Pilot’s recommended pre-flight check
Designed for general aviation pilots but useful to any
IFR Checklist
A- Set altimeter to ATIS
H- Set Heading Indicator to compass
C- Comm #1 to approach control
C- Comm #2 to tower
N- Nav #1 on approach
N- Nav #2 on intersection/missed
D- DME on approach
A- ADF on approach
T- Timer set
M- Markers on/tested
M- Missed memorized
H- Verify final heading
A- Verify DH or MDA
Prelanding checklist
U-Undercarriage DOWN
M-Mixture RICH
H-Carb heat ON
I-Instruments NORMAL
Landing environment
-Approach lights ON
-Runway lights ON
-Landing lights ON
--For just about every phase of flight - including preflight.
Airports - Review in AFD, AOPA Diagrams, Approach plates, Departure
Procedures, SIDS, STARS
Weather -
Options - (Go, NoGo, Go Elsewhere, Go another route)
Notams -
Route and altitude -
Airplane - Certified IFR for approaches, runway length, etc
Weight and Balance - .
Alternates - IFR alternate required (123 rule)? If so, which one...Plan -
Plan and file...
Airways, Highways or Direct -
Especially flying IFR the NOTAMS are critical. There may be navaids that
are INOP, approach minimums that have changed (FDC NOTAMs) and frequency
Briefing Checklists
--Problems can be managed by anticipation of a situation's options.
--Flap position
--Mixture for density
--Fullest tank
--Trim set for climb out
--Instrument/annunciator check
--Abort plan
--Runway options
--Lift-off options
--Airspeed alive
--Acceleration to Vr
--Instruments green
Airborne Options
--Stop tires
--Gear up
--Climb positive
--gear load ammeter
Pre-Approach (5-A's)
--Approach speed
Crew Callouts
--localizer intercept or established
--Glideslope intercept or established
--Six T's
--Altitudes to minimums
--Clock position of runway
--Brake check
Approach (14 Items)
--Ident approach/set volume
--Set missed navaid
--Course and heading bug
--FAF altitude
--GS altitude at FAF
--Missed point/when to turn/where
--DA and minimum visibility
--VDP math
--No flags/gauges
--Cockpit secure
--Flaps and gear
--Prop, Power and airspeed
Missed approach
--Pitch and power
--Climb rate
--Flaps and gear
--When to turn
--Call missed