Fairly sturdy and easy to fly, the Avro 504 was used by the Royal Naval
Air Service to conduct bombing raids into German territory at the
beginning of the war. The first plane to strafe troops on the ground,
it was also the first British plane to be shot down by enemy ground
fire. Better aircraft soon replaced the Avro 504 in combat, but it
remained the standard British trainer for the duration of the war.
Country: Great Britain
Manufacturer: Avro
Type: Trainer
First Introduced: July 1913
Number Built: 8340
Engine(s): Gnome Monosoupape, rotary, 100 hp
Le Rhône, rotary x 1, 110 hp
Clerget 9B, 130 hp
Wing Span: 36 ft
Length: 29 ft 6 in
Height: 10 ft 5 in
Empty Weight: 1,231 lb
Gross Weight: 1829 lb
Max Speed: 82 mph (Gnome)
95 mph (Le Rhône)
94 mph (Clerget 9B)
Ceiling: 16,000 (Le Rhône)
13,000 ft (Gnome)
Endurance: 3 hours
Crew: 2