventilation and a glove compartment.