seaplane pilots’ model code of conduct
reprinted with permission from
©2006This document
and its
concept is fully supported by the staff of Pilotfriend. We believe that a
code of conduct has been rather long in coming and this proposal is an
excellent start.

voluntary practices for seaplane pilots to advance flight safety,
airmanship and the aviation community
The Seaplane Pilots’ Model Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct) presents
broad guidance and recommendations for seaplane pilots to improve
airmanship, flight safety, and to sustain and improve the seaplane
The Code of Conduct presents a vision of excellence in seaplane aviation.
Its principles both complement and supplement what is merely legal. The
Code of Conduct is not a “standard” and not intended to be implemented as
The Principles:
The Code of Conduct consists of the following seven sections (each
containing principles and sample recommended practices):
General Responsibilities of Seaplane Aviators
Care of Passengers and People Near the Seaplane
Training and Proficiency
Environmental Issues
of Technology
Advancement and Promotion of Seaplane aviation
Sample Recommended Practices:
further the effective use of the Code of Conduct’s principles, Sample
Recommended Practices offer examples of ways pilots might integrate the
principles into their own practices. The Sample Recommended Practices
(which include selected personal minimums) can help seaplane pilots and
organizations develop practices uniquely suited to their own activities
and situations. Unlike the Code of Conduct principles themselves, the
Sample Recommended Practices may be modified to satisfy the unique
capabilities and requirements of each pilot, mission, aircraft and
seaplane organization. Some Sample Recommended Practices exceed the
stringency of their associated Code of Conduct principles.
are not presented in any particular order, except that instrument flight
rule (IFR) specific Sample Recommended Practices appear last.
Note: Approach/departure IFR and night seaplane operations are not
authorized in some jurisdictions, such as in Canada (except for authorized
IFR pilots operating enroute or in amphibious aircraft).
Benefits of the Code of Conduct:
The Code of Conduct benefits seaplane pilots and the seaplane community
highlighting important practices that will help seaplane pilots become
better, safer aviators,
addressing individual seaplane pilot's roles within the larger GA
community, by examining issues such as improved pilot training, better
airmanship, desired pilot conduct and pilots’ contributions to the
seaplane community and society at large,
encouraging the development and adoption of ethical guidelines,
advancing self-regulation by the seaplane community instead of burdensome
governmental regulation, and
promoting seaplane aviation and making seaplane flying a more rewarding
Seaplane Pilots’ Model
Code of Conduct - Principles
General Responsibilities of Seaplane Aviators
Seaplane pilots should:
make safety their number one priority,
seek excellence in airmanship and seamanship,
develop and exercise good judgment,
recognize and manage risks effectively,
adhere to prudent operating practices and personal operating parameters
(e.g., minimums),
aspire to professionalism,
with responsibility and courtesy, and
adhere to applicable laws and regulations.
Explanation: Code of Conduct Section I serves as a preamble to and
umbrella for the Code of Conduct’s other principles. It emphasizes safety,
excellence, risk management, responsibility, and lays the foundation for
accountability and heightened diligence.
Sample Recommended Practices:
Approach flying with the utmost seriousness and diligence, recognizing
that your life and the lives of your passengers and others depend on you.
Recognize, accept and plan for the costs of implementing proper safety
practices (often greater than expected).
Identify prevailing conditions and adapt to changing in-flight conditions
based on sound principles of airmanship and risk management.
Recognize the increased risks associated with glassy water (causing
reduced depth perception) and rough-water/open-sea conditions, and/or
with flying in inclement weather, at night, and over rugged, mountainous
or forested terrain. Take steps to manage those risks effectively and
prudently without exceeding personal parameters
Recognize the extreme risks associated with night water operations (due
to the inability to see the surface and obstructions).
Develop, use, periodically review and refine personal checklists and
personal minimums for all phases of seaplane operations. Seek the input
and review of these materials by a certificated flight
instructor/experienced seaplane pilot.
Recognize and respond to the inherent differences in flying a seaplane
out of the system (e.g., out of controlled airspace).
Commit to making personal wellness a precondition of flying
Know your personal susceptibility to hypoxia; carry supplemental oxygen
on flights where its use may benefit you or your passengers; and
establish O2 personal minimums—for example, daytime above 8,000 ft. MSL
and night time above 5,000 ft. MSL.
and be seen. Employ techniques for seeing other aircraft, such as
scanning, and techniques to enhance your own visibility to avoid other
aircraft, such as the use of radio, lights, and strobes (except while
taxiing or in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC)).
Minimize turns and manoeuvres below 500 feet AGL (except as required for
landings and obstacle departure procedures).
Comply with or exceed the requirements for mandatory inspections and
Airworthiness Directives (ADs), and voluntarily adhere to manufacturers’
recommended inspections, service bulletins and checklists.
cross-country operations, identify alternate landing sites and available
fuel along the planned route prior to departure should deteriorating
weather or other emergency circumstances make continued flight unsafe.
Adhere to applicable flying club/school and FBO/flight centre rules and
operating practices.
Recognize that a seaplane is particularly susceptible to ice loading due
to the float-related surfaces.
Develop and adhere to personal conservative operating parameters, such as
the following personal minimums:
Minimum descent altitude/decision height (MDA/DH) - exercise extreme
caution and voluntarily limit approaches where ceilings are under 800 ft.
AGL and visibility is under 1 mi. for under 1,000 ft. AGL and visibility
is under 3 mi. for circling approaches. Never execute a circling approach
at night unless there is no alternative and you are capable of safely
executing such an approach. In deteriorating weather conditions and at
night, observe higher minimums.
Approaches - limit approaches to a maximum of two (in the same location
under the same or deteriorating weather conditions) and do not
prematurely cancel IFR. In an unstable approach inside the Final
Approach Fix in IMC, execute the missed approach procedure.
Departures - select a “departure alternate” landing site (for emergency
landings just after departure), and depart only in conditions above
applicable arrival or departure minimums (unless a nearby airport has an
available ILS).
Night operations – recognize the increased risks associated with night
operations and fly IFR whenever practical at night (if rated and
Top of page

Passengers and People
Near the Seaplane
Seaplane pilots should:
maintain passenger safety first and then reasonable passenger comfort,
manage risks and avoid unnecessary risks to passengers and to people and
property near the seaplane,
brief passengers on planned flight procedures and inform them of any
significant or unusual risks associated with the flight,
seek to prevent unsafe conduct by passengers, and
avoid operations that may alarm or annoy passengers or people near the
Explanation: You are solely responsible for the safety and comfort of
your passengers. Passengers place their lives in pilots' hands, and pilots
should exercise sufficient care on their behalf. Such care includes, but
is not limited to, disclosing unusual risks and exercising prudent risk
management. Pilot responsibility also extends to people near your
Sample Recommended Practices:
Keep your passengers as safe as possible—as though they were your closest
loved ones.
Aspire to act toward your passengers with professionalism.
Complete a comprehensive, professional passenger briefing using a
checklist as an aide.
Seek to improve safety margins, and always act conservatively to maintain
flight safety.
Tactfully disclose risks to each passenger and accept a prospective
passenger’s decision to refrain from participating.
Require that passengers wear seat belts and shoulder harnesses, and
consider the use of headsets (or ear plugs) during flight operations.
Require each passenger to wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD), and to
understand its operation and limitations, including the dangers of PDF
inflation prior to egressing the aircraft.
Become familiar with and if feasible consider obtaining favourable
insurance coverage for passengers and urge passengers to do so as well.
Instruct passengers to avoid touching or obstructing critical flight
Encourage passengers to serve as safety resources – for example, by
having them identify nearby aircraft/watercraft, organizing charts, and
keep track of landmarks.
Screen unfamiliar passengers for safety and security purposes.
Plan and conduct seaplane operations (including take-offs, approaches and
landings) to minimize concerns and fears of passengers and parties in
watercraft and on the surface.
not over-fly boats or people below tree-top level.
Neither land behind nor taxi alongside a sailboat as it may turn across
the wind without warning. Give wide-berth to personal watercraft. Assume
that watercraft do not see you.
Neither land near an idle ski boat nor a boat pulling or retrieving a
Maintain proficiency at recognizing wind direction and water conditions
for water operations.
Recognize and respond to the special weight and balance issues affecting
Become familiar with applicable boaters’ handbooks and regulations.
Become a proficient swimmer/lifesaver and learn cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).
Complete an underwater egress course and become proficient in such
Provide an instructive passenger briefing in advance of the flight.
Determine the applicable experience, background and concerns of each
passenger and incorporate them into the pre-flight briefing and flight
Brief passengers on underwater egress procedures, and have each passenger
locate and open the nearest door with their eyes closed. Advise
passengers that assistance may not be available when egressing the
airplane in an emergency.
Exercise extreme caution when permitting passengers to assist in
practicable, with passengers, consider using available precision
approaches when flying in IMC or at night.
Top of page
Training and
Seaplane pilots should:
participate in training to maintain and improve proficiency beyond
satisfying minimum legal requirements,
participate in flight safety education programmes,
with vigilance and avoid complacency,
train to recognize and deal effectively with emergencies, and
accurately log hours flown and manoeuvres practiced to satisfy training
and currency requirements.
Explanation: Training and proficiency underlie aviation safety.
Recurrent training is a major component of flight safety. Such training
includes both air and ground training. Each contributes significantly to
flight safety and neither can substitute for the other. Training
sufficient to promote flight safety may well exceed what is required by
Sample Recommended Practices:
Pursuing a rigorous, life-long course of aviation study.
Follow and periodically review programs of study or series of training
exercises to improve proficiency. Adhere to a training regime that will
yield new ratings, certifications and endorsements—or at the very least,
greater flight proficiency.
Train for flight in unique environments such as over water, remote or
desert, and mountainous terrain, Train for survival and carry adequate
(water-proofed) survival equipment and appropriate water-resistant and
warm clothing. Seek the advice of search and rescue or experienced
seaplane pilots who have survived incidents.
Know your aircraft's performance limitations, how to plan flights and
determine fuel requirements.
Achieve and maintain proficiency in the efficient and functional
operation of technology-intensive aviation equipment.
Know current aviation regulations and understand their implications and
rationale. Spend time each month reviewing the aviation regulations.
Understand and comply with the privileges and limitations of your pilot
Attend aviation training programs offered by industry organizations or
your civil aviation authority.
Participate in your civil aviation authority Pilot Proficiency Programmes
if available.
Keep up to date with diverse and relevant aviation publications.
Study and develop a practical knowledge of aviation weather.
Each month, review reports of recent or nearby accidents or incidents,
focusing on contributing factors.
Demonstrate conformance periodically to applicable civil aviation
authority practical test standards periodically, and complete additional
training as necessary to exceed those minimum standards.
Before attempting a cross-country flight or carrying passengers in an
unfamiliar aircraft, complete at least one training flight in that
unfamiliar aircraft model, and discern differences among similar aircraft
(that is, same make and model but varying tail numbers).
Avoid practicing training manoeuvres near highly populated areas.
Seek to fly at least once every two weeks and at least one night a month
from land (for amphibious seaplanes), to include at least three take-offs
and landings, or else refrain from flying at night.
Develop a practical knowledge of the mechanics and systems of each
aircraft you fly.
Join a “type club” appropriate to the aircraft you fly to learn more
about it (for example, the Cessna Pilots Association, Lake Amphibian
Flyers Club or other aircraft-specific club).
Complete the equivalent of a Flight Review annually rather than every two
years and, if instrument rated, an instrument proficiency check every six
Maintain currency including for day, night and IFR operations that
exceeds minimum regulatory requirements.
Register with your Civil Aviation Authority for safety meeting
announcements and safety literature.
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Seaplane pilots should:
seek to maintain the security of all persons and property associated with
their aviation activities,
remain vigilant and immediately report suspicious, reckless or illegal
secure their aircraft to prevent unauthorized use, and
avoid special-use airspace except when approved or necessary in an
Explanation: This Section addresses preventing criminal acts and
promoting national security. The events of 9/11 have had a profound impact
on aviation in some countries and have created demands for responsive
action. Enhanced security awareness by aviators is a stark new reality for
the seaplane community in some countries. Accordingly, this section
responds proactively to various new threats and vulnerabilities.
Sample Recommended Practices:
Check thoroughly for temporary flight restrictions before every flight
and in-flight during long flights.
a transponder (with altitude encoding) except when not authorized.
additional or enhanced locks or other anti-theft devices to secure all
When carrying passengers who are not well known to the pilot, examine
passenger carry-on bags for dangerous materials.
Confirm that ramp access gates are closed securely behind you to prevent
“tailgating” by unauthorized persons.
Become familiar with your local Airport Watch or similar organisation and
other means to report and deter suspicious activities.
Report flight safety hazards or anomalies (such as inoperative VORs and
poor radio coverage) and security concerns to the appropriate
VFR “flight following” (in Europe, “Flight Information Service”) when
Always file a flight plan for cross country flights. Avoid deviating from
an active flight plan (both IFR and VFR) or from a clearance without
notifying ATC.
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5 Environmental Issues
Seaplane pilots should:
recognize and seek to mitigate the environmental impact of aircraft
minimize the discharge of fuel, oil and other chemicals into the
environment, particularly during refuelling, pre-flight preparations and
avoid environmentally sensitive areas, and
mitigate aircraft noise in populated or other noise-sensitive areas and
comply with applicable noise-abatement procedures.
Explanation: Mitigation of pollution caused by aviation activities is
important both to the general public, to minimize harm to the environment,
and to the seaplane community, to avoid unfavourable public perceptions.
Indeed, environmental issues such as noise pollution can close waterways
and airports, and otherwise jeopardize seaplane aviation. Other
environmental impacts of seaplane aviation have garnered less attention
but nevertheless deserve emphasis.
Sample Recommended Practices:
a Gasoline Analysis Test Separator jar for all fuel sampling and return
fuel samples to the fuel tanks or dispose of them properly.
Learn and adopt environmentally responsible methods for all aspects of
aircraft care, especially degreasing aircraft and handling run-off.
Keep fuel absorbent material on board the seaplane and be prepared to
respond immediately to fuel or oil spills in the water.
Prevent the transfer of invasive species between water environments.
Learn relevant applicable local noise abatement procedures and adhere to
them whenever it is safe to do so.
aware of the noise signature of your seaplane and follow procedures to
reduce noise, such as reducing engine power and propeller RPM, as soon as
practicable after takeoff.
Limit approaches to a maximum of two (in one location) when practicing
splash-and-gos to prevent annoying people on the surface.
Maintain adequate clearance from populated areas to reduce noise to
persons near to the shore.
Conform to recommended practices (such as those of the National Park
Service) when flying near wilderness and environmentally sensitive areas.
Consider the impact of aircraft on wildlife and people on the surface.
Patronize service providers (such as FBOs, repair services and aircraft
cleaners) that adhere to environmentally friendly practices.
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6 Use of Technology
Seaplane pilots should:
become familiar with and properly use appropriate available
cost-effective technologies,
monitor applicable airport advisory frequencies and report position when
approaching non-towered or unattended airports, seaplane bases and
seaplane landing areas, and other higher-risk areas,
transponders or next-generation position-indicating technologies during
in-flight operations unless otherwise authorized by ATC, inoperable, or
not equipped, and use ATC “flight following” for VFR enroute operations,
carry redundant transceivers and navigational equipment and use them in
appropriate circumstances.
Explanation: Innovative, compact, inexpensive technologies have
greatly expanded the capabilities of seaplanes. This Section encourages
the use of such safety-enhancing technologies.
Sample Recommended Practices:
radios and transponders consistently, except when not authorized.
When practicable, invest in new technologies that advance flight safety,
and train to use them properly. Learn and understand the features and
limitations of such technologies.
Keep a back-up (portable or permanently installed) radio/navigation aid
accessible (including extra batteries or a back-up power supply) during
all flight operations.
Maintain all avionics and flight instruments to keep them operational,
current and approved for the intended flight.
VFR “flight following” whenever practicable.
Maintain competency and proficiency in “conventional” flight planning and
operations to enhance flight safety in the event of the failure or
unavailability of advanced technologies or services.
Consider the safety benefits of a gear advisory system for your
Recognize the safety benefits of cell and satellite phones for water and
remote operations.
Recognize that programming navigation systems in flight may distract
pilots from other pilot duties and increase programming errors.
Avoid programming navigation systems while taxiing (for single pilot
Whenever practicable, avoid flying in or near level 2 (or higher) weather
radar returns, especially when convection is present or expected.
IMC and at night, operate with an operational autopilot or a qualified
second pilot if possible.
IMC, operate with attitude-indicator (AI) system redundancy if
practicable and maintain partial-panel proficiency.
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7 Advancement and
Promotion of Seaplane aviation
Seaplane pilots should:
advance and promote seaplane aviation, safety, and adherence to the Code
of Conduct,
volunteer in and contribute to organizations that promote seaplane
aviation, and use their aviation skills to contribute to society at
demonstrate appreciation for aviation service providers,
advance a seaplane aviation culture that values openness, humility,
positive attitudes, and the pursuit of personal improvement, and
promote ethical behaviour within the seaplane community.
Explanation: Seaplane (and other GA) operations have a well-recognized
(and undeserved) public relations problem that is, in many respects,
worsening. Vigilance and responsive action by the seaplane community are
essential to ensure its vitality and to enhance the aviation experience
for both you and for others.
Sample Recommended Practices:
Advance the endearment of the seaplane community to the coastal and
maritime fraternities.
Endear the seaplane community to the boating public as a valuable
Strive to conform fully to the Code of Conduct.
Approach your water operations as if you are an invited guest on the
Serve as a seaplane aviation ambassador to the public by providing
accurate information and refuting misinformation concerning seaplane
activities, and by encouraging potential student pilots.
Volunteer in support of seaplane aviation.
Consider joining and actively participating in local boating
organizations and the Coast Guard.
Make charitable use of your aviation resources (for example, by
transporting persons seeking medical care or donating flight time to
youth and environmental programs).
Express appreciation to controllers and service personnel for their
assistance and good service.
Participate in aviation-related fund-raising events.
Invite constructive criticism from your fellow aviators (and provide the
same when asked).
Adhere to the highest ethical principles in all aviation dealings,
including business practices.
Seek to resolve disputes informally and congenially.
AD |
Airworthiness Directive |
Above Ground Level |
Air Traffic Control |
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
Fixed Base Operator (servicing) |
GA |
General Aviation |
Instrument Flight Rules |
Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
Instrument Proficiency Check |
Min. Descent Altitude/Decision Height |
Personal Flotation Device |
Practical Test Standards |
Temporary Flight Restrictions |
Visual Flight Rules |
Visual Meteorological Conditions |
The PilotFriend.com
Code of Conduct implementation
is a customized version of the
Seaplane Pilots’
Model Code of Conduct created by
Michael S. Baum. ©2003-2006 Michael S. Baum. All Rights
Reserved. Terms of Use are available at
http://www.secureav.com .
Pilots and the aviation community may use the
Pilots’ Model Code of Conduct as a
resource for code of conduct development, although it is recommended that
this be supported by independent research on the suitability of its
principles for specific or local applications and situations. It is not
intended to provide legal advice and must not be relied upon as such.
Edits, Errata, Comments
Seaplane Pilots’
Model Code of Conduct is a living
document, intended to be updated periodically to reflect changes in
aviation practices and the aviation environment. Please send your
suggestions, edits, errata, questions and comments to:
PEB@secureav.com .
Seaplane Pilots’
Model Code of Conduct has had the
benefit of extensive editorial comment and suggestions by a diverse body
of the seaplane community, and beyond.
See “Acknowledgments” at <
>. The
Seaplane Pilots’ Model Code of Conduct
Drafting Group included: Michael S. Baum, Robert B. Curtis, Prof. Dale
DeRemer, Ray Hawco, David Wiley, and Walter B. Windus. The Permanent
Editorial Board of the Code of Conduct is presented at
http://www.secureav.com/PEB.pdf . |