ditching aircraft

The majority of aeroplanes are not designed for ditching!
However, having said that, the statistical chances of
surviving a ditching are high. It is estimated from UK and USA data that 88% of
controlled ditchings result in few injuries to pilots or passengers.
You are more likely to die after ditching by drowning,
usually hastened by hypothermia and exhaustion. By wearing a life jacket in the
aeroplane your survival prospects are greatly improved. However in cold water,
15 degrees Celsius or less, your life expectancy in the water is only about one
If one has to ditch what are the issues?
In general terms it is always preferable to impact the water
as slowly as possible, under full control; don't stall the aeroplane in. Keep
the wings parallel with the surface of the water on impact, i.e. wings level in
calm conditions. One wing tip striking the water first will cause a violent
uncontrollable slewing action.
In ideal conditions you should always ditch into wind because
it provides the lowest speed over the water and therefore causes the lowest
impact damage. This process is effective provided the surface of the water is
flat or if the water is smooth with a very long swell inside which the aeroplane
will come to rest.
If the swell is more severe, including breaking waves, it is
more advisable to ditch along the swell, accepting the cross wind and higher
speed over the water, because this is preferable to ditching into the face of a
wave and nosing in. Ditching into the face of a wave is very likely to cause
extreme damage to the aeroplane and violent deceleration with severe
implications for passengers and crew. The final approach will result in
considerable drift which you must control to achieve the required tracking over
the water. You must be careful to maintain sufficient airspeed to ensure that
any action you take in controlling the path of the aeroplane does not lead to a
stall. You must retain complete control of the aeroplane.
In extremely windy conditions, greater than 20 knots for
light aeroplanes with low stalling speeds or 30 knots or more for heavy
aeroplanes with high stalling speeds, it may be worth ditching into wind to gain
the large reduction in speed over the water. Aim to touchdown on the receding
face of the swell. You may need to compromise between the beneficial effects of
wind and the problems of swell. Advice on judging wind speed is provided at the
end of this article.
In many cases, especially for modern or the more complex
aeroplanes, the aircraft flight manual (or pilot's operating handbook) will
provide detailed handling information for the execution of a ditching. In the
absence of such information you should consider the following:
• Don life jacket if time permits;
• Reduce the aeroplane's weight to a minimum if you have time
and if practicable. This will reduce the stalling speed and therefore your
planned impact speed;
• Ensure landing gear is up and the associated circuit
breaker pulled;
• Dispose of, or restrain, any loose articles in the cabin
which could create a hazard during impact;
• Consider possible airframe distortion on impact and arrange
to have an escape door or hatch open before impact so that you can vacate the
• Make every effort to precisely control airspeed and rate of
descent, both should be as low as possible, consistent with maintaining full
control of the aeroplane. If you are conducting a glide approach you must
consider approaching at a higher speed which will provide the lift energy
necessary for the larger than usual round-out to reduce the rate of descent at
impact to one which is appropriate;
• Ditch into wind if possible otherwise ditch along the swell
(see above), a compromise may be necessary in extreme cases;
• Use flaps set to a medium position to ensure the slowest
speed on impact; flaps also usually induce a lower angle of incidence and
therefore smaller aeroplane body angle when approaching stalling speed thus
providing for a better aeroplane attitude on impact;
• If possible make the approach using power. If the ditching
has to occur because of impending fuel exhaustion make the approach before all
the fuel is expended. A powered approach provides for the greatest potential to
execute a successful round-out and hold off enabling the aeroplane to have
almost no descent rate at impact;
prepared for a violent impact, there will probably be two or more impacts, the
tail end of the aeroplane followed by the entire fuselage.
At night the use of lights could be critical. You should set
the cockpit lights as low as possible to optimise your night vision and
carefully consider the use of landing lights or possibly taxi lights. The very
directional nature of landing lights could cause confusion for the pilot,
whereas the more general light provided by taxi lights may prove more
satisfactory. If the air is misty (a serious probability if there is blowing
spray), the glare of external lights could upset your night vision and prove
more of a hindrance than a help.
One of the most difficult things to get right in a ditching
is judging the height for the round-out and hold-off. Most people will not have
experienced many landings without an undercarriage. Thus you will be used to
seeing a particular attitude at the round-out. In the ditching case that
attitude will be a little different because the aeroplane should be a little bit
closer to the surface to cater for the lack of an undercarriage. You will need
to make some allowance for that. This is where a powered approach can be most
beneficial because you can use power to control that final descent onto the
water. Of course if you fly an aeroplane with a fixed undercarriage you have
another problem which we will consider later.
Judging height over water can be extremely difficult
particularly when the water is calm or on a very dark night. An aneroid
altimeter will be of little use unless you have an accurate QNH. The best device
to use is a radio/radar altimeter if you have one. If all else fails set up a
low rate of descent, less than 200 feet a minute and wait. This is another good
reason for conducting a powered approach if power is available.
Behaviour of the aeroplane on impact

The overall design of an aeroplane has a significant
influence on how it will behave during the ditching impact. As a general rule,
aeroplanes with an almost straight fuselage under surface will behave in a more
benign manner than ones with a swept up rear fuselage. Because of the angle of
attack of the wings near the stall, all aeroplanes have a nose high tail low
attitude near the stall and therefore, if flown correctly, will have such
an attitude as they impact the water. Thus the rear fuselage will impact the
water first, except for fixed undercarriage aeroplanes. If the rear fuselage is
markedly upswept it is not unusual immediately after impact for the aeroplane to
violently pitch up to an almost vertical attitude before violently crashing down
onto the surface and probably nosing under the water.
Aeroplanes with straight under surfaces are less likely to
suffer such a violent pitch up and subsequent violent pitch down.
The use of moderate flap also has an effect as mentioned
above, both reducing touch down speed and aircraft body angle.
Ditching into the face of the swell or into waves should be
avoided because the aeroplane will behave in a similar manner to one impacting a
cliff face.
Aeroplanes with fixed undercarriages strike the water wheels
first. This is most likely to cause violent nose down pitch with the aeroplane
ending up in a near vertical position with the nose buried under the water.
Individual aeroplane design may have a significant effect on this outcome with
aeroplanes with a significant amount of their structure ahead of the main wheels
performing in a less violent manner. Aeroplanes with retractable undercarriages
should always be ditched with the gear retracted unless the flight manual
specifically instructs otherwise.
After the aeroplane has come to rest, high wing aeroplanes
may quickly assume an attitude where most of their fuselage, and therefore you,
is under water. Low wing aeroplanes are more likely to keep the fuselage above
water. How long either type stays in that position before sinking is related to
many issues. It is best to assume that you will have little time, so evacuate
the aeroplane quickly but in an orderly and organised manner. This is best
achieved if all the passengers and crew have been comprehensively briefed during
the descent phase prior to impact so that everyone knows what they have to do
and what their responsibilities are.

Single Swell (15 knot wind) |

Double Swell (15 knot wind) |

Double Swell (30 knot wind) |

(50 knot wind) |

Wind-Swell-Ditch Heading |
Escape from the aeroplane
You have survived the impact now to leave the aeroplane
before it sinks.
Before we begin it may be worth considering how we might best
protect ourselves from the worst effects of the ditching impact. Obviously we
should be well strapped in, if possible using upper body restraint. Even in this
situation our head and legs are not well restrained and are prone to damage with
obvious results. Consideration should be given to protecting the head and legs
by adopting the crash position. Restraining head and leg movement during impact
should be considered. The issue of body protection during severe impact
situations is a large and complex subject which will only be covered in this
article at a superficial level.
Now to leave the aeroplane. As has already been mentioned, it
is best to have a door or hatch wedged open before impact because airframe
distortion may make it difficult if not impossible to open the door after
impact. However, ingress of water during the impact should also be considered
but normally have at least one door or hatch open.
If you have not been wearing your life jacket make sure you
collect it before you leave and put it on as soon as possible. Do not inflate it
inside the aeroplane; it will almost certainly seriously impede your exit.
Collect and deploy life rafts if you have them. Collect all signalling equipment
and survival gear you have, ideally it should all be combined in one or more
convenient packs or included in your life jacket or life raft.
At night it will be advisable to have the cabin lights on.
Survival aspects of ditching
If you have any influence on where you are going to ditch
consider making ease of rescue an issue. Thus if possible ditch near a benign
shoreline if you can't land on solid earth. Ditching near a treacherous
shoreline on the other hand should be avoided. Seek out shipping if any are
within range and try to ensure that they see you. Ditch in the front hemisphere
of the ship though not directly inline with its track!
Strap in tightly, protect head and legs to the best of your
ability. Use pillows, blanket rolls or soft baggage as devices to restrain
excessive and violent movement of your extremities. If you intend to use a life
raft it will be advisable to consider your footwear. Soft shoes and ones with
rubber or other soft soles and heels should be satisfactory but high heel shoes
and ones with hard and angular soles and heels should be discarded. If you are
likely to have to swim discard your shoes.
The overall issues related to survival in order of importance
• Location;
• Water;
• Food.
Before long over-water flights review your plans for ditching
and subsequent survival, and establish what rescue services are available and
how you can optimise their usefulness.
The following suggested coverall check list is provided for
your consideration, it is not designed for your aeroplane or your operation, you
must make your own check list considering the issues raised above and the
information provided in this check list.
• Plan to ditch using power if you have a choice;
• Look for likely rescue sources . ships, shorelines;
• Make Mayday calls, set transponder to 7700;
• Study the wind and sea surface; make a plan of action for
the direction of the ditching manoeuvre;
• Burn off or jettison fuel if possible, ensure aeroplane is
as light as practicable;
• Jettison any freight and other unnecessary heavy objects;
• Brief all crew and passengers, covering their actions and
responsibilities before and after the ditching event including the use of a life
• Ensure all survival equipment is readily accessible,
including your personal locator beacon;
• Ensure there are no loose objects anywhere in the cockpit
or cabin;
• Conduct pre-landing checks, leave undercarriage up unless
it is advised to do otherwise;
• Select an intermediate amount of flap to optimise lift but
not providing high drag, unless advised otherwise;
• Wedge open some doors or hatches;
• Make a final decision on the direction of ditching;
• Set up the final approach not below 500 feet above the
• If you can accurately judge the height of the aeroplane
above the water, round out at the usual round-out height and hold off until
impact, ensure rate of descent is less than 200 feet a minute and wings parallel
with the sea surface, level for a calm surface;
• After the aeroplane stops, vacate, taking all necessary
• Don't inflate life jacket inside the aeroplane.
Ongoing survival considerations
It is no good surviving for a time if
you cannot be found or no one is looking for you, so ensure
that you have a good personal locator beacon, preferably one
that communicates via a satellite, and that someone will miss
you when you don't arrive. Consider activating a locator
beacon before impacting the water.
Survival is a complex issue. Statistics
tell us that only 50% of those that survive the ditching
survive to be rescued. You are advised to seek out specialised
training appropriate to your operation and the climatic
conditions you operate in. What follows are some general
guidelines which in no way can substitute for proper training.
After leaving the aeroplane, survival
is the only issue to consider until rescue arrives. But to
give you the best chance of rejoining civilization you should
have already made a number of important decisions.
Plan for the Worst. The first
decision is to accept that .it could happen to me.. This means
you should be prepared, taking into account the probabilities
Single engine aeroplanes are more
likely to ditch than twin engine aeroplanes. Approved single
engine aeroplanes are most unlikely to ditch. However, any
aeroplane can find itself in a situation where the only option
is to ditch.
Another variable to consider is the
time factor; how long are you flying over water. Crossing a
river is usually going to represent less risk than crossing
the Pacific Ocean, all things being equal.
How should you prepare? First ensure
that air traffic services know you exist and carry your SAR
details, and take at least one personal locator beacon on your
Ensure that you have enough appropriate
life jackets for everyone and possibly a spare or two. Notice
the word .appropriate.. A life jacket not designed for use in
an aeroplane is not appropriate. An airline life jacket will
also not be appropriate in many aerial work or private
operations where the jacket should be worn regularly. If you
are in doubt about which sort of life jacket to use discuss
the matter with an aviation safety equipment supplier or
servicing agent. Your life jacket should be equipped with at
least a whistle and a light. Calling out is much more
difficult than blowing a whistle when you are trying to
attract someone's attention and a light or strobe is
invaluable at night.
Ongoing survival considerations
If the water is cold or you are flying
far away from sources of rescue you would be advised to carry
sufficient life rafts to cater for everybody. You may also
consider using enhanced body protection such as immersion
suits in extreme conditions of cold. Out of the water woollen
clothes retain 50% of their insulating qualities when wet as
opposed to cotton, which retains 10%. In the water only
specialised clothing is likely to provide significant
protection. In or out of the water, any form of hat or head
covering should be used, you lose a great amount of heat from
your exposed head, even a plastic bag will help keep your head
warm. Consider first aid too:
- Start the breathing;
- Stop the bleeding;
- Protect the wound;
- Immobilise the fracture;
- Treat for shock.
If this means little to you consider
getting some first aid training.
You have lived
through the ditching now you have to survive until you are
If possible always wear your life
jacket in the aeroplane, it will prove very difficult to put
on in the confined space after you have suffered an emergency.
If wearing the jacket is not practical be sure you know where
it is and how to get it without delay. >Do not inflate the
life jacket inside the aeroplane
Collect any other survival and signalling equipment you have
provided for yourself and leave the aeroplane. Once outside
inflate the life jacket as soon as possible.
If you do not have a life raft enter
the water and move away from the aeroplane, attempt to keep
close to other people and assist them as best as you can. Make
every effort to keep together including connecting each other
together by a line should you have one. Aeroplane tie down
ropes would be most useful in such circumstances. Ensure you
attach your survival and signalling equipment to yourself.
If you have a life raft attach it to the
aeroplane by a line and deploy it. In high winds and rough
water it will be very easy to lose your life raft as it
deploys and literally blows away. Enter the raft ensuring that
your footwear and other items of apparel do not represent a
risk to the delicate fabric of the life raft. Take all your
survival equipment with you and any other articles which could
be of use. Blankets, warm clothes, rope and the like, but also
consider the weight of this equipment and the buoyancy of your
life raft.
Once everyone is on board together
with your selected equipment, detach the life raft from the
aeroplane and move clear. Obviously, at any time, should the
aeroplane start to sink, immediately detach the life raft.
Ensure the raft'.s sea anchor is deployed as soon as practical,
inflate the floor and erect the canopy to provide added
protection. Attach at least one person to the raft just in
case it overturns. It will make re-boarding easier. Bail out
the water and use the sponge provided to dry the inside of the
raft. Ensure the buoyancy chambers are fully inflated, a hand
pump is provided for the purpose. The chambers should be firm
but not rigid, do not over inflate.
Activate any emergency locator
equipment (one personal locator beacon at a time unless you
become separated) and make yourselves as comfortable as
possible. Consider how long you expect to wait until search
and rescue arrives and make plans accordingly. With a group of
people it is advisable to instigate a shift system to keep a
lookout for searching aircraft and shipping. There should be
somebody performing this essential task at all times of day
and night.
Sort out your signalling equipment to
ensure that it is readily available should a search aircraft
or passing ship arrive in your area. You should educate
yourself on how to use the equipment and in the case of
devices such a heliographs practise using them. Remember that
in the wide expanse of the ocean an individual or even a life
raft is extremely difficult to find. There can be few more
depressing feelings than being missed by a searching aircraft,
so help the searcher all you can.
Make every effort not to become
seasick; vomiting will advance the adverse effects of
dehydration. Seasickness tablets may be a useful item for your
survival pack. Keeping your body adequately hydrated is always
an important physiological aspect of survival.
If you do not have a life raft and find
yourself alone in a vast expanse of water,
do not give up hope. Your will to survive is
the most powerful force to prolong your life In cold water your largest threat is
losing body heat. As quickly as possible perform any manual
tasks before your hands become too cold to function properly.
Ensure your personal locator beacon is activated and if
possible attach it to your life jacket, with the aerial as
vertical as possible. Keep as warm as you can by adopting the
Heat Escaping Lessening Position (HELP). Hold the inner sides
of your arms against the sides of your chest and fold you arms
in front of you to keep the cold water from freely circulating
all around your arms. Hold your thighs together and raise them
slightly to protect the groin, again with the objective of
reducing water circulation around critical parts of the body.
If you are with others huddle together
in small groups of three or four with the sides of your chests
and lower bodies pressed close together. Place children in the
middle of the huddle. In all cases do not swim to retain body
heat, such exercise and associated blood flow will only
accelerate the heat loss process. If you are a strong swimmer
you may consider swimming to a shore but only if it is 1
kms. Otherwise wait for rescue unless none will be coming
because no one knows about you or your predicament.
Even if you do not have a life jacket,
do not give
up hope
Cushions, plastic bottles, boxes, polystyrene pieces, even
plastic bags inflated like a balloon can help.

If survival equipment is dropped to you use
it. It will often consist of two or more attached packs. Climb
on board the life raft and investigate what equipment has been
provided for you and use it as instructed.
8.2 When rescue arrives do not stop
signalling until you are certain they have you in contact.
Then stop signalling. Then:
Remain seated, do
not stand up;
Wait for them to initiate the rescue, do not do
anything on your own initiative;
If a helicopter is making a winching rescue, do
nothing until instructed by the winch man, do not reach out
for the cable;
Do as you are instructed, they are the experts.
Most accidents are preventable with
forethought and competent operation. All accidents are made
more survivable with forethought and competent action.
Make sure you plan your flight
carefully and recheck your calculations, better still get
someone else to recheck your rechecked calculations. Ensure
your aeroplane is fully maintained and that you trust the
person doing that maintenance. Always plan for the worst case
and add a buffer particularly in the quantity of fuel you plan
to uplift. Fuel in the tanker will do you no good! CAAP 234-1
provides good guidance about the minimum fuel you should
carry, but remember that the variable fuel requirement only
caters for 10% to 15% error in wind effect on your flight. Are
you prepared to bet your life on a met forecast?
If you have to ditch, use your
pre-planned checklist and do what it says.
Employ the survival advice you have
gained from previous training.
Plan and prepare for the worst, you are
worth it!
Wind Speed
Appearance of Sea
Effect on
Ditching |
0-6 knots
Glassy calm to small
ripples |
Height very
difficult to judge above glassy surface. Ditch parallel to swell
7-10 knots
Small waves; few if
any white caps |
Ditch parallel to
swell |
11-21 knots
Larger waves with
many white caps |
Use headwind
component but still ditch along general line of swell |
22-33 knots
Medium to large
waves, some foam crests, numerous white caps |
Ditch into wind on
crest or downslope of swell |
34 knots and above
Large waves, streaks
of foam, wave crests forming spindrift |
Ditch into wind on
crest or downslope of swell. Avoid at all costs ditching into face of rising
swell |
Note: The effects on ditching mentioned in
the table are appropriate for light aeroplanes only.
Power-off Ditching:
- RADIO--TRANSMIT MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz or any other frequency, if able,
giving location and intentions.
- WING FLAPS--AS DESIRED (Flaps up recommended).
- APPROACH--INTO THE WIND. Except in light winds and heavy swells, in which
- HARNESS--SECURE. Brief passengers without shoulder harness to remove
eyeglasses and cushion face with folded coat or blanket just prior to
touchdown. Don life vests if practical. Do not inflate prior to egress.
- AIRSPEED--80 KIAS (Flaps up). 70 KIAS (Flaps down).
parallel to water if landing along swells. If able, kick drift off with rudder
prior to touchdown.
- AIRPLANE--EVACUATE through any available exit. If necessary, open window
and flood cabin to equalize pressure so doors can be opened.
Expect one or more preliminary light skips before the
principal impact with the water. The principal water im pact may be severe. Do
not unfasten the harness too early. Do not inflate the flotation gear prior to
exiting the airplane. Under some light wind conditions, glassy water may make
judging the height above water surface very difficult. The above procedure is
generally the best way to make a water landing without power. In glassy water
situations, make every effort to use other cues, such as floating objects or
shorelines, to judge height above water.
Power-on Ditching:
- RADIO--TRANSMIT MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz or any other frequency, if able,
giving location and intentions.
- WING FLAPS--AS DESIRED (Flaps down recommended).
- APPROACH--INTO THE WIND. Except in light winds and heavy swells, then LAND
- HARNESS--SECURE. Brief passengers without shoulder harness to remove
eyeglasses and cushion face with folded coat or blanket just prior to
touchdown. Don life vests. Do not inflate prior to egress.
- AIRSPEED--60 KIAS (Flaps down).
Keep wings parallel to water if landing along swells. If able, kick drift off
with rudder prior to touchdown.
- AIRPLANE--EVACUATE through any available exit. If necessary, open window
and flood cabin to equalize pressure so doors can be opened.
Expect one or more preliminary light skips before the
principal impact with the water. The principal water impact may be severe. Do
not unfasten the harness too early. Do not inflate the flotation gear prior to
exiting the airplane. The touchdown technique is a no-flare power touchdown.
Glassy water may make judging the height above the water surface very difficult.
With power available, do not attempt to guess the point at which to flare, but
allow the airplane to fly itself into the water at minimum safe speed with
sufficient power to keep descent rate at a safe level.