Beech T-34A Mentor
The T-34A was used by the USAF for
primary flight training during the 1950s. The original Mentor, a
Beechcraft Model 45 derived from the famous Beechcraft Bonanza, was first
flown in December 1948. The first military prototype, designated YT-34 by
the USAF, made its initial flight in May 1950.
After extensive testing the USAF ordered
the Mentor into production as the T-34A in early 1953. The first
production T-34A was delivered to Edwards AFB in October 1953 for
evaluation, and deliveries to the Air Training Command began in 1954.
The T-34A served as the standard primary
trainer until the USAF introduced the Cessna T-37 jet trainer in the late
1950s. As they were replaced by the T-37, many T-34s were turned over to
base Aero Clubs. In all, 450 T-34As were produced for the USAF. Three
hundred fifty were built in the U.S.A. and 100 more were produced in
Canada under license. In addition, two U.S. Navy versions of the Mentor
were produced: the T-34B and the turboprop-powered T-34C. The Mentor also
was built for the military forces of at least 10 friendly foreign nations.
Span: 32 ft. 10 in.
Length: 25 ft. 11 in.
Height: 9 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 2,900 lbs. loaded
Armament: None
Engine: Continental O-470-13 of 225 hp.
Cost: $51,000
Serial Number: 53-3310
C/N: G-71
Other registrations: N6458C
Maximum speed: 191 mph.
Cruising speed: 173 mph.
Range: 821 miles
Service Ceiling: 20,000 ft.