
Turner Super T40

TopSpeed, mph170
Cruise, mph 155
Stall, mph 62
Range, n.m 525
Rate of Climb, fpm 1200
Takeoff Distance, ft 1100
Landing Distance, ft 900
Service Ceiling, ft 14,500
Engine Used Lyc.
HP/HP Range150/100-150
Fuel Capacity, gal 30
Empty Weight, lb 1050
Gross Weight, lb 1640
Height, ft 6
Length, ft 20.8
Wingspan, ft29.6
Wing Area, sq. ft 106
No. of Seats 2
Landing Gear tri or tail
Bldg. Materials W
Modified version of T-40 with two seats, swept tail and bubble
canopy. Low-wing wood monoplane; tri gear or tailwheel design; wings told.
First flew in 1970.