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Chapter 222 was founded 1964 as the first EAA Chapter outside USA/Canada.
The founders were all active in flying and homebuilding one way or
another. A few of them are still around and active homebuilders in Sweden
and Europe. Anders Ljungberg, internationally well-known among
homebuilders is the President of Chapter 222.
EAA Chapter 222 has some 1800 members throughout Sweden and with that
being the largest Chapter world-wide. Of our members about 300 fly their
own home-builts, most of them built by themselves as there is a limited
market for homebuilts in Sweden and Scandinavia. In 2001 there were about
335 ongoing projects of various types with the Jodels, RVs and -Ezes being
the most common.
Sweden has tough VFR-weather from end of October till mid April why the
fly-in season is April -September. Usually there is afly-in two or three
weekends every month during that period with the Chapter Main fly-in the
first weekend of June annually.
Main Office is situated at Barkarby Airfield outside Stockholm. The
Chapter has two persons
employed fulltime for handling all the technicalities with inspections,
approvals and also administration of ongoing projects and flying
homebuilts. From Jan 1st 1999 EAA Chapter 222 has the full handling of
home-builts in Sweden - issuing Permits to Fly and inspections.