aircraft accident and incident reports Aircraft accidents are
investigated by both the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Each agency has specific
responsibilities and functions in the investigation of an accident and
each prepares a report of their findings.
The NTSB has the responsibility to determine the cause of the accident
and to provide Safety Recommendations to the FAA or other entities as to
how to avoid other accidents due to that cause. The FAA investigates an
accident or incident to determine whether or not any Federal Aviation
Regulation, FAA policy, or standard has a defect or needs to be changed
or modified. These programs include such areas as pilot certification,
aircraft certification, operating rules, etc. Both agencies work very
closely with many other groups such as manufacturers, pilot groups,
industry organizations, etc., in order to accurately determine the cause
of the accident.
The FAA investigates all accidents and incidents to some extent based on
the specific situation. The minimum report which will be produced by the
FAA is an Initial Notification followed by a Preliminary Report. These
reports are normally available in a matter of days and in some cases
these will be the only reports produced. The NTSB prepares reports on
selected accidents, normally those of a serious or significant nature
based on the current NTSB criteria. In many cases, the NTSB delegates the
investigation and completion of the report to the FAA. Most NTSB reports
are available in about six months, however, reports concerning major
accidents may not be available for a year or more.
The general aviation aircraft owner or pilot can gain some insight into
the causes of accidents by reviewing accident reports and summaries
contained in most aviation magazines. A number of aviation organizations
such as the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) and the Aircraft
Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) also provide selected reports to
their members. NTSB reports can be reviewed on the Internet by accessing
the NTSB web site at "http://www.ntsb.gov" once the report is final.
Daily initial notification reports from the FAA can be viewed on the EAA
sponsored Internet web site at "http://www.safetydata.com". A good method
of tracking a particular accident is to check the Initial Notification
reports on the EAA web site, note the aircraft registration, the date,
and the location of the accident and then access the NTSB web site
several months later with that information to find the final NTSB cause
The FAA will review the accident reports to identify trends and specific
areas that appear to be causing accidents. For example, 64% of the
general aviation accidents over the past 20 years are directly
attributable to the pilot. The FAA has developed a number of specific
programs to alert pilots to these areas and to require additional
training in certain areas. Trends such as an increase in powerline
strikes will prompt the FAA to provide training aids such as videos to
the aviation community in an effort to decrease this type of accident.
Additionally, the FAA will use the results of an accident investigation
to identify specific problems which may require the issuance of
Airworthiness Directives (AD), or Special Airworthiness Information
Bulletins (SAIB). The product manufacturer may also issue special
instructions in the form of Service Bulletins (SB) and Service Letters
The general aviation pilot can review the accident record of a particular
model to help him/her to determine whether or not that model requires
additional training because of certain operational characteristics. An
example could be, a particular model aircraft has a large number of loss
of directional control on landing/takeoff accidents that were pilot
induced. This should be an indicator to the pilot changing to that
particular model of aircraft that additional training in ground handling
should be sought prior to flight in that aircraft. Pilots of
amateur-built aircraft should participate in such programs as the EAA
Flight Advisor Program to assure themselves that they are proficient in
the varied handling characteristics of this type of aircraft.