click on logo for link (opens in new window)
The Popular Flying
Association in the United Kingdom is a well run and very helpful
organisation that controls the building of experimental aircraft. While
the association employs a number of full-time professional staff, many
functions are organised by enthusiastic volunteer members. Each year, the
PFA runs a major rally that is the third largest in the World for home
built aircraft. Presently, this is held at Kemble Airfield near
Cirencester, Glos.. There local branches of the association in most areas.
These go by the rather nerdy name of 'struts' !
Their website, (link above) is well presented and
Before a new type of
aircraft can be built or operated under the PFA permit scheme, it must
have been thoroughly vetted by the PFA engineering staff. Just because the
aircraft is flown, in for instance, the USA, does not necessarily mean
that it is possible to fly it in the UK. New types are being constantly
The choice of homebuilt aircraft permitted by the PFA are
more restricted than in the USA. There is a limit to engine size, speed
and stall speed. Four seat aircraft can however now be constructed under
strict control. UK homebuilt aircraft cannot fly under instrument
conditions, at night and they must avoid flying over urban areas.
Permission must also be obtained before flying your aircraft to other
countries, unless a prior agreement has been made between the two
countries, (such as is now the case between the UK and France). Despite
the restrictions, homebuilding in the UK is flourishing and offers a
relatively low cost way to own your own aircraft.