The Battle of Midway,
which began on 4 June 1942, was among the early and very vital actions
of the Pacific war. In this savage encounter the Japanese fleet lost
four aircraft carriers, the Akagi, Hiryu, Kaga and Soryu, these
representing the spearhead of Admiral Yamamoto's naval strike force.
Without them the Japanese fleet was deprived of its initiative and
became a defensive rather than the innovative offence force which had
brought chaos to Pearl Harbour less than seven months earlier. As in
the Battle of the Coral Sea, fought rather less conclusively some four
weeks earlier, the attack and defence of both the Japanese and United
States naval forces had been almost entirely the prerogative of
carrier-based aircraft. US Navy carriers involved in the Battle of
Midway comprised the USS Hornet, Enterprise and Yorktown, the last
being so severely damaged in the action that she became an easy target
for a Japanese submarine two days later.
Forming a proportion of
the naval aircraft which were involved in this action were the first of
the US Navy's monoplane torpedo-bombers, the Douglas TBD Devastator,
and the first operational examples of the newly developed
torpedo-bomber intended to replace it, the Grumman TBF Avenger. For
both of these aircraft types the operation was a disaster with two
squadrons of Devastators almost completely destroyed, and of the six
Avengers in action only one survived. The Devastators were no match for
the Japanese aircraft against which they were ranged and were
thereafter withdrawn from operational service. The Avengers, which had
been intended to reinforce Squadron VT-8's TBD-1s aboard USS Hornet,
arrived at Pearl Harbour after the carrier had sailed. Instead, they
flew to Midway Island and went into action from there.
Clearly, the Devastator
was obsolete and the Avenger's crews lacked adequate experience, for
they had been equipped with these aircraft at Norfolk Naval Air Station
only four weeks earlier. To highlight this latter point, it is
necessary to point out that the Avenger continued in operational use
without the need for any significant modifications as a result of their
deployment at Midway, remaining in US Navy service for some 15 years.

The TBF had originated
in early 1940 when the US Navy initiated a contest to procure a more
modern torpedo-bomber to replace the Douglas TBD Devastator, ordering
two XTBF-1 prototypes from Grumman on 8 April 1940, and two competing
XTBU-1 prototypes from Vought a couple of weeks later. This latter
aircraft was to enter production, built by Consolidated as the TBY Sea
Wolf, but only about 180 of them were built. The XTBF-1 represented
something of a challenge for the Grumman design team headed by Bill
Schwendler, for although the company had produced a number of
successful carrier-based fighters, this was the first attempt to evolve
a torpedo-bomber.
First flown on 1 August
1941, the prototype was seen to be a hefty mid-wing monoplane of
ail-metal construction, except for fabric-covered control surfaces.
Leading-edge slots forward of the ailerons and split trailing-edge
flaps were provided to ensure good low- speed handling characteristics,
despite a comparatively high wing loading. On the Avenger the wing
loading was to be as much as 37 lbs/sq ft (180 kg/m2) by comparison
with 24 Ibs/sq ft (118 kg/m2) for the TBD Devastator. For carrier
stowage the outer wing panels could be folded, or unfolded, with the
locking pins actuated in correct sequence by hydraulic power,
controlled from the pilot's cockpit. The fuselage and tail unit were of
conventional construction, the retractable landing gear of the
tailwheel type. Attachment points for catapult launch, and an
electrically actuated arrester hook were standard. Later versions had
RATO (rocket assisted-take off) provision. The powerplant consisted of
a 1,700 hp (1268 kW) Wright R-2600-8 Cyclone 14 radial engine, driving
a three bladed constant-speed propeller. Accommodation was for a crew
of three (pilot, bomb-aimer and radio-operator/gunner) with a long
transparent canopy covering all positions. All important, of course,
was the armament which comprised of a 7.62 mm (0.30 in) machine gun
firing forward through the propeller disc and controlled by the pilot;
a ventral machine-gun of the same calibre under control of the
bomb-aimer; an a 12.7 mm (0.50 in) gun in a power-operated dorsal
turret controlled by the radio-operator as well a large fuselage weapon
bay with hydraulically actuated doors to accommodate a 22 inch (559 mm)
torpedo or up to 2,000 lbs (907 kg) of bombs.
Flight testing of the
prototype by Grumman was followed by US Navy evaluation which ended
satisfactorily in December 1941. But 12 months prior to that the us
Navy had placed its first production order for 286 TBF-1s, and the
first of these began to enter service on 30 January 1942. Despite the
inauspicious start to the Avenger's career at Midway, the US Navy
procured this aircraft in large numbers, and between first delivery at
the end of January 1942 and December 1943, Grumman were to build a
total of 2,293. These included TBF-1s, basically the same as the
prototypes, and TBF-1Cs, which differed by having two additional 12.7
mm (0.50 in) machine-guns mounted in the wings, and provision for the
carriage of drop tanks. Grumman also built XTBF-2 and XTBF-3 prototypes
with XR-2600-10 and R-2600-20 engines respectively.
Of the above the Royal
Navy received 402 aircraft under Lend-Lease, mostly procured as TBF-1Bs
for this purpose, with No. 832 Squadron of the Fleet Air Arm being the
first to be equipped on 1 January 1943, the aircraft being designated
Tarpon I in British service until January 1944, when they became
re-designated Avenger I. No. 832 Squadron took delivery of its aircraft
at Norfolk Naval Air Station where their crews completed
familiarisation with the type before embarking aboard the USS Saratoga
in April 1943. Two months later they were deployed operationally in
support of US Marine Corps landing in the middle of the Solomon Islands
chain, and this is regarded as the first occasion that FAA (Fleet Air
Arm) aircraft were flown into action from a US Navy carrier. Subsequent
to the equipping of No. 832 Squadron, seven more FAA squadrons took
delivery of their aircraft at US Navy air stations in the USA,
completing training before embarking on escort carriers for the long
journey to Britain. The TBF-1 version was also supplied to the Royal
New Zealand Air Force, which received a total of 63 aircraft.
With the demand for
Avengers considerably exceed- ing Grumman's productive capacity, the
Eastern Division of General Motors, which had established production
lines for the Grumman F4F Wildcat, was selected as a second source of
supply. Avengers with the designations TBM-1 (equivalent to TBF-1) and
TBM-1C (TBF-1C) began to flow from their lines in September 1942, and
the company had produced a total of 7,546 of these and subsequent
versions when its production lines closed down in June 1945. Of these
early versions from General Motors, the Royal Navy received 334 TBM-1s,
these duly being designated Avenger IIs.
General Motors had
produced an XTBM-3 prototype with an R-2600-20 engine, generally
similar to the XTBF-3 built by Grumman. It differed, however, by having
strengthened wings to allow the carriage of rocket projectiles, drop
tanks or radar pod, and many were supplied without the heavy
power-operated dorsal turret. Designated TBM-3, delivery of this
version began in April 1944, and of these the Royal Navy acquired 222
which were identified as Avenger III. These latter aircraft were
particularly useful to the FAA which, despite the torpedo-bomber
categorisation, had rarely deployed its Avengers in such a role.
Instead they had been deployed on anti-submarine patrol, bombing
missions, as rocket-firing strike aircraft and, occasionally, for
mine-laying operations.
FAA Avengers thus saw a
variety of action and proved a valuable and reliable addition to the
Royal Navy's carrier-based forces. Avengers were involved in the Arctic
convoys to supply the Russian ally, during which Avengers of No. 846
Squadron shared in the sinking of two German submarines (U-288 and
U-355) and took part in D-Day preparation and operations, primarily in
an anti-shipping strike role, but their major contribution came in the
Far East, operating as a component of the East Indies ahd Pacific
Fleets. Almost certainly their most important actions were the two
attacks made by 48 aircraft of Nos. 820, 849, 854 and 857 Squadrons on
the Japanese oil refineries at Palembang, Sumatra, on 24 and 29 January
1945, reducing the output of the two plants to the merest trickle at a
moment when every drop of fuel was critical for both the Japanese army
and navy. Many people are unaware of the co-operation and support which
the FAA gave to the Americans in these closing stages of the Pacific
War. Avengers from the carriers HMS Formidable, Illustrious,
Indefatigable, Indomitable and Victorious gave intensive support in
bombing operations against such targets as Formosa and the Japanese
home islands. No. 820 Squadron actually launched an attack on Tokyo.
Apart from the main
production stream of TBF-1/-1C and TBM-1C/-3 aircraft, there were also
small numbers of special versions which resulted from modification
programmes introduced during 1944-5. These included the TBF-1D with
special radar equipment, the TBF-1E with electronics equipment, the
TBF-1L which carried a searchlight in the bomb bay, and the TBF-1CP
equipped with cameras for a reconnaissance role. More or less
equivalent versions were modified from General Motors production
aircraft under the designations TBM-3D, TBM-3E, TBM-3L and TBM-3P
respectively. There was, in addition, a TBM-3H version equipped with
search radar. General Motors also built the prototype of what had been
anticipated as the next production version and this, designated XTBM-4,
differed primarily by having a strengthened fuselage. No production
aircraft were built, however, following contract cancellations after VJ-Day.
But the termination of
production and the end of World War II did not bring to a halt the
career of the Avenger, which still had valuable service to offer during
the difficult postwar years. The major operational version in US Navy
service was the TBM-3E, by then carrying even more advanced radar
equipment for the search and location of submarines, and it is in this
area of activity that the Avengers were used extensively until the
introduction into service of newly developed and highly specialised
aircraft. These were developed to cater for the growing threat from
deep diving nuclear-powered submarines which, in the nuclear-weapons
age, were then becoming regarded, somewhat prematurely, as the ultimate
weapon. Thus TBM-3Ws and TBM-3W-2s carried APS-20 radar in a large
underbelly radome and, in US Navy service, were paired eventually with
TBM-3S and TBM-3S-2 strike aircraft to create submarine hunter-killer
teams. Other postwar conversions included TBM-3Ns for night and
all-weather operation, TBM-3Qs for electronic countermeasures against
enemy radar emitters, TBM-3R seven-seat Avengers for COD (Carrier
On-board Delivery) of priority personnel or urgently needed supplies,
and target-towing TBM-3Us.
In Royal Navy service
the wartime Avengers remained operational in only small numbers after
the end of World War II, serving last with No.828 Squadron until 3 June
1946, but even that did not end the Royal Navy's operational use of
Avengers. As in the USA, there was a growing awareness of the threat
from new-generation submarines, leading to the acquisition from 1953 of
TBM-3Es which entered service first with Nos. 815 and 824 Squadrons
under the designation Avenger AS.4. These aircraft, supplied under the
Mutual Defence Aid Program (MDAP) were followed by later examples,
modified more specifically to Royal Navy requirements, which entered
service as Avenger AS.4s or AS.5s, these remaining in first-line
service until replaced by Fairey Gannets in 1955.
Also under the MDAP,
Avenger variants were supplied after the war for service with the
French Aeronavale, Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force, Royal Canadian
Navy, and the Royal Netherlands Navy. Many post-war Avengers saw
continued civilian service as fire bombers. The Canadian province of
New Brunswick used many of these aircraft (with the weapons bay
converted over to carry a large water tank) until the year 2000, when
finally replaced by more modern aircraft. It is one of these "retired"
New Brunswick aircraft that the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in
Hamilton, is trying to acquire to replace the one lost, ironically, in
a hanger fire a number of years ago.
Chuff; Turkey; Pregnant Beast; Tarpon
Engine: 1,900hp Wright R-2600-20 radial piston engine
Weight: Empty 10,545 lbs.,
Maximum Takeoff 17,895
Wing Span: 54ft. 2in.
Length: 40ft 11.5in.
Height: 15ft 5in.
Maximum Speed at 16,500ft:
Climb Rate: 2060 feet per
Ceiling: 30,100ft
Range: 1000 miles
Two 12.7mm (0.5 in.) forward-firing
machine guns
One 12.7mm (0.5 in.) dorsal-mounted
machine gun
One 7.62mm (0.3 in.)
ventral-mounted machine gun
Up to 2,000lb of bombs in bomb-bay
Wing-mounted rockets / drop tanks /
radar pod
Number Built:
9,836 (7,546 by General Motors)
Number Still
Airworthy: 42 |