First USAF fighter to fly above Mach 2,
the F-104 Starfighter made its appearance in the 1950s when it was decided
to replace the still airworthy F-100 Super Sabre with a fighter which
could be used mainly as an interceptor. Planning started in 1952 and the
first of two prototypes took to the air on March 4, 1954. Seven months
later came the initial order for 153 machines of the F- 104A series,
followed by 26 two-seater F-104B trainers. Despite its exceptional
qualities, however, the USAF considered it unsuitable for interception
alone, and with the C version (77 machines, first delivery October 16,
1958), the F-104 was transformed into a fighter-bomber. This aircraft had
a brief operational life in Vietnam. However, the Starfighter's fortunes
were lifted by production of the next G version for the NATO allies. From
1960 to 1973 some 1,127 of this variant were produced under license in
Canada, Japan, Belgium, Italy, West Germany and Holland. Italy, too, built
245 of the final F-104S version.
Almost all the F-104s in the
fighter-bomber version, assigned the letter C, were used in Vietnam, for
21 months, during which time they performed important, far-ranging work.
The first fifteen Starfighters arrived in April 1965, with the 476th
Tactical Fighter Squadron and the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing: from April
20 to November 20 of the same year they carried out 2,927 missions of
machine-gunning, bombing and escorting strike aircraft, sometimes in North
Vietnamese air space, before returning to the United States. The 476th was
back, however, in June 1966, operating from the Udorn base in Thailand.
The F-104Cs were now camouflaged in accordance with operational needs and
in July were handed over to the 436th TFS and in October to the 435th,
still belonging to the 479th TFW. From June 1966 to July 1967 the F-104Cs
carried out escorting and bombing missions on North Vietnam, with over
5,290 sorties. The last Starfighter left Thailand before the end of 1967,
its duties being taken over by the Phantom F-4D. Although not much has
been written and said about the F-104C, it seems to have given a good
account of itself, but the shortage of machines obviously limited its use.
Span: 21 ft. 11 in.
Length: 54 ft. 10 in.
Height: 13 ft. 6 in.
Weight: 27,853 lbs. max.
Armament: One M-61 20mm cannon, two air-to-air missiles; nuclear or
conventional bombs
Engine: One General Electric J-79 of 15,800 lbs. thrust with
Crew: One
Cost: $1,471,000
Serial number: 56-914
C/N: 383-1202
Maximum speed: 1,320 mph.
cruising Speed: 575 mph.
Range: 1,250 miles
Service Ceiling: 58,000 ft.
Variants of the ‘Man in the Missile’ Starfighter
By: Raul Colon
‘Man on a Missile’, that’s how many Starfighter pilots referred to their
experience flying one of the most intriguing aircraft ever developed: the
Lockheed F-104. From its conception, the Starfighter was one of the most
revolutionary airplanes in the history of aviation.
Its clean lines, powerful engine and advanced electronic and weapon
packages made the F-104 one of the most powerful platforms in the world.
Ahead of its time by years, the Starfighter would be used by many NATO air
forces for decades.
There were a total of 19 variants of the Starfighter. Most of them were
flown by overseas customers such as Japan, Canada and Italy, which
continued to operate the air superiority fighter well into the 2000s.
Although several units had longer airframes (by fractions), all 19
versions were similar in their fuselage profile. The F-104 had a length of
55 feet, a wingspan of just 22 feet with a total wing area of 196 square
feet, including a part that was enclosed in the fuselage. The wing
structure had a very thin low aspect ratio (probably the thinnest wing
ever employed) for high speed enhanced performance.
1. F-104A: This was the first production version. Fitted with a General
Electric (GE) J79-3A engine capable of generating 14,800 pounds of thrust,
the A model could reach speeds upward Mach 2. Its operational range was an
impressive 1,450 nautical miles with its full complements (2 removable
wingtip tanks) of fuel tanks. Armed with the famous M61-A-1 Vulcan Cannon
and two, first generation AIM-9B Sidewinder air-to-air missile, the ‘A’
was a powerful offensive machine. At the heart of the model attacking
capability was the sophisticated AN-ASG 14T-1 Fire and Control System.
Early units were fitted with downward ejections seats, but in the second
delivery batch, those were replaced by the C2 upward platform. The A
version also had the distinction of being the first aircraft fitted with
the Boundary Layer Control mechanism. One hundred and fifty three (153)
F-104As were developed.
2. F-104B: This was a two seated version of the A model. It had the same
power plant and overall dimensions. The two main differences were maximum
takeoff weight and the Vulcan gun. In the B, top operational weight was
slightly lower (23,535 to 24,528). Unlike the early 104s, the B did not
incorporate a forward firing gun. It did have the pylons to carry the two
Sidewinders and was fitted with the 14T-1 Fire and Control system.
Lockheed produced 26 of this type.
3. F-104C: Seventy seven (77) of this all weather fighter-bomber were
produced, all for the United States Air Force’s Tactical Air Command. The
C model introduced the platform for the first time to a new in-flight
refueling system that employing a probe fitted on the left side of the
cockpit. Another innovation present in this version was the Blown Flaps
(BF) mechanism added to improve the plane’s takeoff capability. A new and
improved power plant (J79GE-7) capable of generating up wards of 15,000
pounds of thrust with afterburning was also introduce with this
configuration. Total operational range was achieved at 1,640 nautical
miles. This particular unit suffered from engine failures that caused the
loss of 24 aircraft and nine pilots. Eventually, those problems were
resolve and the version remained in service for nearly 35 years.
4. F-104D: Only 24 ‘D’s were ever produced. This version was basically an
enhance ‘C’ unit with some refinements. It had the same engine and
navigational system of its predecessor. It’s main different was the
absence of the M-61 Gatling Gun.
5. F-104DJ: This unit was an special version develop for the Japanese Air
Self Defense Force. It was fitted with the J79GE-11A engine capable of
generating 15,800lbs of thrust and no Gatling Gun, this was essentially an
upgraded D model. Only 20 units were developed.
6. F-104F: This 30-plane strong batch was developed for the West German
Air Force. Its frame was a replica of the DJ’s one. The standard packaged
of this version was the same of the Super Starfighter (F-104G).
7. F-104G Super Starfighter: The most produced (1,127 total units) member
of the class, the G proved went on to be the standard bear of the
platform. No less than 8 companies (Canadair in Canada, Fiat in Italy,
Fokker in the Netherlands, Lockheed in the US, MBB and Messerschmitt in
West Germany, Mitsubishi in Japan and SABCA/Fairy in Belgium) participated
in the 13 (June 1960 to October 1973) year production run. The Super as
many pilots referred to it, was a modified C version with a reinforce
frame, larger tail area with a fully powered rudder system. It also had
engagement maneuvering flaps with a new avionic package that included the
famous Autonetics F15-A North American Search and Raging System (NASRR).
The model was powered by a revised J79GE-11A engine capable of generating
15,600 pounds of thrust. Maximum speed was Mach 2.2 with an operational
range of 1,628 nm. Another improvement over previous versions was the
incorporation of a more advance navigational system: the Litton LN3.
Introduce in the platform for the first time in its history was an
internal bombing computer linked to the NASRS and the LN3.
8. RF-104GL: This was the tactical reconnaissance version of the ‘G’
model. It had the same fuselage characteristics of the previous unit, but
instead of having its offensive package installed on the nose cone (Vulcan
Cannon); this plane carried the highly sensitive KS-67a camera. It was
also fitted with a flat sided fixed ventral pods for enhance stability.
One hundred and eighty nine (189) ‘GL’s were built by Fiat, Fokker and
Lockheed between 1964 and 1968.
9. TF-104G: Is a common mistake to associate this version with a training
platform due to its ‘T’ designation. But in fact, this was a highly
regarded two setter tactical attack aircraft similar in its performing
envelop to the F-104G. Like the G, it also carried the advance NASRR and
LN3 systems.
10. CF-104: This was a Canadian built version of the ‘G’ model. Internal
characteristics and performing profile matched that of the Super
Starfighter. They had the same NASRR system. Instead of the Vulcan Cannon,
the CF carried the less expensive M61 Gatling Gun. It was powered by a
J79OEL-7 engine (15,800lbs of thrust). Two (200) hundreds units were
built. All by Canadair.
11. CF-104D: Basically a two seat version of the CF without the M61 gun.
Only 38 were developed. Most of them were use as primary trainers.
12. JF-104: This was three unit batch specially modified for NASA and the
US Air Force Strategic Air Command. Aside the inclusion of the NASRR and
LN3 systems in a ‘G’ version fuselage, no additional data exists on this
13. F-104J: Another version built exclusively for the Japanese ASDF. A
total of 209 units, 206 of them by Mitsubishi, were produced. This
particular model is a replica of the ‘G’ model.
14. F-104N: Is another common misconception to believe all attached planes
with the N designation have to become a nuclear delivery platform. Such is
the case with this version. The 104N was a dedicated research aircraft
utilized by NASA to test the limits of air frame endurance at high drag
profiles. Because of the nature of the airplane, no weapon system was
installed. Only three unites were ever built.
15. NF-104A: As with the 104N, this was test bed plane. But instead of
being fielded by NASA, the NF-104A was a US Air Force advance research
units. The one different between those two test aircrafts was that the A
carried a 6,000 pounds thrust rocket in the tail end structure. It also
had extended wing tips as well as a new reaction jet control mechanism. As
before, only three units were built.
16. QF-104A: The Lockheed Company, in conjunction with Sperry Phoenix,
modified 24 F-104As as target drones. These target platforms were use
between the summer of 1968 to the spring of 1973.
17. XF-104: This is the first platform built. Designed and develop by
Lockheed’s famous Skunk Works division, two of this first generation
versions were produce. The unit was powered by a non-afterburning Wright
XJ-65 engine capable of producing 10,200 pounds of thrust. This power
plant gave the XF a top operational speed of Mach 1.78 and a range of 800
nm. Its armament consisted on a M-61 Gatling Gun a K-19 Fire and Control
System and the AN-APG34 Radar.
18. YF-104A: Seventeen (17) units were developed. This was basically an XF
airframe, although a bit larger (54.77 feet compare to 49.17), with a more
powerful engine (J79-GE-3A with 14,800 lbs of thrust). The plane also
featured a newly designed supersonic conical inlets first seen in the XF
19. F-104S: The ‘S’ model
has the distinction of being the last produce version of the Starfighter.
These units, totaling 247, were built by Fiat and were intended sorely for
both, the Italian and Turkish air forces. It was an advance, multi
purposed aircraft capable of acting as an interceptor and/or tactical
bombing platform. The interceptor mode carried an R-21G NASARR system and
the AIM7 Sparrow II and AIM9 Sidewinder I missile. Its frame dimensions
equal that of other F-104s. It had a J79-GE-19 engine (11,800lbs thrust)
capable of generating speed upwards to Mach 2.2. Operational range was
1,589 nm. The production run for these units lasted from December 1968
until March 1979. A modernized ‘S’ version was built in October 1979. Only
three samples were produce. All featuring an updated weapon package, a
Look Down-Shoot Down Radar and the introduction of the Aspide 1A
air-to-air missile.
Jane’s Aircraft Recognition Guide, Gunter Endres and Mike Gething,
HarperCollins, 2002
Skunk Works, Benn R. Rich and Leo Janos, Back Bay Books, 1994