
Regulatory Agencies
choose from these
Regulatory Agencies
Regional and Other Regulatory Resources
PMA Issues
Regulatory Agency, Government, and
Related Sites (all links open in new windows)
Airservices Australia Provides
air traffic control, aeronautical information, radar and communications
radio navigation aids, airport rescue and fire fighting, search and
rescue. News, library, publications, jobs, industry information.
Australia Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB)
of Meteorology
Aviation Safety Authority Australia Rules and
regulations, licenses and certificates, contact and general information.
Department of Transport & Regional Service (DOTRS)




Transportation Safety Board of Canada The TSB
is an independent agency created by an Act of Parliament. Its role is
to advance transportation safety through the investigation of
transportation occurrences in the marine, pipeline, rail and aviation

Czech Republic











Aviation Authority The IAA carries out a
range of operational and regulatory functions and services relating to
the safety and technical aspects of civil aviation in Ireland.






The Netherlands

New Zealand




South Africa




United Kingdom
Air Travel Organiser's Licensing ATOL is
managed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and provides consumer
protection based on a UK legal requirement for licensing. It exists to
protect the public from losing money or being stranded abroad because of
the failure of air travel firms.
Aviation Authority The CAA advises the U.K.
Government on aviation issues, represents consumer interests, conducts
economic and scientific research, produces statistical data and provides
specialist services.
Department for Transport
National Air Traffic Services (NATS) The UK's
air traffic service provides safety by ensuring aircraft flying in UK
airspace, and over the eastern part of the North Atlantic, are safely
Safety Regulation Group (SRG) The functional
area within the Civil Aviation Authority entrusted with making sure the
United Kingdom's air safety record is maintained.

United States
Aerospace Technology Enterprise
The NASA Office of Aerospace Technology (OAT) promotes a safer, more
secure, more environmentally friendly, and more efficient air
transportation system, increasing performance of military aircraft and
developing new uses for science or commercial missions.
Airworthy.Org A privately owned organization
of experienced aviation professionals that assist others in locating and
obtaining airworthy related resources on the World Wide Web. Includes
resumes of US Designated Airworthiness Representatives (DAR's),
Designated Engineering Representatives (DER's), Airframe and Powerplant
(A&P) Mechanics and Inspection Authorization (IA) holders, reference
data (CFR, FAA Orders, and Advisory Circulars). Lots of information
about the FAA and regulatory issues.
for Advanced Aviation System Development CAASD
is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) sponsored
by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to perform essential
research and engineering functions.
[DOT] Aviation Consumer Protection Home Page
This U.S. Department of Transportation site offers travel tips and
publications, an air travel consumer report (flight delays, mishandled
baggage, oversales), complaint processing information, and airline
customer service plans.
DOT Office of the General Counsel The US DOT
has opened a section on its web site dedicated to providing more
information to airline passengers. Prospective passengers can review
the on-time performance, the baggage loss ratings and find the address
for the official representative of each airline operating in the USA,
along with travel tips and a fact sheet to help customers find the
lowest available rates.
Department of Homeland Security
Dryden Flight Research Center Flight research
and aircraft operations for current and future aerospace vehicles,
atmospheric flight operations for NASA science platform aircraft,
development and operations for Shuttle and future access-to-space
vehicles. Images, news, projects.
site The home page of the FAA.
Air Traffic Control System Command Center The
ATCSCC Real-time Airport Status page shows general airport conditions
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Aviation Radio
Service Information for aviation radio users,
telecommunications service providers, and radio equipment manufacturers.
Civil Aviation Registry The Registry
(AFS-700) is responsible for developing, maintaining, and operating
national programs for the registration of United States civil aircraft
and certification of airmen. The Aircraft Registration Branch issues
aircraft registration certificates and processes documents affecting
title to or interest in aircraft, engines, propellers, and air carrier
spare part locations and also reserves and assigns all U.S.
identification marks (N-Numbers) to U.S. civil aircraft. The Airmen
Certification Branch issues airmen certificates.
Office of System Safety Safety trend
monitoring, policy advice, focal point for data and research.
Western-Pacific Region
National Transportation Safety Board History,
information, events, press releases, accident reports, safety
statistics, publications.
Office of
Aircraft Services A service organization
within the U.S. Department of the Interior providing centralized
technical and administrative aviation services to Interior customers and
other federal and state agencies. Focusing on aviation safety and
efficiency, OAS also provides oversight for Interior aviation policy.
Transportation Security Administration
Established by the November 19, 2001 Aviation and Transportation
Security Act (ATSA), this U.S. Department
of Transportation unit seeks to protect U.S. transportation systems
to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. The website
offers employment opportunities (such as airport security screener
positions), security regulations and relevant information relating to
transportation security activities, information pertaining to security
and law enforcement operations that is suitable for public distribution,
and information for transportation entities including terminal
operators, airport officials, private transportation businesses
(airlines, trucking companies, shippers, etc) and employees. Travelers
and consumers of transport services will find tips and updates
pertaining to transportation security laws.
Transportation Security Administration Merchandise
Purchase ID lanyards, mugs, pens, luggage tags, apparel.
Department of Transportation


Regional and Other Regulatory Resources
European Aviation Safety Agency EASA is an
agency of the European Union given specific regulatory tasks in the
field of aviation safety. The Agency helps the European Commission to
shape new rules for aviation safety in: certification of aeronautical
products, parts and appliances; approval of organisations and personnel
engaged in the maintenance of these products; approval of air
operations; licensing of air crew; and safety oversight of airports and
air traffic services operators.
Aviation Authorities Information about the
JAA, training catalog, directory, FAQ, publications catalog.

PMA Issues
Pratt & Whitney and General Electric Aircraft Engines
letter to the FAA requesting increased regulatory requirements for
certain parts under FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) regulations.
(2 meg .pdf file.)
Heico letter to the FAA
responding to the P&W and GE letter. (1 meg .pdf file.)